Donna Andrew

Ph.D. University of Toronto, 1977
M.Sc. London School of Economics, 1967
B.A. City College of New York, 1966
University of Guelph, Department of History, 1984-
Queen's University, 1983-1984
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education & University of Toronto, History/Women's Studies Programme/Erindale College, 1980-1983
History of London 1680-1850
Public Sphere and 18th-century English Culture
Manners, Morals and Class Formation in England, 1680-1850
Aristocratic Vice: The Attack on Duelling, Suicide, Adultery, and Gambling in Eighteenth-Century England (Newhaven, CT: Yale University Press, 2013).
The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd: Forgery and Betrayal in Eighteenth Century London (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001).
Philanthropy and Police: London Charity in the Eighteenth Century (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989).
articles and book chapters
"To the Charitable and Humane": Begging Letters in 18th Century English Newspapers" in H. Cunningham and J. Innes, ed., Poverty, Philanthropy and Social Reform (London: MacMillan, 1998).
"Public Apologies in Eighteenth Century London Newspapers" in N. Landau, ed., Law, Crime and Society: England 1660-1830 (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
"Adultery A-la-Mode: The Law and Popular Attitudes to Adultery 1770-1820," History (1996).
"Popular Culture and Public Debate: London 1780" Historical Journal, London Debating Societies 1776-1799 (London: Record Society, 1996).
"On Reading Charity Sermons: Eighteenth-Century Anglican Solicitation and Exhortation," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 43 (1992): 1-11.
"Two Medical Charities in Eighteenth-Century London: The Lock Hospital and the Lying-In Charity for Married Women," Medicine and Charity in Western Europe Before the Welfare State, edited by J. Barry and C. Jones (1991).
"Marriage History as Family History," Canadian Journal of History 24, no. 3 (1989).
"Debate: The Secularization of Suicide in England 1600-1800," Past and Present, 119 (1988): 158-165.
"Britain's "Two Nations" Reconciliation, Reform or Revolution," Labour/Le Travail 19 (Spring 1987): 153-163.
"The Alderman and Big Bourgeoisie of London Reconsidered," Social History 6 (October 1981).
"The Code of Honour and its Critics: The Opposition to Duelling in England, 1700-1850," Social History 5 (October 1980), 409-34.