Graduate Students
Andres, J. - M.A
"Power to the Remotest Hamlet: The Promotion of Rural Hydro in Ontario, 1910-1929 - Dr. Catharine Wilson, advisor
This thesis is an investigation of the rural promotional efforts undertaken by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. The first phase of marketing included Beck's traveling "Hydro-Electric Circus," presentations by hydro engineers, and the creation of experimental farms. Changes in economic conditions as a result of World War I and shifting priorities at the HEPC influenced its second phase of advertising. It scaled back promotional activities and other organizations, agencies and manufacturers stepped into the breach. Using the Annual Reports of the HEPC and writings in the rural periodicals it is my contention that the hydro-electric power and its associated technologies were marketed and promoted in the rural countryside in unique ways that took into consideration rural sensibilities. The rural context presented challenges not apparent in an urban setting and it was the HEPC's response to these challenges that led to its eventual success in bringing "power to the remotest hamlet."