History | College of Arts


Scotland-Canada Academic Partnership (S-CAP)

The Scotland-Canada Academic Partnership (S-CAP) is a partnership between the Centre for Scottish Studies (CSS) at the University of Guelph and the Scottish Government Office in Canada (SG Canada).


Workplace Learning: Rural Diary Archive

Music BA

Study music history, theory, ethnomusicology, composition, pedagogy, jazz, and improvisation, popular music, digital music, and performance.

Perform in our newly renovated performing arts wing with our award-winning choirs or ensembles. Receive 1-1 music instruction in classical or modern forms of performance including voice, turntables, drums, jazz and more. Auditions are not required for admission, but entry into specific performance courses will require the successful completion of an audition.

Access to Departmental Forms and Resources

The Departmental Forms and Resources webpage contains relevant forms, policies, and guidelines for History instructors.  This page is password protected.

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