Welcome to Graduate Studies in Philosophy | College of Arts

Welcome to Graduate Studies in Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy is home to 16 faculty with a broad range of research areas and a thriving community of 44 graduate students ( 13 students in our Master’s program and 31 students in our Doctoral program). Our expertise spans history of philosophy, ethics, social and political philosophy, continental philosophy, feminist philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and philosophy of science. For more information on what we do here at Guelph, please see our Areas of Research page.

Guelph offers you access to an active and intensive research environment but we are equally devoted to maintaining a collegial and welcoming atmosphere for our students. Graduate students and faculty participate together in department meetings, the various department committees, our department speaker series, reading groups, and more informal social events. Our graduate student community is also very lively and supportive. Students regularly organize Graduate Student Colloquia and there is an active Philosophy Graduate Students' Association.

We have lots of information on this site (and more to come very soon!), so please look around. But, if you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!

Philosophy Graduate Studies Brochure

Course offerings for 2023-24


Dr. John Hacker-Wright, Graduate Program Coordinator
Office: MacKinnon 330
Phone: 519-824-4120 x 56765

Priyanka Jhanjee, Academic Program Assistant
Office: MacKinnon 348
Phone: 519-824-4120 x 56265

Molly Graham, President, Philosophy Graduate Students’ Association



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