The 2013 Hopper Lecture with Saskia Sassen "Emerging Logics of Expul sion & Surveillance: Where Does it Leave Democracy?" | College of Arts

The 2013 Hopper Lecture with Saskia Sassen "Emerging Logics of Expul sion & Surveillance: Where Does it Leave Democracy?"

Date and Time


OVC PAHL room 1800, University of Guelph


Lecture is open to the public. Please direct any enquires to Abe
ir El Arquososi at
Saskia Sassen is
the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Co-Chair,The Committee on Glo
bal Thought, Columbia University( Her recent books ar
Territory, Authority, Rights:From Medieval to Global Assemblages( Princ
eton University Press 2008),A Sociology of Globalization(W.W.Norton 2007),and the 4th fully updated edition of Cities in a World Economy(Sage 2012).
Among older books isThe Global City(Princeton University Press 1991/2001). H
er books are translated into over 20languages.
Her forthcoming book is Expu
lsions:When complexity produces elementary brutalities.(Harvard UniversityPr
ess 2014). She has received diverse awards,from multiple doctor honoriscaus
a to being chosen as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers by Foreign Policy an
d as the 2013 winner of the Principe de Asturias Prize for the Social Scienc