Rural History Roundtable "Networks of Land, Labour and Family 1830- 1930" | College of Arts

Rural History Roundtable "Networks of Land, Labour and Family 1830- 1930"

Date and Time


Lifetime Learning Centre room 1713 (OVC), University of Guelph


14:30 - Peter Baskerville "The Last Best West: Homesteaders on t
he Move, Alberta 1870-1916"
15:15 - Catherine Wilson "Man-Days: Labour Exc
hanges Between Ontario Farmers, 1830-1930"
16:00 - Break
16:15 - Fabio Fa
ria Mendes "Crossing Borders: Intermarriage, Heterogamy and Social Networksin Waterloo County, 1870-1902"
17:00 - Gordon Darroch "Reconstructing Hou
sehold Experience with Canada's Historical Censuses"