Summer 2019 Workplace Learning in the History Department
History department has a number of exciting Hist*3480 Workplace Learning courses on offer for Summer 2019 semester.
History department has a number of exciting Hist*3480 Workplace Learning courses on offer for Summer 2019 semester.
We are proud to present our Rural History Round table series for the winter semester; sponsored by the Francis and Ruth Redelmeier Professorship in Rural History.
with Liu Xiaoli, Okada Hideki, Zhang Quan, Ōkubo Akio, Kim Jaeyong, Ronald Suleski, Li Haiying, Chen Yan, and Chen Shi. Wei Man wenxue ciliao zhengli yu yanjiu congshu (Manchukuo Literary Materials Compilation and Research Collection). Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe, 2017 (34 volumes) & his edited Empire and Environment in the Making of Manchuria. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017 are out in the bookstores.
Four of these research projects, including by Professors Tara Abraham (R), Catherine Carstairs (T), Alan Gordon(B), and Sofie Lachapelle (L), have been awarded SSHRC IG and Connection grants
Featuring The Jill Mackenzie Lecture by Dr Catriona M.M. Macdonald, Reader in Late Modern Scottish history at the University of Glasgow
The History Department’s Rural History Roundtable Speakers Series, Winter 2018, has an illustrious lineup of speakers that includes Professor, Fabio Faria Mendes, Professor Kris Inwood, Dr. David Klassen, Professor Jan Hadlaw, Author Ben Bradley, and Emeritus Professor Doug McCalla, formerly Canada Research Chair in Rural History, University of Guelph.
HIST*3480 WORKPLACE LEARNING is an independent study course based on either History related voluntary or paid workplace experience. Students combine scholarly research and reflection with applied on-the-job experience.
The History Department Trivia Night is always a fun event. It is happening on November 14th, 7:30 pm at the Brass Taps. The questions will be devised by our own grad students! All proceeds will go to the United Way.
"… sports coaches, movie producers, farmworkers, mechanical engineers, software developers, and many others working in fields where a history PhD is definitely not the prerequisite. . . . [H]ow [does] their training as historians shape their careers[?]"
Fall 2017 Rural History Round table Speakers Series
Location: MacKinnon Building, Room 132, University of Guelph