Peter Loptson

Reality: Fundamental Topics in Metaphysics. second edition (paperback) University of Ottawa Press, 2010.
Freedom, Nature, and World. University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
Theories of Human Nature. third edition. Broadview Press, 2006.
Philosophy, History, and Myth. University Press of America, 2002.
Theories of Human Nature. second edition. Broadview Press, 2001.
Reality: Fundamental Topics in Metaphysics. University of Toronto Press, 2001.
Theories of Human Nature. Broadview Press, 1995.
G. W. Leibniz, Discourse on Metaphysics and Monadology. Broadview Press, forthcoming, 2011.
Anne Conway, The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy. second edition. Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1998.
Readings on Human Nature. Broadview Press, 1998.
Anne Conway, The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy. Martinus Nijhoff, 1982.
"Contra Meinong", in N. Griffin and D. Jacquette, eds., Russell vs. Meinong: The Legacy of "On Denoting". Routledge, 2009.
"Re-Examining the ‘End of History' Idea and World History Since Hegel", The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy, vol. 11, Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2007.
"Naturalism", in Constantin V. Boundas, ed., The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophies. Edinburgh University Press, 2007, 116-127.
"Humanism and Its Role in the Contemporary World", in Andrew Irvine and John Russell, eds., In the Agora: The Public Face of Canadian Philosophy. University of Toronto Press, 2006, 153-161.
"The Antinomy of Death", in Jeff Malpas and Robert C. Solomon, eds., Death and Philosophy. Routledge, 1998.
"Prior, Plantinga, Haecceity, and the Possible", in B. J. Copeland, ed., Logic and Reality. Clarendon Press, 1996, 419-435.
"Hobsbawm, Nationalism, and the End of History", in Michel Troper and Mikael M. Karlsson, eds., Law and Justice and the State II. Franz Steiner Verlag, 1995, 155-161.
"Astrology and Science: An Examination of the Evidence", in S. K. Biswas, D. C. V. Mallik, and C. V. Vishveshwara, eds., Cosmic Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 1989. (with I. W. Kelly and R. Culver), 207-231.
"Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle (née Lucas) (1623-1673)", in Wilbur Applebaum, ed., Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution From Copernicus to Newton. Garland, 2000, 132-133.
"Conway, Anne, Viscountess Conway (née Finch) (1631-1679)", in Wilbur Applebaum, ed.,Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution From Copernicus to Newton. Garland, 2000, 158.
"Women and Natural Philosophy", in Wilbur Applebaum, ed., Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution From Copernicus to Newton. Garland, 2000, 689-691.
ARTICLES IN PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS (refereed unless indicated otherwise)
1) Philosophy:
"Impressions, Ideas, and Ontological Type", Hume Studies, vol. 44, no. 2, 2018, 123-157.
"Whitehead, l'histoire et la nature humaine", L'Art du Comprendre, 18, 2009 (trans. by I. Eulriet).
"Man, Person, and Spirits in Locke's Essay", Eighteenth-Century Thought, 3, 2007, 359-72 (Review Essay).
"Leibniz's Body Realism: Two Interpretations", The Leibniz Review, vol. 16, December 2006, 1-42. (with R. T. W. Arthur).
"The End of History Idea Revisited", Clio, vol. 35, no. 1, Fall 2005, 51-73.
"Locke, Reid, and Personal Identity", The Philosophical Forum, vol. 35, no. 1, Spring 2004, 51-63.
"Hellenism, Freedom, and Morality in Hume and Johnson", Hume Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, April 2001, 161-172.
"Wilson on Hume and Calvin", Early Modern Philosophy VI, 2000, 65-70.
"Hume and the First-Person Perspective in Naturalist Epistemology", Early Modern Philosophy V, 2000, 71-84.
"Memory, Skepticism, and Time in the First Enquiry", Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly, 48, July 1999, 269-280.
"Was Leibniz an Idealist?", Philosophy, 74, May 1999, 361-385.
"Hume, Multiperspectival Pluralism, and Authorial Voice", Hume Studies, vol. 24, no. 2, Nov. 1998, 313-334.
Critical Notice of J. J. MacIntosh and H. A. Meynell, eds, Faith, Scepticism and Personal Identity: a Festschrift for Terence Penelhum, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 27, no. 1, March 1997, 111-132.
"Promoting the Good: Fekete on Equity Advocacy in Canada", Dialogue, vol. xxv, 1996, 343-57.
"Some Philosophical Problems of Astrology", Correlation, vol. 14, no. 2, Northern Winter 1995/96, 32-44. (with Geoffrey Dean).
"Anne Conway, Henry More, and their World", Dialogue, vol. xxxi, no. 1, Winter 1995, 139-146.
"The Idea of Philosophical History", Dialogue, vol. xxxi, Winter 1992.
"Hegel Naturalized: Richard James Blackburn's The Vampire of Reason", New Left Review, 193, May-June 1992.
"Compatibilism", Cogito, vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 1991, 24-30.
"Phenomenological Skepticism in Hume", The Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. xxviii, no. 3, Fall 1990, 367-388.
"Lockean Ideas and 18th Century British Philosophy", Theoria, lvi, parts 1-2, 1990, 85-106.
Critical Notice of John Macnamara, A Border Dispute: The Place of Logic in Psychology,Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 18, no. 4, December 1988, 743-764.
"Spinozist Monism", Philosophia, vol. 18, no. 1, April 1988, 19-38.
Critical Notice of Brian Loar, Mind and Meaning, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 16, no. 1, March 1986, 137-155.
"Conceiving as Existent: A Final Rejoinder to Davis", International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 19, 1986, 123-125.
"Leibniz, Sufficient Reason, and Possible Worlds", Studia Leibnitiana, 17/2, 1985, 191-203.
"Anselm and Rowe: A Reply to Davis", International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 15, nos. 1-2, 1984, 67-71.
"Genetic Epistemology and Philosophical Epistemology", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 14, no. 3, September 1984, 377-383. (with I. W. Kelly).
"Anselm, Meinong, and the Ontological Argument", International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 11, no. 4, 1981, 185-194.
"Logic and Contingent Existence", History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 1, no. 1, 1980, 171-85.
"Q, Entailment, and the Parry Property", Logique et Analyse, 90-1, 1980, 305-17.
"Cartesian Dualism", Idealistic Studies, 7, no. 1, 1977, 50-60.
2) Classics:
"Argos Achaiikon", L'Antiquité Classique, lv, 1986, 44-65.
"Pelasgikon Argos in the Catalogue of Ships", Mnemosyne, 34, fasc. 1-2, 1981, 136-138.
"A Note on Three Lines in the Catalogue of Ships", Classical Philology, 69, no. 4, 1974, 283-284.
Exchange with Myles Burnyeat on Pythagoras, London Review of Books, vol. 29, no. 8, 26 April 2007, 5.
Reply to Ben-Ami Scharfstein, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 4, no. 2, 1983, 224.
Christian Meier, From Athens to Auschwitz: The Uses of History (D. L. Schneider, tr.), Clio, vol. 35, no. 2, Winter 2006.
Harold W. Baillie and Timothy Casey, eds., Is Human Nature Obsolete?: Genetics, Bioengineering, and the Future of the Human Condition, Philosophy in Review, vol. xxv, no. 2, April 2005, 79-82.
Hud Hudson, A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person, Philosophy in Review, vol. xxiii, no. 1, February 2003, 35-39.
Jeff Malpas, Place and Experience, Review of Metaphysics, vol. lvi, no. 1, 2002.
G. W. Leibniz and Samuel Clarke, Correspondence, Philosophy in Review, vol. xx, no. 5, October 2000, 363-365.
Andrea Nye, The Princess and the Philosopher: Letters of Elisabeth of the Palatine to René Descartes, Philosophy in Review, vol. xx, no. 1, February 2000, 55-57.
John D. Hargreaves, ed., Academe and Empire, and John D. Hargreaves and Angela Forges, eds., Aberdeen University 1945-1981, Scottish Tradition, vol. 25, 2000, 129-133.
Nicholas Rescher, Essays in the History of Philosophy, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, vol. 6, no. 2, Sept. 1998, 301-304.
Michael Shute, The Origins of Lonergan's Notion of the Dialectic of History, Dialogue, vol. xv, no. 3, Summer 1996, 633-636.
Margaret Atherton, ed., Women Philosophers of the Early Modern Period, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, vol. xv, no. 3, June 1995, 153-155.
Lutz Niethammer, Posthistoire: Has History Come to an End?, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, vol. xii, no. 6, Dec. 1992.
Julian P. Young, Willing and Unwilling, Dialogue, vol. xxix, no. 4, 1990.
Nathan Salmon and Scott Soames, eds., Propositions and Attitudes, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, vol. x, no. 9, Sept. 1990.
Paul Gochet, Ascent to Truth, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, vol. viii, no. 7, July 1988.
Graham Macdonald and Crispin Wright, eds., Fact, Science and Morality, and Barry Gower, ed., Logical Positivism in Perspective, History and Philosophy of Logic, 9, no. 1, 1988.
Gareth Evans, Collected Papers, History and Philosophy of Logic, 8, no. 1, 1987.
Georg Henrik von Wright, Truth, Knowledge, and Modality (Philosophical Papers, vol. 3), History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 7, no. 2, 1986, 220-226.
Georg Henrik von Wright, Practical Reason (Philosophical Papers, vol. 1), History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 5, no. 2, 1984, 245-251.
Richard Bosley, On Truth, Dialogue, vol. xxii, no. 1, 1984.
George Englebretsen, Logical Negation, and George Englebretsen, Three Logicians, Dialogue, vol. xxii, no. 4, 1984.
Ben-Ami Scharfstein, The Philosophers: Their Lives and the Nature of their Thought, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 3, no. 1, 1982, 105-107.
Co-Editor, Hume Studies, 2005-2010
Co-Editor, Dialogue, 1996-2000.