Our Faculty
core faculty by field
Asia/Middle East
Jesse Palsetia Norman Smith Renée Worringer
Ben Bradley Catherine Carstairs Eric Fillion
Peter A. Goddard Matthew Hayday Brittany Luby
Kris E. Inwood Linda Mahood Deirdre McCorkindale
Alex Souchen
Indigenous Peoples
Digital Humanities
James E. Fraser Kevin James Linda Mahood
William Cormack Susannah H. Ferreira Peter A. Goddard
Cathryn Spence Alan McDougall
History of Science/Medicine
Tara Abraham Catherine Carstairs Stuart McCook Alex Souchen
South and Central America
United States
Tara Abraham Deidre McCorkindale Susan Nance
faculty, alphabetical
Carstairs, Catherine, Curriculum Chair
Goddard, Peter A., Director, Tri-University Graduate Program in History
Hayday, Matthew, Department Chair
James, Kevin, Scottish Studies Foundation Chair and Undergraduate Program Co-Advisor
McDougall, Alan Graduate Program Coordinator
Smith, Norman, College of Arts Research Leadership Chair
adjunct faculty / sessional instructors
Altinkas, Evren altinka@uoguelph.ca
Armstrong-Reid, Susan susanar@uoguelph.ca
Beausaert, Rebecca rbeausae@uoguelph.ca
Cox, Lisa lcox@uoguelph.ca
Derry, Margaret mderry@poplarlane.net
Hooper, Glenn ghooper@uoguelph.ca
Lawrence, David dlawre02@uoguelph.ca
Marc-Andre Gagnon marcandr@uoguelph.ca
Mohamed, Eid Ahmed eid.mohamed@uoguelph.ca
Neville, Cynthia nevillec@uoguelph.ca
Ni Chonaill, Bronagh bnichona@uoguelph.ca
Smith, Ted tsmith05@uoguelph.ca
Wilson, Jason wilsojas@uoguelph.ca
Post-Doctoral Researchers
Professors Emeritus
Abbott, Lewis A., Professor Emeritus uabbott@uoguelph.ca
Andrew, Donna T., University Professor Emerita dandrew@uoguelph.ca
Boehnert, Gunnar C., Professor Emeritus gboehner@uoguelph.ca
Cassidy, Keith, Professor Emeritus kcassidy@uoguelph.ca
Crowley, Terry A., University Professor Emeritus tcrowley@uoguelph.ca
Elizabeth E. Ewan, University Professor Emerita eewan@uoguelph.ca
Farrell, David R., Professor Emeritus dfarrell@uoguelph.ca
McCalla, Douglas, University Professor Emeritus dmccalla@uoguelph.ca
Munford, Clarence J., Professor Emeritus cjm@continuum.org
Murray, Jacqueline, University Professor Emerita jacqueline.murray@uoguelph.ca
Reid, Richard M., Professor Emeritus rreid@uoguelph.ca
Stelter, Gilbert A., University Professor Emeritus gstelter@uoguelph.ca
Wilson, Catharine, University Professor Emerita cawilson@uoguelph.ca