Philosophy Dept Speaker Series presents: Dr. Lisa Downing | College of Arts

Philosophy Dept Speaker Series presents: Dr. Lisa Downing

Date and Time


MacKinnon 309


Locke's Metaphysics and Newtonian Physics
Free Lecture
In de
scribing the focus of her work Lisa Downing says:
“My primary area of inte
rest is early modern philosophy, especially the connection between philosop
hy and
science in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. More spe
cifically, I have worked on mechanist
conceptions of body and their justi
fication, debates surrounding gravity/attraction, and changing views of

scientific explanation in the early modern period. “
For more information
on Professor Downing, see http://people.cohums.ohio‐

After the talk, we'll have drinks at the University Club, then dinner at aplace to be announced.
All are welcome