Histories of Canada Since 1867 [In-person & virtual formats available] (HIST*2600) | College of Arts

Histories of Canada Since 1867 [In-person & virtual formats available] (HIST*2600)

Code and section: HIST*2600*01

Term: Winter 2022

Instructor: Catherine Carstairs


Hist*2600: Histories of Canada since 1867
Instructor: Dr. Catherine Carstairs
e-mail: ccarstai@uoguelph.ca

Course Delivery :

This class has two lectures and a seminar each week.  

  • The in-person lectures will be recorded (and posted later for online review). Students are strongly encouraged to attend lecture in-person whenever possible.  
  • Students can enroll in a virtual-format seminar or in an in-person format seminar during course registration. Students will be expected to attend the seminar they register for for the duration of the semester and will not be able to switch back and forth between virtual and in-person seminars.  

Course Synopsis:

This course studies political, economic, social, and cultural developments in post-Confederation Canadian history, including the intertwined histories of Indigenous peoples.

Methods of Evaluation and Weights:

Seminar Discussion and Participation - 15%
Essay 1 (5 pages) –25 %
Essay 2 (5-6 Pages) – 30%
Exam- 30%

Texts and/or Resources Required:

There is no textbook for the class.  All assigned readings will be available through Ares.

**Please note:  This is a preliminary web course description only.  The department reserves the right to change without notice any information in this description.  The final, binding course outline will be distributed in the first class of the semester.**