3rd Annual St. Andrew's Society of Toronto Lecture "Scots in the Sub -Artic: Musical Exchanges with the James Bay Cree" | College of Arts

3rd Annual St. Andrew's Society of Toronto Lecture "Scots in the Sub -Artic: Musical Exchanges with the James Bay Cree"

Date and Time


MacKinnon room 132


Join us on Wednesday, January 15 for the Third Annual St. Andre
w's Society of Toronto Lecture entitled "Scots in the Sub-Arctic: Musical E
xchanges with the James Bay Cree."

Beginning at 11am in MacKinnon 132, e
thnomusicologist Frances Wilkins from the Ephinstone Institute, University
of Aberdeen, will speak on the subject of Cree fiddlers of James Bay and th
eir historical and musical connections to Scotland via connections with the
Hudson's Bay Company from the late 1600s.

For more information, please v
isit the Centre for Scottish Studies Events page at https://www.uoguelph.ca/
scottish/events/roundtables. For more information on Dr. Wilkins and her wor
k, see her website: http://www.franceswilkins.com/