University of Guelph, Department of History, since 1968
Eighteenth century European penetration of the Great Lakes basin, focusing on Detroit as an imperial urban enclave
Era of American Revolution, 1760-1815, American Sectionalism, 1848-67, Selected aspects of American military history
Selected Publications
1996 "France and New France"; "Queen Anne's War"; "France and Louisiana" in Allan Galley (ed.), Garland's Encyclopedia of Warfare: Colonial Wars of North America, 1512-1763 (Garland Publishing)
1987 "Private Profit and Public Interest: Individual Gain, State Policy and New France", in Proceedings of the Western Society for French History
1987 "Pontchartrain, Vauban and the Expansion of New France", in Proceedings of the French Colonial Historical Society
1986 "Logistics and the British War Effort in the West, 1775-1783", in Selected Papers from the 1983 and 1984 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conference, ed. R.J. Holden
1985 "To Keep Them in Proper Subjection": Jeffrey Amherst and the Indians", in Man and Nature, IV, ed. David H. Jory
1979 "Pontiac, Gladwin and the Myths of 1763", Indiana Military History Journal
1977 "Anchors of Empire: Detroit, Montreal and the Continental Interior, 1760-1775", American Review of Canadian Studies, 7, 33-54
1968 "Settlement Along the Detroit Frontier, 1760-1796", Michigan History, 52, 89-107