Jazz Art Auction 2012 for the Guelph Jazz Festival | College of Arts

Jazz Art Auction 2012 for the Guelph Jazz Festival

Date and Time


Cutten Fields, 190 College Ave. East, Guelph


Guelph Jazz Festival Fundraising Art Auction
Curated by Re
nann Isaacs
Sunday April 29th , 2 - 6 pm
Cutten Fields, 190 College Av
e. E.
TIckets: $50 per person (includes drinks, food, live music)
can be previewed online at www.guelphjazzfestival.com (or at Red Brick Café
and Cutten Fields)
All proceeds to The Guelph Jazz Festival
Tickets can
be purchased online through the festival website or in person at Renann Isaa
cs Contemporary Art (31 Quebec Street), or by calling the Guelph Jazz Festi
val Office ( 519-763-4952 ).