Young Turks and the Russo-Japanese War: Renée Worringer at MESS | College of Arts

Young Turks and the Russo-Japanese War: Renée Worringer at MESS

Date and Time


223 MacKinnon Bldg.


Our last Middle East Scholars Society event for this yrear will be on Thursday March 27 and we will have our Renée Worringer speaking: "Rising Sun over Bear: The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) upon the Young Turks."

Date: Thursday, March 27, 2014
Time: 5:00pm
Location: MacKinnon 223

The event is free and open to the public. I hope you will be able to attend the lecture, and that you also might help us publicize it by circulating the attached flyer to interested colleagues. Please see the attached flyer .pdf.

File Attachments

PDF icon Rising Sun over Bear.Mess_.March27.pdf210.21 KB