Terry Crowley

Ph.D. Duke University, 1975
M.A. Duke University, 1970
M.A. Carleton University, 1968
B.A. Bishop's University, 1967
Chair, Department of History, 2003 - 2008
University of Guelph India Semester Co-ordinator, 2000-2003
Acting Director, University School of Continuing Education, 1988-89
Foreign Expert, Shenyang Architectural Engineering College, Shenyang City, People's Republic of China, 1987-88
Department of History, University of Guelph, 1971-
Assistant Historian, Fortress of Louisbourg
Canadian history, especially rural, agricultural, and women's
Marriage of Minds: Isabel and Oscar Skelton Reinventing Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003).
co-authored with Alexander Ross, The College on the Hill: A New History of the Ontario Agricultural College, 1874-1999 (Toronto and Oxford: Dundurn Press, 1999).
Louisbourg, Atlantic Fortress and Seaport (Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1991).
Agnes Macphail and the Politics of Equality (Toronto: Lorimer and Co., 1990).
co-authored with C.A.V. Barker, One Voice: A History of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (Ottawa, 1989).
editor, Clio's Craft: A Primer of Historical Methods (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1988).
selected articles and book chapters
“Britain and Canada," introductory essay to: Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History, eds. Will Kaufman and Heidi Macpherson, 3 Vols. (Santa Barbara, Denver, and Oxford: ABC Clio, 2005), 11-21.
co-authored with Justin Kastner, Douglas Powell and Karen Huff, “Scientific Conviction Amidst Scientific Controversy in the Transatlantic Livestock and Meat Trade,” Endeavour (London) 29, no. 2 (June 2005): 78-83.
"Writing for Whom? Isabel Murphy Skelton and Canadian History" and "History and Human Agency: The Case of Agnes Macphail, Canada's First Woman M.P." in Framing our Past: Constructing Canadian Women's History in the Twentieth Century, edited by Sharon Cook and Lorna McLean (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001).
"Experience and Representation: Southern Ontario Farm Women and Agricultural Change, 1870-1914," Agricultural History 73 (1999): 238-51.
"Isabel Skelton: Precursor to Canadian Cultural History," in Creating Historical Memory: Canadian Women and the Work of History, edited by A. Prentice and B. Boutilier (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997), 174-201.
"J.J. Morrison and the Transition in Canadian Farm Movements in the Early Twentieth Century," Agricultural History 71 (1997): 330-56.
"Women, Religion and Freedom in New France," in Larry Eldridge ed., Women and Freedom in Colonial America (New York: New York University Press, 1997): 127-43
"Rural Labour," in Labouring Lives: Work and Workers in Nineteenth -Century Ontario, edited by Paul Craven (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996), 10-103.
"The French Regime to 1760," in A Concise History of Christianity in Canada, edited by Terence Murphy and Roberto Perrin (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1995), 1-58.
"Understanding Canada's Aboriginal Peoples, A Regional Guide," Canadian Social Studies 27 (1993): 71-5.
"Agnes Macphail and Canadian Working Women," Labour/Le Travail 28 (1991): 129-48.
"The New Canada Movement: Agrarian Youth Protest," Ontario History 80, (1988): 311-325.
"Madonnas Before Magdalenes: Adelaide Hoodless and the Making of the Canadian Gibson Girl," Canadian Historical Review 67 (1986): 520-547.
"Parents in a Hurry: The Early Home and School/Parent-Teacher Movement in Ontario," Histoire Sociale/Social History 20 (1986): 323-342.