The first THINC Lab talk is this Thursday at 4pm!
Our theme for DH@Guelph presents this semester: Media Archaeology
Our first speaker is Arun Jacob from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information:
BiblioTech Sbagliato: Pursuing Paywalls, Publishers, and Platforms in Research Information Management Systems.
Arun’s abstract:
I investigate the media genealogy of research information management (RIM) systems in this digital scholarly contribution. Unearthing universities' investments in research information management (RIM) systems and research networking platforms to effectively manage campus research workflows, facilitate better research data management, and optimize research administration, research productivity and reporting workflows. Conceptualizing universities as forms of bureaucratic technology, my research asks how RIM systems make, curate and maintain data, information, knowledge and even wisdom and, in turn, ask what is the shape of the knowledge instituted and what or who is left out. How are the communicative capacities of RIM systems shaped and formed by their cultural histories and material features? How do these values and technologies inform policy decisions surrounding research in the current context? By historicizing how RIM systems are being mobilized in the institution to facilitate collaboration and address research challenges through the rapid discovery and recommendation of researchers, expertise and resources and building on the heavy-processing focus on the hardware, software and wetware of media technologies, tracing the media genealogy of and on the conditions and possibilities to which they give rise. It is possible to study the effects media introduce into social relations, i.e. Can non-intuitive matches made by research networking tools foster collaboration and cross-disciplinary scholarly activity, and research, especially over time? What sort of research is likely to receive increased visibility and recognition in an institution calibrated by the digital scholarship technologies that occupy the commanding heights and mediate all our understandings?
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