News | College of Arts


Left to right: Simon Flint, costume coordinator for the Theatre Studies program in the College of Arts at the University of Guelph, Sara Laidlaw, long-time U of G supporter, Bill Laidlaw, long-time U of G supporter and College of Arts Alumnus (Bachelor of Arts, 1974), and Katie Bryant, fourth year U of G student pursuing an Honours Bachelor of Arts program with a Double Major in Theatre Studies and Vocal Music

The Choices of a Few can Improve the Lives of Many

Though the University of Guelph community is vast, each and every individual within it has the ability to drive positive change. Thanks to a $100,000 donation from long-time U of G supporters Sara and Bill Laidlaw (Bill is a College of Arts Alumnus, BA ’74), the College faculty, staff, and students in the performing arts programs, and supporters of the programs, can continue to elevate the importance of community and the arts by nurturing unbreakable bonds, amplifying creativity, and bringing light into others’ lives.

Dr. Michael Ruse, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy, has died.

Dr. Michael Ruse, distinguished philosopher of biology and Professor Emeritus, died on Nov. 1. Here are some reflections on his time at Guelph, from his friend and colleage Ken Dorter, University Professor Emeritus:

Two wonderful achivements for Prof. John Russon

Congratulations to John Russon for two significant achivements. Dr. Russon has been awarded SSHRC funding. John's project, titled To Live in These Times, is briefly described here.

Trees on the University of Guelph campus with leaves of different colours including green and orange. University of Guelph College of Arts School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing Logo.

A Reflection of Evolution: The School of English and Theatre Studies takes on a New Name

The College of Arts at the University of Guelph is excited to welcome the name change of the School of English and Theatre Studies to the School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing (SOTEC). This name-change signals the importance of the three primary research areas within the department, by welcoming Creative Writing into the fold.