Tri-Cities Digital Humanities Workshop | College of Arts

Tri-Cities Digital Humanities Workshop

Date and Time


Florence Partridge Room, Library, University of Guelph


Session 1: Network Analysis (9.30-12.00)

The humanitie
s have historically been concerned with networks, in many shapes – networksof people (in their countless forms), of ideas, of texts, of language,
of representation, to name but a few. These networks have sometimes been di
fficult to uncover, and often laborious to reconstruct. Network analysis,
as practiced in the digital humanities, seeks to apply computers to make th
e study of these networks possible, and to generate insights that were effe
ctively impossible before the advent of computers. In practice, network ana
lysis identifies relationships among records and a pattern of interconnected
ness that itself (a) may become an object of analysis and (b) adds meaning t
o the individual-level records.

• Fabio Faria Mendes (Federal Univer
sity of Viçosa, Brazil)

• Ray Siemens (University of Victoria)

• Kr
is Inwood (University of Guelph) Keynote Address and Lunch: 12.00-2.00

n· Peter Baskerville (University of Alberta), “The Digital Challenge: Are H
umanities' Days Numbered?” Session 2: Digging Into Data (2.00-4.30)

is session will explore the various ways that researchers in the digital hum
anities using new databases and other collections of digital (and digitized)data to answer long-standing questions in the humanities, and also to expl
ore new questions.

• Christine McWebb (University of Waterloo)

•Bill Turkel (University of Western Ontario)

• Abby Goodrum (Wilfrid Lau
rier University)