Clarence Munford

Ph.D. Karl Marx University, Leipzig, 1962
M.A. Western Reserve, 1960
B.A. Western Reserve, 1959
University of Guelph,1966 -
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Karl Marx University, Leipzig
Black History
United States, Caribbean, Africa
American Crucible: Black Enslavement, White Capitalism, and Imperial Globalization; An Interpretation of Western Civilization since 1441 (Africa World Press, 2009)
Race and Civilization: The Rebirth of Black Centrality (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2001).
Race and Reparations: A Black Perspective for the 21st Century (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1996).
The Black Ordeal of Slavery and Slave Trading in the French West Indies, 1625-1715, 3 volumes (Lewiston: Mellon Publishers, 1991-1992).
"The Pearl of the Antilles is Born: Haiti and Black Slavery - The Early Years, 1629-1715," Jahrbuch fur Geschichte von Staat, Wirstschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas 28 (1991): 1-29.
"Black Slavery, Class Struggle, Fear and Revolution in St. Dominique and Cuba, 1785-1795," Journal of Negro History 7, no. 23 (1988): 12-32.
"National Liberation Movement," in Philosophy and Revolutionary Theory, Vol. 1, edited by D. Riepe, D. H. DeGrood and E. D'Angelo (Amsterdam, 1986).
"Slavery in the French Caribbean, 1625-1715: A Marxist Analysis," Journal of Black Studies (1986).
"Slavery and Racism in the U.S. - A Critique of Current Bourgeois Historiography," Revolutionary World: An International Journal of Philosophy, vols. 43-45 (Amsterdam, 1981), 65-97.
"Production Relations, Class and Black Liberation," Afro-American Studies (1978).
"Africa - History of Its Underdevelopment," The Black Scholar (September 1978).
"Mass Unemployment's Real Function," in Crisis and Consciousness, edited by Ralph M. Faris (Amsterdam, 1977).
"Nineteen Theses: Black Nationalism and the Liberation Movement in the Third World," Black Separatism and Social Reality, edited by Raymond L. Hall (1977).
"Structure sociale et revolution noire en Amerique" in L'homme et la société, revue internationale de recherches et de syntheses sociologiques, no. 19 (janvier-fevrier-mars, 1971).