Lives of Women & Chickens in Botswana: Alice Hovorka at Rural History Roundtable | College of Arts

Lives of Women & Chickens in Botswana: Alice Hovorka at Rural History Roundtable

Date and Time


308 MacKinnon


On Thursday, October 31st Alice J. Hovorka appears at the Rural History Roundtable: “The Lives of Women and Chickens in Botswana: Intersections, Hierarchies, and Everyday Lives." The talk takes place at 2:30 -4:30 pm in 308 MacKinnon Building at the University of Guelph main campus. Dr. Alice J. Hovorka is an Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Guelph. Her research focuses on contemporary human-environment relations in Southern Africa and features animals as central actors in human affairs. All welcome!