Past Events | Page 373 | College of Arts

Past Events

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National Kids Cancer Ride

Don- Please open at 8 am and close at 3pm Booked b y Ryan Norris ext 56300 Department of Integrative Biology This is a fund raiser for The National Kids Cancer Ride, hosted by The Coast to Coast Foun dation Coast to Coast covers the insurance, we are not liable in any way. Teams participant on stationary bikes, 180 participants, plus 30-40 vol unteers.

Ontario Engineering Competition

Don to open Atrium for 7:30 am and to close for 6:00pm. Graham Aikenhead 416 962-3460/Dan Roth Co-sponso red event Rental fee $750.00

ON Eng Competition Set Up

Brad Dixon booked the Friday night for set up for Sat. They plan to move tables and store in the Dean's office and Counselling offices. There is an additional charge of $375 for the use of the Atrium for the Frid ay night.

ASTRA /Massimo Pigliucci

Close early for set up!! Email Margaret to post signs! nPublic event


Booked by Sam K ext54703

Noon Hour Lecture

Bob McDonald, Quirks and Quarks, CBC Earth,Profile of a Planet Josef Ackerman- Faculty of Environmental Sciences e xt54809 Open to public Featuring guest lectures Oct.16,Nov.20,Jan.13,Feb.12, and Mar.19 to students over the lunch hour. May involve some mov ement of chairs.

Festive Season Reception

CBS Festive Reception booked by Toni P Private, ask Mar garet to post a sign.

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