Jeff Mitscherling

B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
M.A., McMaster University
Ph.D., University of Guelph
Areas of Teaching and Research
- Phenomenology and Hermeneutics
- Ancient Philosophy
- History of Philosophy
- Aesthetics
- Philosophy of Religion
Under the umbrella title of The Revision of Hermeneutic Ontology, my current research brings realist phenomenology into cognitive science. This has entailed not only following the most obviously relevant lines of inquiry left incomplete by such earlier phenomenologists as Ingarden and Reinach but also rethinking the foundations of realist phenomenology itself. I locate the most significant of these foundations in the works of the School of Aristotle and have been engaged for several years in tracing the historical development of such central Aristotelian themes as the nature of the soul, the doctrine of intentional being, the ontological status of relations, and the nature of cognition.
Selected Publications
- Aesthetic Genesis: The Origin of Consciousness in the Intentional Being of Nature. Lanham. MD: University Press of America 2010.
- The Image of a Second Sun: Plato on Poetry, Rhetoric, and the Technē of Mimēsis. New York: Humanity Books 2009.
- The End of Myth: Philosophy vs. Rhetoric (ed.). Oxford: Routledge 2005. [Special issue of The European Legacy, vol. 10, no.4.]
- The Author's Intention [with Tanya DiTommaso and Aref Nayed], Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2004.
- Roman Ingarden's Ontology and Aesthetics. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1997.
Articles and Chapters
- ‘Truth and Method: Hermeneutics or History?', Arche, vol. 6 (2009), 211-20.
- `Concretization, Literary Criticism, and the Life of the Literary Work of Art', Arkadiusz Chrudzimski & Wolfgang Huemer, eds., Roman Ingarden's Ontology (Frankfurt & Lancaster: Ontos Verlag, 2005), 137-158.
- ‘Plato's Misquotation of the Poets', Classical Quarterly, vol. 55, no. 1 (2005), 295-8.
- ‘The Identity of the Architectural Work of Art', in Jane Forsey, ed., Contemporary Issues in Aesthetics (supplemental volume of Symposium [vol. 8, no. 3 (Fall 2004)]), 491-518.
- ‘Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow', in Paul Fairfield, ed., Working Through Postmodernity: Essays in Honor of Gary Brent Madison (supplemental volume of Symposium [vol. 8, no. 2 (Summer 2004)]), 379-388.
- ‘Nietzsche on Natural Necessity and "the Organic": Aristotelian Reflections on David B. Allison's Reading the New Nietzsche', Symposium, vol. 8, no. 1 (2004), 57-71.
- ‘Socrates and the Comic Poets', Apeiron, vol. 36 (2003), 67-72.
- ‘Gadamer's Legacy in Aesthetics and Plato Studies: Play and Participation in the Work of Art', Symposium, vol. 6, no. 2 (2002), 149-165.
- ‘In Memoriam Hans-Georg Gadamer', Symposium, vol. 6, no. 1 (2002), 9-10.
- ‘Prophets and Promises', Symposium, vol. 5 (2001), 155-182.
- ‘Dzieło Sztuki - Architektoniczne' [‘The Architectural Work of Art'], (tr. Leszek Sosnowski), for Andrzej Nowak & Leszek Sosnowski, eds., Słownik pojęć filozoficznych Romana Ingardena [Dictionary of Roman Ingarden's Philosophical Concepts] (Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych UNIVERSITAS, 2001), 36-38.
- ‘Schematyczność I' [‘Schematism I'] (tr. Leszek Sosnowski), for Andrzej Nowak & Leszek Sosnowski, eds., Słownik pojęć filozoficznych Romana Ingardena [Dictionary of Roman Ingarden's Philosophical Concepts] (Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych UNIVERSITAS, 2001), 246-248.
- ‘Roman Ingarden, Roman Witold', for Michael Kelly, ed., The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), vol. 2, 497-500.
- ‘Nietzsche's Rhetorical Model of Language and the Revision of Hermeneutic Ontology', The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, vol. 2, no. 2 (1997).
- ‘The Identity of the Human and the Divine in the Logic of Speculative Philosophy', in Michael Baur & John Russon, eds., Hegel and the Tradition: Essays in Honour of H.S. Harris (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997), 143-161.
- ‘The Metaphysics of Early Postmodern Fiction and the Human Ideal of a Meaningful Existence', Dialogue and Universalism, vol. 6, no. 7 (1996), np.
- ‘Hegelian Elements in Gadamer's Notions of Application and Play', Man and World, vol. 25 (1992), 61-67.
- ‘Philosophical Hermeneutics and "the Tradition"', Man and World, vol. 22 (1989), 247-250.
- ‘The Aesthetic Experience and the "Truth" of Art', British Journal of Aesthetics, vol. 28 (1988), 28-39.
- ‘Reformulation de l'alternative gadamérienne au postmodernisme', La petite revue de philosophie, vol. 9 (1987), 1-24.
- ‘Phaedo 118: The Last Words': Apeiron, vol. 19 (1985), 161-165.
- ‘Plato's Agathon's Sophocles: Love and Necessity in the Symposium', Phoenix, vol. 39 (1985), 375-377.
- ‘Roman Ingarden's The Literary Work of Art: Exposition and Analyses', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 45 (1985), 351-381.
- ‘Xenophon and Plato': Classical Quarterly, vol. 32 (1982), 468-469.
- ‘Kant's Notion of Intuition: In Response to Hintikka', Kant-Studien, vol. 72 (1981), 186-194.
- ‘Disclosedness and Signification: A Study of the Conception of Language Presented in Being and Time', Eidos, vol. 1 (1979), 199-210.