Norman Smith

Ph.D. University of British Columbia, 2002
M.A. University of British Columbia, 1996
B.A. University of British Columbia, 1994
University of Guelph, History, 2005-
University of Guelph, History / Women's Studies, 2005-2009
Oxford University, Postdoctoral Fellow, Autumn 2004
University of Washington, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2004
University of British Columbia, Lecturer, 2001-2004
Douglas College, Vancouver, Lecturer, 2000-2003
modern China
Chinese women's history
Areas of research for graduate supervision
modern China
Intoxicating Manchuria: Alcohol, Opium, and Culture in China's Northeast (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012). Currently being translated into Chinese and Russian.
Russian translation, Bohan Jie, transl.: Одурманивание Маньчжурии: Культура потребления алкоголя и опиума в Северо-Восточном Китае [The Stupefaction of Manchuria: Alcohol and Opium Consumption Culture in Northeast China]. New York: Academic Studies Press (2022).
Resisting Manchukuo: Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Occupation (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). Chinese translation: Li Ran, transl, Fankang “Manzhouguo”: Wei Manzhouguo Nü ZuojiaYanjiu [Resisting “Manchukuo”: Research on the Women Writers of False Manchukuo] (Harbin: Beifang Wenyi Chubanshe, 2017).
Edited Volumes
Writing Manchuria: The Lives and Literature of Zhu Ti and Li Zhengzhong. London: Routledge, 2023.
Mei Niang’s Long-Lost Writings: Young Lady’s Collection. London: Routledge, 2023.
with Craig Smith and Jonathan Henshaw. Translating the Occupation: The Japanese Invasion of China, 1931-1945. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021).
with Annika A. Culver. Manchukuo Perspectives: Transnational Approaches to Literary Production (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019).
with Chen Shi. Tian Lin zuopin ji qi yanjiu [Tian Lin's Writings and Research]. (Shanghai: Jiaotong daxue chubanshe, 2018).
with Liu Xiaoli, Ōkubo Akio, Okada Hideki, Kim Jaeyong, Li Hai’ing, and Wang Yamin Wei Manzhouguo wenxue yanjiu ciliao huibian [Collection of Literary Research Materials From Bogus Manchukuo] (Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe, 2017):
with Qiu Xiaodan, Ke Ju, Zhu Ti zuopin ji
[Collection of Ke Ju and Zhu Ti's Writings]
(Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe, 2017).
with Xu Jianwen, Hu Di, and Li Ran, Yang Xu zuopin ji
[Collection of Yang Xu's Writings]
(Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe, 2017).
with Li Ran, Wu Ying zuopin ji
[Collection of Wu Ying's Writings]
(Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe, 2017).
with Okada Hideki and Liu Xiaoli, Lao zuojia shujian
[Elderly Writers' Correspondence]
(Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe, 2017).
editor, Empire and Environment in the Making of Manchuria (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017).
with James Flath, Beyond Suffering: Recounting War in Modern China (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011).
Articles and Chapters
"'Hibernate No More': Winter, Health and the Great Outdoors." In Norman Smith, ed., Empire and Environment in the Making of Manchuria. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017, 130-51.
“Yingyu yanjiu wenxian” [English Language Research Documents] in Liu Xiaoli, Ōkubo Akio, Okada Hideki, Norman Smith, Kim Jaeyong, Li Hai’ing, and Wang Yamin, eds. Wei Manzhouguo wenxue yanjiu ciliao huibian [Collection of Literary Research Materials From Bogus Manchukuo], 371-88.
"Yang Xu: Yi wei yema si de xingge de zuojia” [Yang Xu: A Wild-Horse Natured Writer], Xu Jianwen, transl. in Norman Smith, Xu Jianwen, Hu Di, and Li Ran, eds. Yang Xu zuopin ji [Collection of Yang Xu’s Writings]. (Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe, 2017), 1-4.
“Yi ge youzhe shengqi he xiwang de biaoji” [A Sign With Anger and Hope], Li Ran, transl. in Li Ran and Norman Smith, eds. Wu Ying zuopin ji [Collection of Wu Ying's Writings]. (Harbin: Beifang wenyi chubanshe, 2017), 1-3.
“Wei Man, zhen yu” [False Manchukuo, Real Melancholy] in Liu Xiaoli and Ye Zhudi, eds., Chuangshang: Dongya zhimin zhuyi yu wenxue [Trauma: East Asian Colonialism and Literature] (Shanghai: Sanlian shudian, 2017), 414-36.
“Bianjie shang, yihuo yuejie: Li Zhengzhong he Zhang Xingjuan bianxia de “youyu” zhuti” [On the Border, Or Crossing the Border: The Theme of ‘Melancholy’ in the Works of Li Zhengzhong and Zhang Xingjuan], Shenyang shifan daxue xuebao [Shenyang Normal University Journal] 3 (2017): 1-7.
"The North has Mei Niang” in David Wang Der-Wei, ed. A New Literary History of Modern China. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press 2017), 506-11.
“Ri zhan shiqi Manzhou dui Zhongguo nuxing xing de guizhi: Jingdu Wu Ying he Yang Xu de”[Regulating Chinese Women's Sexuality during the Japanese Occupation of Manchuria: Intensive Reading of Wu Ying and Yang Xu ]. Posted on-line, Spring 2016. Originally published in Journal of the History of Sexuality Vol. 13, No. 1 (January 2004): 49-70. Available online.
“Yuan [Fate]," in Zaijian Mei Niang [Goodbye Mei Niang], edited by Liu Qing and Hou Jianfei (Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 2014), 25-36.
“Writing Opium in Manchukuo,” in James Flath and Norman Smith, eds. Beyond Suffering: Recounting War in Modern China (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011), 13-35. Available online.
with Ren Yuhua, “Dongbei lunxianqu suzhu de ‘nüren de beiju': 'Yapian' suo chongdang de zhongyao juese” ["Venting 'Women's Tragedy' in the Northeast Occupied Territory: The Significant Parts Played by 'Opium'”], Wenyi zhengming [Literature and Art Contend] (May 2008): 78-81. Available online.
“Writing Chinese Women in Japanese-Occupied Manchuria: The Legacy of Lan Ling,” Women, Reading, Writing 2, no. 3 (Winter 2008): 13-17. Available online.
"Disguising Resistance in Manchukuo: Feminism as Anti-Colonialism in the Collected Works of Zhu Ti,” International History Review 28, no. 3 (September 2006): 515-36.
“The Difficulties of Despair: Dan Di and Chinese Cultural Production in Manchukuo,” Journal of Women's History 18, no. 1 (March 2006): 71-100.
"'Only Women Can Change This World Into Heaven': Mei Niang, Male Chauvinist Society, and the Japanese Cultural Agenda in North China, 1939-1941,” Modern Asian Studies, 40, no. 1 (February 2006): 81-107.
"Pingshuo Mei Niang” [Evaluating Mei Niang], in Mei Niang jin zuo ji shujian [Mei Niang: Recent Writings and Correspondence], edited by Hou Jianfei (Beijing: Tongxin Chubanshe, 2005), 1-8. Available online.
"Opiate Addiction and the Entanglements of Imperialism and Patriarchy in Manchukuo, 1932-45,” Social History of Alcohol and Drugs 20, no. 1 (Fall 2005): 66-104. Available online.
"Disrupting Narratives: Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Cultural Agenda in Manchuria, 1936-1945,” Modern China 3, no. 3 (July 2004): 295-325.
"Regulating Chinese Women's Sexuality During the Japanese Occupation of Manchuria: Between the Lines of Wu Ying's 'Yu' (Lust) and Yang Xu's Wo de Riji (My Diary),” Journal of the History of Sexuality,13, no. 1 (January 2004): 49-70.
"Nenjiang Nü'er” [Daughter of the Nen River], Tongzhan Yuekan [United Front Monthly] (Shenyang, China), no. 196 (2003): 18-19.
"'I am an Ordinary Woman': Yang Xu and the Articulation of Chinese Ideals of Womanhood in Japanese Occupied Manchuria,” Asian Journal of Women's Studies 8, no. 3 (2002): 35-54.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), “Cultivating Morality in Manchukuo, 1932-1945,” 2014-2021.
SSHRC, "Winter Health: Consumer Culture, Science, and Modernity in China's Northeast," 2010-14.
SSHRC, “Addiction on the Northern Frontier: Narratives of Alcohol and Opiate Addiction in Manchuria, 1900-1950," 2006-10.
Одурманивание Маньчжурии: Культура потребления алкоголя и опиума в Северо-Восточном Китае (The Stupefaction of Manchuria: Alcohol and Opium Consumption Culture in Northeast China) named as one of: “Ten Books from China and About China" for the 2023 Year of Literature in Russia.
University of Guelph College of Arts Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, 2013.
Gourmand Wine Books Award – Best Drink History Book, Canada (English) for Intoxicating Manchuria: Alcohol, Opium, and Culture in China's Northeast, 2013.
Canadian Women's Studies Association 2008 Book Prize for Resisting Manchukuo: Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Occupation, 2009.