Samantha Brennan

Samantha Brennan is the Dean of the College of Arts and a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Guelph. Brennan's main research interests lie in the area of contemporary normative ethics, applied ethics, and feminist philosophy.
Dean, College of Arts, University of Guelph, January 2018-2023
Professor, Philosophy, College of Arts, University of Guelph, January 2018-
Professor, Women’s Studies and Feminist Research, Western University, 2015-2017
Professor, Philosophy, Western University, July 1, 2008-2015
Chair, Department of Philosophy, Western University, 2002 - 2007, 2008 - 2011.
Member, Rotman Institute of Philosophy, Western University.Associate Professor, Philosophy, Western University, July 1, 1998.
Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Western University, 1993.
University of Illinois at Chicago, PhD in Philosophy, October 1993.
- Dissertation Title:Thresholds for Rights. Supervisor: Shelly Kagan.
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Honours BA, Philosophy, May 1988.
University of King’s College, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Foundation Year Program. 1982-83
Visiting Faculty Fellow, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, January to July2017.
Taylor Fellow, Philosophy Department, University of Otago, New Zealand, January - June 2012.Visiting Faculty Fellow, Social and Political Theory, Research School of Social Sciences, TheAustralian National University, September - December 2011, 2007 - 2008.
Faculty Scholar, Western University, 2005 - 2007.
Samantha Brennan and Tracy Isaacs, Fit at Midlife: A Feminist Fitness Journey, Greystone Books, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, 2018.
- Sarah Hannan, Samantha Brennan, and Richard Vernon, Permissible Progeny? Moral Considerations and Procreative Choice, Oxford University Press, 2015.
- Charles Weijer, Anthony Skelton, Samantha Brennan, Bioethics in Canada, Oxford University Press, 2013.
- Samantha Brennan and Robert Stainton, Philosophy and Death, Broadview Press, 2009.
- Andrew Bailey, Samantha Brennan, Will Kymlicka, Jacob Levy, Alex Sager & Clark Wolf, The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought: Essential Readings, Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Texts, 2012.
- Andrew Bailey, Samantha Brennan, Will Kymlicka, Jacob Levy, Alex Sager & Clark Wolf,
- Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Theory, Volume 2: The Twentieth Century and Beyond, September 2008.
- Andrew Bailey, Samantha Brennan, Will Kymlicka, Jacob Levy, Alex Sager & Clark Wolf, Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Theory, Volume 1: Plato to Nietzsche, January 2008.
- Samantha Brennan and Robert Noggle, Taking Responsibility for Children, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2007.
- Samantha Brennan, Tracy Isaacs, and Michael Mi Ide. A Question of Values: New Canadian Perspectives in Ethics and Value Theory . Rodopi Press, 1997 .
- Samantha Brennan and Tracy Isaacs, "See How She Runs: Feminists Rethink Fitness" Special Issue, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB), Volume 9, Number 2, Fall 2016.
- Anita Superson and Samantha Brennan, "Feminist Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition," Special Issue of Hypatia, Indiana University Press, Volume 20, Number 4, Fall 2005.
- Samantha Brennan, "Feminist Moral Philosophy," University of Calgary Press, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 28, June 2003.
- "Implicit bias, women surgeons and institutional sol utions: commentary," Journal of Medical Ethics 2020; - Published Online First: 30 Mar 2020. doi:
- 10.1136/ medethics-2020-106158
- "Parenting, Feminism, and Academic Life: My Happy Story," APA newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, Spring 2020, Theme: Parenting and Philosophy
- "How Many Parents Can a Child Have? Philosophical Reflections on the "Three Parent Case," with Bill Cameron, 2015, Dialogue, 54, pp 45-61.
- doi:10.1017/50012217314000705.
- "Micro-inequities and Asian American Philosophers," in The APA Newsletter on Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies, Fall 2014, Volume 14, Number 1, pp. 7-9.
- "Moral Gaps and Moderate Deontology," Philosophical Perspectives, 2009, 23 (1): 23-43.
- "Reflections on Creating a Warmer Environment for Women in the Mathematical Sciences and in Philosophy," with Robert Corless, Atlantis, 2009, 23 (2): 54-61.
- "Feminist Ethics and Everyday Inequalities," Hypatia, Special Issue, Oppression and Moral Agency: Essays in Honor of Claudia Card, Winter 2009, 24 (1) : 141-159.
- "Feminist Philosophers Turn Their Thoughts to Death," International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 2006, 44 (1): 34-37.
- "Is Death's Badness Gendered?" Symposium on Christine Overall's Book Aging, Death and Human Longevity: A Philosophical Inquiry, Dialogue, Summer 2006, 45 (3): 559-566.
- "Moral Lumps," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, June 2006, 9 (3): 249-263.
- "Relational Selves and Thresholds for Rights," Archiv fur Rechts und Sozialphilosophie
- (ARSP), 2002, 88 (1): 74-85.
- "The Badness of Death, the Wrongness of Killing, and the Moral Importance of Autonomy," Dialogue, Fall 2001, 40 (4): 723-728.
- "A Survey of Recent Work in Feminist Ethics," Ethics, July 1999, 109 (4) : 858-893.
- "Reconciling Feminist Ethics and Feminist Politics on the Issue of Rights," The Journal of Social Philosophy, Summer 1999, 30 (2): 260-275.
- "The Moral Status of Children: Children's Rights, Parents' Rights, and Family Justice," with Robert Noggle, Social Theory and Practice, Spring 1997, 23 (1): 1-26.
- "How is the Strength of a Right Determined?: Assessing the Harm View," American Philosophical Quarterly, October 1995, 32 (4): 383-392.
- "Thresholds for Rights," The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Summer 1995, 33 (2): 143-168.
- "Paternalism and Rights," The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, September 1994, 24 (3): 419-440.
- Samantha Brennan, Gwen Chapman, Belinda Leach and Alexandra Rodney, "Diversity and Inclusion Projects in the University Context: Moving Scholarship and Policy into Institutional Practice," book chapter completed, under consideration.
- "Feminism's Love/Hate Relationship with Consequentialism," in the Oxford Handbook of Consequentialism, Douglas Portmore, ed. Oxford University Press. 2020.
- "Analytic Approaches to Feminist Ethics," Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy,
- edited by Asta Kristjana Sveinsd6ttir and Kim Hall, 2019.
- "The Structure of Thresholds for Options," Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Chapter 9, Volume 8, Mark Timmons, editor, 2018.
- "Parenting, Philosophy, Public Policy, and a Puzzle," Chapter 11 in Philosophy and Public Policy, Andrew Cohen, editor, Routledge, 2018.
- Epp, Jennifer and Brennan. Samantha. "Childhood and sexuality," The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Childhood and Children. Routledge, 2018.
- Macleod, Colin and Brennan, Samantha. "Fundamentally Incompetent: Homophobia, Religion and the Right to Parent," Procreation, Parenthood, and Educational Rights: Ethical and Philosophical Issues, Edited by Michael Cholbi and Jaime Ahlberg. Routledge, 2016.
- Cameron, Bill and Brennan, Samantha. "Is Marriage Bad for Children? Rethinking the Connection between Having Children, Romantic Love, and Marriage," Chapter Four in Beyond Marriage, edited by Elizabeth Brake, Oxford University Press 2016.
- "The moral status of micro-inequities: In favour of institutional solutions," in Implicit Bias in Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics, edited by Michael Brownstein and Jennifer Saul, Oxford University Press, 2016.
- "Miss Piggy's Feminism : Redefining Human Relationships through Martial Arts," Chapter Two in Jim Henson and Philosophy, edited by Timothy M. Dale and Joseph J. Foy, Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.
- "Children's Rights, Well-being and Sexual Agency," with Jennifer Epp, in The Wellbeing of Children in Theory and Practice, Alexander Bagattini and Colin Macleod (editors), Springer, 2015.
- "Sexual Equality," International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Hugh LaFolette (editor), Wiley, 5000 words. Updated entry, February 2020.
- "Feminism," Encyclopedia of Utilitarianism, James E. Crimmins and Douglas G. Long (editors), Continuum Publishers, 1500 words.
- Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal by Heather Widdows, Princeton University Press, 2018 published in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2019.
- To Whom Do Children Belong? Parental Rights, Civic Education, and Children's
- Autonomy. Moschella, Marissa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Ethics, pp. 487-491, Volume 128, Number 2 I January 2018.
- The Argonauts, Maggie Nelson, Graywolf Press, 2015. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Summer 2016,
- https:/ / kiej.georget book-review s/ archive/ nelso n-2015/.
- Family Values: The Ethics of Parent Child Relationships, Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift, Princeton University Press, Theory and Research in Education, July 2015; vol. 13, 2: pp. 241-243.
- Out from the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions to Traditional Philosophy, Sharon L. Crasnow and Anita M. Superson (eds.),2012, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
- Challenging Liberalism: Feminism as Political Critique by Lisa Schwartzman, in Hypatia,
- Winter 2008, 23 (1): 220-223.
- Pornography, The Theory: What Utilitarianism Did to Action by Frances Ferguson, in
- Victorian Studies, Autumn 2006, 49 (1): 155-156.
- Setting the Moral Compass: Essays by Women Moral Philosophers, edited by Cheshire Calhoun, in Ethics, October 2005, 116 (1): 219-222.
- Misconceptions: Truth, Lies, and the Unexpected on the Journey to Motherhood, by Naomi Wolf, in Metapsychology Online Book Review Service, June 2002.
- Equality, Responsibility, and the Law, by Arthur Ripstein, in Philosophy in Review, August 2001, 21 (4): 288-290.
- A Feminist I: Reflections from Academia, by Christine Overall, in APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, Fall 2000, 00 (1): 24-25.
- Morality: Its Meaning and Justification, by Bernard Gert, in Ethics, January 2001, 111 (2): 451.
- Utilitarianism as a Public Philosophy, by Robert Goodin, in Philosophy in Review, April 1999, 19 (2): 106- 108.
- Fighting Words: Individuals, Communities, and Liberties of Speech, by Kent Greenawalt, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews, October 1996, 16 (5): 348-350.
- An Essay on Rights, by Hillel Steiner, in The Philosophical Review, October 1996, 105 (4): 557-559.
- Children's Rights Revisioned: Philosophical Readings, by Rosalind Ekman Ladd, in Ethics,
- October 1996, 107 (1): 184-185.
- Spheres of Love: Toward a New Ethics of the Family, by Stephen Post, in Ethics, April 1996, 106 (3) : 689.
- Moral Literacy, or How to Do the Right Thing, by Colin McGinn, in Ethics, January 1995, 105 (2) : 446.
- The Quality of Life, by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews, October 1994, 14 (5): 340-342 .
- Philosophical Anarchism and Political Disobedience, by Chaim Gans, in Ethics, October 1994, 105 (1) : 220- 221.
- Socialism, Feminism and Philosophy: A Radical Philosophy Reader, edited by Sean Sayers and Peter Osborne, in Ethics, July 1992, 102 (4): 885-886.
- Women and Evil, by Nel Noddings, in Hypatia, Winter 1992, 7 (1) : 142-146.
- Philosophy and Feminist Thinking, by Jean Grimshaw, in Atlantis, Spring 1988, 13 (2): 120-121.
- J. Lo's body: Distressing or inspiring for mid-life women?, The Conversation, February 2020. (Translated as Oh J. Lo ! Source d'inspiration ou de detresse pour les femmes d'age mur ?), Accessed 67,983 times in French and 55,501 in English.
- Lady backpacks and manly beer - the folly of gendered products, The Conversation,
- November 2019, accessed 5697 t imes.
- "Ban leggings on campus? Ludicrous-wearing leggings allows women to move like superheroes," The Conversation, April 2019.
- s-women-to-move-like-superheroes-115540
- "Wine O'Clock:" Alcohol and Gender Norms I Impact Ethics, November 2016.
- Sunscreen, Gender norms, and Men's Health I Impact Ethics, October 2016.
- "Let's stop talking about children and exercise," Impact Ethics Blog, June 23, 2015.
- "Rethinking the Moral Significance of Extended Family Relationships," PHILOSOP-HER blog, January 2015.
- "The Triple Threat: Sexual Pleasure, Women, and Bike Seats from the 1890s to Today," pp. 13-16 in our Bodies, Our Bikes, edited by Elly Blue and April Streeter, Elly Blue Publishing, Microcosm, 2015.
- "The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Doing Good, Even if for the Wrong Reason," Impact Ethics Blog, August 2014.
- "On racing as a masters athlete and teaching as a midlife professor." Guest Post, The Activist Classroom, May 2014.
- "Spin cycle - Armstrong, doping and the lies he told," Western News, January 2013.
- "Performance Evaluations in an Entrepreneurial Work Culture," PEA Soup Blog, August 2009.
- "Children: Property, Pets, Projects, or People?" Sydney's Child Magazine (also Melbourne's Child, Adelaide's Child, Brisbane's Child, Canberra's Child}, Copeland Publishing, March 2008.
- "Death, Memories, and the Meaning of Giving," Legacies for Tomorrow newsletter, Alumni Relations & Development, Western University, Spring 2007.
- "Report on the 18th International Social Philosophy Conference," with Todd Calder, The Journal of Value Inquiry, 2003, 37: 101-107.
- "An Ode to Hotel Toast," Philosophers on Holiday, Summer/Fall 2001, 5 {1-2}.
Fit is a Feminist Issue, now in its 7th year, the blog I co-founded with Tracy Isaacs, has more than 20,000 followers on WordPress, 5000 on Twitter and 15,000 on Facebook. I blog there at least twice a week, year round.
I also keep up an active social media presence across a range of platforms--Facebook, lnstagram, and mostly these days, Twitter, where I'm @SamJaneB.
Feminist Philosophers Blo g, regular blogger 2013-2017
- "Chosen Family," Neglected Relationships conference, Munich, lnstitut fur Ethik, Geschichte und Theorie der Medizin - LMU M unchen, Germany. October 17, 2019.
- "Making Medical Decisions as if Childhood Mattered: Reflections on Medical Decision Making and the Goods of Childhood," keynote speaker at the Austro-Canadian Medical Ethics Workshop - Man at the Heart of a Modern Medical Ethics: Challenges and Perspectives," University of Innsbruck, May 2016.
- "Well-being and Autonomy: The Balancing Act of Children's Rights," at "Children's Rights-origins, normativity, transformations, prospects," June 2016, Vadstena, Sweden. Hosted by the University of Linkoping.
- "Feminist reflections on rethinking the family," IAPH, International Association of Women Philosophers Symposium, Universidad de Alcala, June, 2014.
- "Trust, Time, and Play: Three Intrinsic Goods of Childhood," The Nature and Value of Childhood, University of Sheffield, May 16-17, 2014.
- "Rethinking the Moral Significance of Extended Family Relationships," Family Ethics: Partiality Revisited conference, University of Berne, Switzerland, January 23 to 25, 2014.
- "Rethinking the Moral Significance of Micro-Inequities: The Case of Women in Philosophy," International Social Philosophy conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, July 2010 and British Society for Women in Philosophy conference, Cardiff, Wales, November 2010.
- "How Many Parents Can a Child Have? Philosophical Reflections on the Three Parent Case," American Political Science Association meeting, Toronto, Ontario, September 2009 and Justice, Care, and the Family: Philosophical Reflections, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009.
- "Children's Rights and Global Justice," International Global Ethics conference, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, June 2008.
- "The Intrinsic Goods of Childhood," Keynote Address, Children, Sport and Physical Activity: Philosophical Dimensions, Western University, May 2007.
- "Children's Rights and Sexual Justice," panel participant with Jennifer Epp (UWO) and Shauna Van Praagh (McGill Law), International Conference on GLBT Rights, held in conjunction with Outgames, Montreal, Quebec, July 2006.
- "Moral Lumps," International Society for Utilitarian Studies conference, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, August 2005, and British Society for Ethical Theory conference, University of Leeds, England, June 2005.
- "Children's Rights: Family Values, Minority Rights and Local Self-Determination vs. the Child State Alliance," workshop/discussion leader, Birgitta Forum, A Conference About the Future of Swedish Self Governance, University of Linkoping, Vadstena, Sweden, May 2005.
- "Counting and Screening Embryos: Individuals, Relationships, and the Scope of Harm," 5th Congress of the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, November 2004.
- "Feminism, the Badness of Death and the Resiliency of Life's Goods," Human Good-Dignity, Equality, and Diversity, 11th Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers, Goteborg, Sweden, June 2004.
- "Children's Rights and Children's Choices," International Meeting of the North American Society for Social Philosophy, University of Waterloo, Ontario, July 2000.
- "The Badness of Death, the Right not to be Killed, and the Moral Importance of Autonomy," International Society for Utilitarian Studies conference, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, March 2000.
- "Libertarianism, Motivation, and Rights," International Meeting of the IVR, Pace University, New York, New York, June 1999.
- "The Future and Value of Rights," roundtable on Value Inquiry, World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1998.
- "The Moral Significance of Motive and the Moral Significance of Moral Autonomy: Two Kantian "Arguments for Libertarianism," International Social Philosophy conference, Kingston Ontario, July 1997.
- Workshop on Daniel Groll's book manuscript, The Need to Know, June 30, 2020.
- Panel on the Political Philosophy of Harm Reduction, "The moral limits of harm reduction policies," June 4, Canadian Philosophical Association meeting, UBC, 2019.
- "What are the incentives and rewards for community-focused research?" Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences, Panel at Congress, June 3, 2019
- Panel on Governance, Diversity and Inclusion conference, University of Guelph/University of Bremen, March 2019.
- Participant, McGill workshop on harm reduction, Montreal, Oct 12-13, 2018.
- Panel on Gender and Cyberbullying, Canadian Philosophical Association meeting, Ryerson, June 2017.
- "Structures of Thresholds for Options," Workshop in Normative Ethics, Tucson, Arizona, January 2017.
- "From "chubby kid" to "obese child": The politicization and the medicalization of fat, APA panel, January 2017.
- "Childhood Matters," Keynote address, Atlantic Region Philosophical Association conference, October 2016.
- "The ethics of incarceration as seen through the lens of family justice," New Orleans conference on Prisons, Police, and Punishment, University of New Orleans, September 2016.
- "Childhood Exploitation," Workshop on Exploitation, University of San Diego, April 2016.
- "Eat me, drink me: Philosophical reflections on our attitudes about children and food," University of Vermont Food Ethics Workshop, April 2016.
- "Exploitation and Autonomy: The Goods of Childhood and Parental Responsibilities," Pacific APA Panel on Children and Autonomy, March 2016.
- "Bisexual identity and the politics of fashion," Central APA, Chicago, March 2016.
- "The exploitation of children by parents and the goods of childhood," Eastern APA, Washington DC, January 2016.
- "Aggression as a virtue: Restraint, consent, and violence in sports," Social Philosophy and Policy Conference on the Morality of Aggression, Freedom Center, University of Arizona, December 2014.
- Panelist, Book Symposium on Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift's Family Values, American Philosophical Association Eastern Division meeting, Philadelphia, December 2014.
- "Liberalism, Child Welfare, and the Problem Posed by Religious, Conservative Parents," with Colin Macleod, Association for Political Theory, Madison, Wisconsin, October 2014.
- Workshop Participant, "From Procreative Acts to Parental Rights," Pasadena, California, June 18-19, 2014.
- "Feminism, Philosophy, and Fitness," Keynote Address, Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics, Social Sciences and Humanities Federation Congress, Brock University, May 2014.
- "Micro-sanctions and Implicit Bias," with Meghan Winsby, CS-IVR, Brock University, May 2014.
- Panelist, Philosophical Blogging, Canadian Philosophical Association, Brock University, May 2014.
- "Public Health Ethics and the Problem of Childhood Obesity," Canadian Philosophical Association, Brock University, May 2014.
- "Fat Stigma and Implicit Bias in the Philosophy Classroom," with Kristin Rodier (University of Alberta), Canadian Philosophical Association, Brock University, May 2014.
- "Micro-inequities and Asian American Philosophy Students," panelist, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division meeting, San Diego, April, 2014.
- Panelist, Society for Analytical Feminism Panel on Carol Hay's book Kantianism, Liberalism, and Feminism: Resisting Oppression, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division meeting, San Diego, April, 2014.
- "Thinking Philosophically about the Family: Three Questions," School of Thought Philosophy conference, Crossing Disciplines, February 2014.
- "Fat Stigma and Implicit Bias in the Philosophy Classroom," with Kristin Rodier (University of Alberta), Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy conference, October 2013, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.
- "Is Marriage Bad for Children?" Association for Political Theory, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, October 2013.
- "Inactivity, Gender, and the Obesity Crisis," Ontario Council of Universities panel, Tackling Ontario's Challenges: Health, September 2013, Glendon College, York University.
- Invited participant, Arizona Workshop on Current Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Commentary on Daniel Silvermint's manuscript "Oppression without Patterns," February 2013.
- "Can Women be Cyclists?: Some Thoughts on Women's Bodies, Bicycles, and Feminism" Eastern APA, Atlanta, December 2012, International Association of Philosophy of Sport.
- "Can Women be Cyclists?: Some Thoughts on Women's Bodies, Bicycles, and Feminism" CSWIP, Calgary, October 2012.
- "How Many Parents Can a Child Have? Philosophical Reflections on the Three Parent Case," Society for Analytic Feminism, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, October 2012.
- "Micro-inequities, Part 2," Implicit Bias Workshop, University of Sheffield, England, June 2012.
- "Children's Rights and Children's Lives," Rights and Realities: Children and the Australian State conference, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, November 2011.
- "Rethinking the Moral Significance of Micro-inequities: The Case of Women in Philosophy," equity panel, Canadian Philosophical Association conference, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, June 2010.
- "How Many Parents Can a Child Have? Philosophical Reflections on the Three ParentCase," IVR Canadian Section, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, May 2010.
- "Analytical Feminism," panel participant, Hypatia 25th Anniversary conference, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, October 2009.
- "Sexual Identity, Gender Identity, and Fashion," Hypatia 25th Anniversary conference, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, October 2009.
- "Children's Rights and Sexual Agency," with Jennifer Epp, Society for Philosophy of Sex and Love Sexual Selves conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 2, 2009.
- "Feminist Ethics and Everyday Inequalities," Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy conference, University of Windsor, Ontario, October 2008.
- "Moderate Deontology and Moral Gaps, "The Kline Colloquium, The University of Missouri at Columbia, Missouri, April 2007.
- "Towards a Warmer Environment for Women in Philosophy and in Applied Mathematics," with Robert Corless, Educating Women/Women's Education in a Post Secondary Context, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 2007.
- "The Common Structure of Thresholds for Rights and Thresholds for Options," Western Canadian Philosophical Association conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 2006.
- "Feminism, Families, and Reproductive Choices," Canadian Philosophical Association/Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy panel on reproductive autonomy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, May 2006.
- "John Stuart Mill and 'Make Him Beg' Feminism," 1 Day Mill Workshop, Western University, London, Ontario, May 2006.
- "Against Plug and Play Ethics: Feminists Rethink the Line Between the Right and the Good," Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 2005, and Society for Analytical Feminism panel, American Philosophical Association meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 2004.
- "Feminism, Philosophy and Death," keynote address, 3rdCritical Multicultural Counselling Conference, OISE/University of Toronto, Ontario, June 2005, and plenary presentation, 19th Annual Conference on Death and Bereavement, King's College, Western University, London, Ontario, May 2001.
- "Is the Canadian Charter a Consequentialist or Moderate Deontological Document?", comments on Wayne Sumner's The Hateful and the Obscene, Canadian Philosophical Association book panel, Western University, London, Ontario, May 2005.
- "Moral Lumps," Atlantic Region Philosophical Association meeting, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 2004.
- "Welfare, Autonomy, and Moderate Deontology," IVR Canadian Section, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, June 2004, and Autonomy and Well-Being 1-day workshop, University of Toronto, Ontario, April 2004.
- "From Multiple Embryo Implantation to Single Embryo Implant at ion : The Moral Significance of Family Structure, "at Researching Women 1-day conference, Western University, London, Ontario, March 2004, and The Perfect Embryo panel, Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy conference, Western University, London, Ontario, October2003.
- "The Badness of Death and the Resiliency of Life's Goods," Ontario Philosophical Society conference, University of Ottawa, Ontario, November 2003.
- "Reflections on the Connections between Trust and Justice," Visions of Trust and Justice panel, Law Commission of Canada conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2003.
- "The Common Structure of Thresholds for Rights and Thresholds for Options," Canadian Philosophical Association conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2003.
- "Moral Gaps," Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 2002.
- "Responsibility and Children's Rights," Responsibility and Children conference, Western University, London, Ontario, February 2002.
- "Liberalism, Feminism, and Rights," Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy meeting, University of Guelph, Ontario, September2001.
- "Children's Rights and Children's Choices," Atlantic Region Philosophical Association meeting, University of King's College, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 2000.
- "Relational Selves and Thresholds for Rights," Eastern Division Meeting of the Society for Women in Philosophy, Eastern American Philosophical Association, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1999.
- "Assessing the Feminist Reconstruction of Rights as Relational," Feminist Ethics Revisited conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, September 1999.
- "The Badness of Death and the Right Not to be Killed," 1-day Symposium on Death and the Afterlife, King's College, Western University, London, Ontario, February 1999.
- "Feminist Ethics, Women's Experiences, and the Moral Problem of Abortion," commentary on paper presented by Tracy Isaacs, Canadian Philosophical Association conference, University of Ottawa, Ontario, June 1998 .
- "Relational Rights and Rights for Relations," Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 1997.
- "The Moral Status of Children: Children's Rights, Parents' Rights, and Family Justice," with Robert Noggle, Canadian Philosophical Association conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, June 1996.
- "What's Wrong with Rights?: A Response to Some Feminist Criticisms," American
- Philosophical Association Central Division meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April 1996, and
- Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy meeting, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, June 1995.
- "Children's Rights: Towards a Philosophical Framework for Thinking about Adoption, Foster Care and Parenting," with Robert Noggle, IVR Canadian Section, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, June 1995.
- "Harm and Rights," Pluralism and Conflict conference, Western University, London, Ontario, January 1995; Human Rights Conference, SUNY-Buffalo, New York, February 1995; and Atlantic Philosophical Association meeting, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, October 1994.
- "Moral Rights and Moral Math: Three Arguments Against Aggregation," American Philosophical Association Pacific Division meeting, San Francisco, California, March 1995, and Ontario Philosophical Society annual meeting, York Universit y, Toronto, Ontario, November 1994.
- "Thresholds for Rights," Canadian Philosophical Association conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, May 1993.
- "A Tomb of One's Own: Feminist Reflections on the Badness of Death," Philosophy Dept, University of Guelph. February 2020.
- "Fit is a Feminist Issue," with Tracy Isaacs, at School of Advanced Studies in Arts and Humanities, Western University, January 2019.
- "Thinking about the moral significance of micro-inequities," Philosophy, University of Connecticut, October 2018.
- "Fit is a Feminist Issue," THINC lab, University of Guelph, March 2018.
- "Life Stage Specific Goods," The University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, June 2017.
- "Childhood Matters," University of Toronto Ethics Centre, Ryerson University Philosophy Department, Macmaster University Philosophy Department, various dates fall 2016 and winter 2017.
- "Feminist Reflections of Women and Fitness," Ethics and Public Affairs, Carleton University, October, 2015.
- "The Intrinsic Goods of Childhood," University of Calgary, March 2015.
- "The Intrinsic Goods of Childhood," Freedom Center, University of Arizona, February 2015.
- "Thinking Philosophically about the Family: Three Questions," Rochester Institute of Technology, April 2014.
- "Micro-Inequities: What Are They and Why Do They Matter Morally?" California State at Fullerton Philosophy Colloquium, March 2014.
- "The Moral Significance of Micro-inequities," and "Is Marriage Bad for Children?" University of Manitoba, November 2013.
- "The Moral Significance of Micro-inequities," Western University, September 2013.
- "The Moral Significance of Micro-inequities," McMaster University, November 2012.
- "Can Women be Cyclists? Thoughts on Bodies, Bicycles, and Feminism," Physical Education, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, June 2012.
- "Children's Rights and Children's Lives," Philosophy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, May 2012.
- "Rethinking the Moral Significance of Micro-inequities," Philosophy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, May 2012; Philosophy, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, May 2012; Gender Studies, University of Otago, May 2012; Philosophy, Macquarrie University, Sydney, Australia, October 2011; and Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Canberra, Australia, October 2011.
- "Why Inequalities Matter," The Gender Institute, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, November 2011.
- "How Many Parents Can a Child Have?" Social and Political Theory, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, October 2011.
- "The Intrinsic Goods of Childhood," Social and Political Theory, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, October 2007; Philosophy, University of Sydney, Australia, May 2008; and Philosophy, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, May 2008.
- "Feminist Ethics and Everyday Inequalities," Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Canberra, Australia, February 2008; Philosophy, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, February 2008; Philosophy, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, February 2008; and Philosophy, University of Melbourne, Australia, February 2008.
- "Feminist Ethics and Rethinking the Bright Line between the Right and the Good," Philosophy, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, March 2008.
- "Moral Gaps," Philosophy, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, February 2008; Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 2001; Philosophy, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, February 2001; Philosophy, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, February 2001; and Philosophy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, January 2001.
- "Children's Rights and Sexual Agency," Philosophy, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 2006.
- "Welfare, Autonomy, and Moderate Deontology," Philosophy, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, February 2006, and Philosophy, Florida State University, Tallahassee, March 2006.
- "Changing Conceptions of Children's Rights," Medicine, Western University, January 2006.
- "Feminist Philosophy, the Badness of Death, and the Resiliency of Life's Goods," Philosophy, St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 2005.
- "Moral Lumps," Philosophy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, December 2004.
- "Do Children Have a Right to a Smoke Free Home?" Bioethics Research Group Brown Bag series, Western University, London, Ontario, September 2004.
- "Feminist Ethics and the Value of Life's Goods," Philosophy, University of Windsor, Ontario, March 2004.
- "All in the Family: Feminism, Gender, and Justice in the Home," The Circle at Brescia College, Western University, London, Ontario, March 2004.
- "Welfare, Autonomy, and Moderate Deontology," Philosophy, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, January 2004.
- "The Common Structure of Thresholds for Rights and Thresholds for Options," Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 2003, and Philosophy, University of Calgary, Alberta, November 2002.
- "Moderate Deontology and Moral Gaps," Ethics Research Group, University of Calgary, Alberta, November 2002.
- "Feminism, Philosophy, and Death: The Resiliency of Life's Goods and the Badness of Death," Gender and Society workshop, Western University, London, Ontario, October 2002.
- The Structure of Moderate Deontology," Philosophy, University of Guelph, Ontario, October 2002.
- "Varieties of Liberal Egalitarianism," Philosophy, University of Waterloo, Ontario, May 2002.
- "A Liberal Egalitarian Response to John Kekes," panel discussion on John Kekes' manuscript-in progress The Illusions of Egalitarianism, Philosophy, University of Waterloo, Ontario, May 2002.
- "Children's Rights and Children's Choices," Applied Ethics Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, January 2001.
- "Relational Selves and Thresholds for Rights," Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 2000, and Philosophy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, January 2000.
- "The Relationality of Rights," Philosophy, SUNY-Buffalo, New York, April 1999. "Children's Rights: Towards a Philosophical Framework for Thinking about Adoption, Foster Care and Parenting,"(paper jointly authored with Robert Noggle), Philosophy, University of Waterloo, Ontario June 1995.
- "Paternalism and Rights," Philosophy, Western University, London, Ontario, March1994, and Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 1993.
- Commentary on Todd Calder's "Moral Spectrums: Evil, Wrongdoing, and the Ethics of Care," Canadian Philosophical Association, Calgary, May 2016.
- Commentary on Jason Chen's "The Right to Self-Development," Central APA, Chicago, March 2016.
- Commentary on Alice MacLachlan's "Fiduciary Duties and the Ethics of Public Apology," at Workshop on Fiduciary Relationships, Western University, November 2014.
- Comments on three papers, Children and Education panel, Canadian Political Science Association meeting, Montreal, Quebec, June 2010.
- Comments on Christophe Knapp's" Reasons and Alternatives," Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, April 2003.
- "Families, Efficiency, Gender, and Justice," book panel commentary on Joe Heath's The Efficient Society, Canadian Philosophical Association meeting, Toronto, Ontario, May 2002.
- Comments on Nathan Nobis "'Feminist Ethics Without Feminist Ethical Theory," Society for Analytical Feminism Group Meeting, Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 2002.
- Book panel commentary on Richard Keshen's Reasonable Self-Esteem, Canadian Philosophical Association meeting, Sherbrooke, Quebec, June 1999.
- Book panel commentary on Christine Koggel's Perspectives on Equality, Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy meeting, Sherbrooke, Quebec, June 1999.
- Comments on Pamela Courtney Hall's "Affirmative Action: From Justified Reverse Discrimination to Responsive Hiring," Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 1991.
- Comments on Andrew Irvine's "Jack and Jill and Employment Equity," Canadian Philosophical Association meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May 1991.
- Comments on Barbara Houston's "Rights, Women's Morality and Feminist Ethics," Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy meeting, Kingston, Ontario, September 1990.
- "Why Fitness is a Feminist Issue." International Women's Day breakfast lecture, Zonta Club, Guelph, Ontario. March 5, 2020.
- "Six Questions about Women and Well-Being," Philosophy Saturday for high school teachers, University of Toronto campus. November 23, 2019.
- "Bad Girls, Bikes, and the Women's Liberation Movement" ARCHAEOLOGY- HISTORY LECTURE SERIES held at the Upper Grand District School Board, Wellington Centre for Continuing Education. November 4, 2019 .
- "Six Questions about Women and Well-being," London Public Library, Rotman Institute of Philosophy series, January 2018.
- "Fit is a Feminist Issue," with Tracy Isaacs, at Words, London's Literary and Creative Arts Festival, November 4th
- "Women, bike safety, and why it matters for everyone!" Bikes and Brains Symposium, September 2014.
- "Ethics through the Monocle: The Moral Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe," London Public Library, November 2013.
- "Inactivity, Gender, and the Obesity Crisis," Ontario Council of Universities panel, Tackling Ontario's Challenges: Health, Glendon College, York University, September 24, 2012.
- "Philosophy and the Future of the Family," Faculty of Arts and Humanities Lecture Series, London Public Library, London, Ontario, September 2012.
- "Do Children Have a Right to a Smoke Free Home?" St. Mary's University Public Philosophy Lecture, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 2005.
- "All in the Family: Feminism, Gender, and Justice in the Home," London Public Library Philosophy Department Lecture Series, London, Ontario, October 2003.
- "Assessing the Rights Revolution," London Public Library Philosophy Department Lecture Series, London, Ontario, May 2002.
- Canadian Society of Women in Philosophy conference, October 2019. University of Guelph. "Feminism and Food." SSHRC Connection grant awarded, Feminism and Food, September 2019, $23,821.
- QuofG Research Celebration, October 2019. Co-organized.
- Guelph-Bremen Diversity conference, March 2019.
- "Permissible Progeny: The Ethics of Procreation," (with Richard Vernon and Sarah Hannen), Western University, London, Ontario, June 2013.
- "Feminism, Science, and Values," International Association of Women in Philosophy (co-sponsored by the Department of Philosophy and the Rotman Institute of
- Philosophy), Chair of Organizing Committee, Western University, London, Ontario, June
- 2010.
- "Children, Family, and the State," International Conference (with Daniel Weinstock, Colin Macleod, and Shauna Van Praagh), SSHRC and Centre de recherche en ethique de l'universite de Montreal, Quebec, Spring 2007.
- "Feminist Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition," Society for Analytic Feminism (with Tracy Isaacs, Cate Hundleby, Kathleen Okruhlik, Anita Superson, and Letitia Meynell), Western University, London, Ontario, June 2004.
- "Objectivity and Subjectivity: Recent Debates in Feminism and Philosophy," Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy (with Tracy Isaacs, Carolyn McLeod, Helen Fielding, Kathleen Okruhlik, Letitia Meynell, and Maureen Melnyk), SSHRC and Western University, London, Ontario, October 2003.
- "Feminist Moral Philosophy," (with Sylvia Burrow), Western University, London, Ontario, August 2002.
- "Responsibility and Children," (with Robert Noggle and Mark Vopat), SSHRC and Western University, London, Ontario, February 2002.
- "Paying Attention to Children: Philosophical Reflections on Children's Welfare, Parents' Rights & Justice in the
- Family," (with Robert Noggle and Mark Vopat), SSHRC and Western University, London, Ontario, March 2000.
- "Pluralism and Conflict," (with Tracy Isaacs and Michael Milde), SSHRC and Western University, London, Ontario, January 1995.
- "A Question of Values: New Canadian Perspectives in Moral and Political Philosophy," (with Tracy Isaacs and Michael Milde), Western University, London, Ontario, February 1994.
Moral theory, social and political philosophy, feminist theory, feminist ethics
Applied ethics, feminist philosophy, gender and sexuality
University of Guelph
Graduate Seminar: The Ethics and Politics of Higher Education: Issues in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Fall 2019)
Western University
- Graduate Seminar: Sexual Citizenship
- Graduate Seminar: Feminist Ethics and the Family Graduate Seminar: Feminist Ethics and Sexual Justice
- Graduate Seminar in Ethics: Consequentialist Moral Theories Graduate/undergraduate Seminar in Ethics: Value Theory Graduate Seminar in Ethics: Contemporary Deontology Graduate Seminar in Ethics: Welfare, Well-Being, and Autonomy Graduate/undergraduate Seminar in Ethics: Egalitarianism Graduate/undergraduate Seminar in Ethics: Moral Rights Graduate/undergraduate Seminar in Ethics: Well Being
- Graduate/undergraduate Seminar in Feminist Ethics
- Undergraduate courses in Women's Studies and in Philosophy: Feminist perspectives on death and dying, Gender and Fashion, Digital Ethics, Sports Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, History of Political Philosophy, Contemporary Political Philosophy, Global Justice and Human Rights, Philosophy of Religion, Ethics and Value Theory, Social and Political Philosophy, Death, Normative Ethics, Digital Ethics, Introduction to Philosophy, and Advanced Introduction to Philosophy
- Faculty of Graduate Studies/Educational Development Office Joint Instructor for Grad Studies 500, May-June 2003/2004 Educational Development Office
- Joint Instructor for week-long course on Teaching at the University Level (lectured on instructional technology and microteaching), 2000/2001/2003/2005
- Teaching Squares Program, Fall 2014
Carolyn McLeod, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Western University: "The Integrity of People with Addictions,"2000-2001.
Alida Lieberman, Rotman Postdoctoral Fellow, Western University, 2015-16 (Jointly supervised with Carolyn McLeod)
- Christopher Shirreff, "Methodological Challenges for Empirical Approaches to Ethics," PhD defended August 2019 (Western University)
- Co-supervisor (with Dennis Klimchuk), Tracy deBoer, "Feminism and Property," in progress, (Western University)
- Cameron Fenton, "Filial Obligations: A Case of Overdetermination," defended 2017.
- Michel Hebert, "Value and Time," August 2013 (joint supervision with Anthony Skelton).
- Jason Marsh, "Justifying Our Existence: An Essay on Procreation and Permissible Harm," 2013 (joint supervision with John Thorp).
- Jeff Spring, "Global Justice and the Capabilities Account of Well-Being," August 2013.
- Amanda Porter, "The Ethics of Humanitarian Intervention," defended 2011.
- Sarah Lublink, "Critical Thinking, Indoctrination, and the Duties of Philosophers as Ethics Teachers," defended 2009.
- Byron Stoyles, "The Value of Death," defended 2004 (joint supervision with John Thorp).
- Mark Vopat, "A Contractarian Approach to Children's Rights," defended 2003.
- Todd Calder, "The Nature of Evil," defended 2002.
- Sylvia Burrow, "Moral Reasoning: Showing Some Humean Sympathy," defended 2002.
Supervisor, Quinn McGlade-Ferentzy, MA Philosophy, "Heterosexist Suspicion of a Queer Outsider," December 16, 2019.
- Devin Suderman, "Practical Ethics and the Importance of Well Being, Philosophy, 2017.
- Bill Cameron, "A Feminist Approach to Ethical Intuitions," Philosophy, 2014.
- Alison Braley, "Little Liberals: Parents, Children and Cultural Transmission," Political Science, 2012.
- Angelique Petropanagos, "The Ethical Implications of Oncofertility," Philosophy, 2013.
- Kenneth Chung, "Kant and the Fact of Reason," Philosophy, in progress.
- Brian Lawson, "The Varying Degrees of Individual Complicity in Collective Contexts," Philosophy, 2009.
- Ryan Robb, "Rights, Conflicts, and Normative Systems," Philosophy, 2009.
- Patricia Sheridan, "Locke's Ethics and the British Moralists," Philosophy, 2001.
- Marc Ramsay, "The Pluralist Critique of Liberalism," Philosophy, 2002.
- Catherine Hundleby, "Feminist Standpoint Theory as a Form of Naturalist Epistemology," Philosophy, 2001.
- Joan Mason-Grant, "Rethinking Pornography as a Practice," Philosophy, Western University, 1998.
- Justin Ross Morris, McMaster, January 8, 2020. Thesis: Human Dignit y: In (pragmatic) defense of a (purportedly) useless concept,
- Megan Dean, "Eating, Agency, and Healthism," Philosophy, Georgetown University, April
- 2019.
- Josephine Nielsen, "Interests and Rights: Minorities Communities, Parents and Children," Philosophy, Queen's University, November 2018.
- Lori Kantymir, "Varieties of Objectivity: What's worth keeping?" Philosophy, Western University, October 2016.
- Bojan Ratkovic, "Republican Nationalism: Nations, Cultures, and Politics," Political Science, Western University, April 2016.
- Ken Nickel, "Trusting to a Fault: Criminal Negligence and Faith Healing Deaths," Philosophy, Western University, August 2015
- Aviva Shiller, "The Modern Secularization of Just War Theory and its Lessons for Contemporary Thought," Philosophy, Western University, July 2015
- Melissa MacAulay, "The Debate about Time : Examining the Evidence from our Ordinary Experience of Time," February 2015.
- Trevor Bieber, "Love and Ethics in the Works of J. M . E. McTaggart," Philosophy, Western Universit y, December 2014 .
- Bill Cameron, "A Feminist Approach to Ethical Intuitions," Philosophy, Western University, 2014.
- Rob Maciel, "Rooted Cosmopolitanism," PhD Political Science, Western University, January 2014.
- Stephanie Paplinskie, "An Autoethnographical Tapestry of Feminist Reflection on the Journey to Sculpted Shouldlers and a Tapered Waist" MA thesis, Kinesiology, Western, August 2013.
- Alison Braley, "Little Liberals: A Child-Centred Approach to the Inculcation of Values," PhD Political Science, Western Universit y, 2012.
- Angelique Petropanagos, "The Ethical Implications of Oncofertility," Philosophy, Western University, 2013.
- Teresa M. Segal, "The Ethics of Selecting for an Abnormal Embryo," PhD Philosophy, York University, 2012.
- Mhairi Catherine Cowden, "Do Children Have Rights: Five Theoretical Reflections on Children's Rights," PhD Philosophy, The Australian National University, 2012.
- Alex Sinha, "Foundations of Deontology," PhD Philosophy, University of Toronto, 2010.
- Neil Haddow, "Individual Human Rights: Reconciling Rights with Value Pluralism," PhD Philosophy, University of Waterloo, 2007.
- Andrea Flynn, "Defying Demographic Expectations: Induced Abortion, Contraceptive Use, and the Culture of Birth Control in Cuba," MA Sociology, Western University, 2006.
- Kira Tomsons, "Oppression: A Conceptual Analysis ," PhD Philosophy, Dalhousie University, 2006.
- Danielle Brown, "The Elementary Teacher as a Moral Authority," MA Education, Western Universit y, 2005.
- Charlene Weaving, "An Analysis of Women Athletes' Titillating Quest for Respect in Sport," PhD Ki nesiology, Western University, 2005.
- Christine Freeman-Roth, "Emotivating Justice: The Role of Emotion in Moral Theory and Pract ice," PhD Philosophy, University of Waterloo, 2004.
- Troy Kozma, "Federation of Peoples: An Unorthodox Liberal Approach to Minority Nationalism," PhD Philosophy, The University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004.
- Charlene Weaving, Comprehensive Exam Committee, PhD Kinesiology, Western University, 2003.
- Marc Ramsay, "The Pluralist Critique of Liberalism," PhD Philosophy, Western University, 2002.
- Patricia Sheridan, "Locke's Ethics and the British Moralists: The Lockean Legacy in Eighteenth Century Moral Philosophy," PhD Philosophy, Western University, 2001.
- Christine Coulter, "Group-Differentiated Citizenship: A Qualified Defence of Kymlicka's Liberal Theory of Minority Rights," MA Political Science, Western University, 2001.
- Catherine Hundleby, "Feminist Standpoint Theory as a Form of Naturalist Epistemology," PhD Philosophy, Western University, 2001.
- Joan Mason-Grant, "Rethinking Pornography as a Practice," PhD Philosophy, Western University, 1998.
- Elizabeth Neill, "Rites of Privacy and the Privacy Trade: On the Limits of Protection for the Sacred Self," PhD Philosophy, Western University, 1997.
- Andrew Robinson, "Liberalism and Community in a World of Difference," PhD Political Science, Western University, 1999.
- Beth James, "Rights, Group Rights, and Conflicts of Rights," MA Political Science, Western University, 1997 (extra-departmental examiner).
- John Zimmerman, "Positive Rights in the Liberal Tradition," MA Political Science, Western University, 1994 (extra-departmental examiner).
- Steven Lecce, "Authenticity and Citizenship in Rousseau," MA Political Science, Western University, 1994 (extra-departmental examiner).
- Meredith Lordan, "George Grant and the Problem of Modernity," MA Political Science, Western University, 1995 (extra-departmental examiner).
My media profile on Informed Opinions is here.
- Fit at M idlife , Fitness After 40 podcast, June 2018.
- Getting Fit No Matter What Your Age, Global News, an interview about Fit at Midlife: A Feminist Fitness Journey, June 2018
- The Fitness Gur us, Western News, December 2018 .
- Brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, those weird second cousins you never talk to ... how might we define family-and why it mat t ers. The Philosophers' Zone, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, February 2018.
- How two philosophers got fit, thefeminist way, Globe and Mail, April 2018
- Feminist philosophers' fitness book exercise in empowerment , Toronto Star, April 2018.
- Fem Radio, Ryerson Student Radio, Fit is a Feminist Issue int erview , 2017.
- Opinion: Why I didn't protest Jordan Peterson's visit but newspaper coverage almost makes me wish I did, Western News, March 2017.
- How Two Women Are Rethinking What it Means to be Fit , Canadian Living, December
- 2016
- Quoted in Chris Bosh's Desire to Play Leaves Heat at an Ethical Crossroads, New York Times, September 2016.
- Radical Philosophy Radio, Australia, On the Family, 2017
- AMA (ask me anything) on reddit, Philosophy sub-reddit, January 26, 2017, 2-4 pm, losopher_at_western/
- Podcast on Permissible Progeny, with Sarah Hannen, "To Be a Parent...Or Not - Examining Ethics," March 2016,
- Opinion: Spin cycle -Armstrong, doping and the lies he t old, Western News, January 2013.
- "Episode 16: Samantha Brennan on Micro-inequalities," Public Ethics Radio, 2012.
- How Many Parents Can a Child Have?, Life Matters, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, November 2011.
- Children as Pr ojects, Life Matters, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, November 2007.
- Interview on the right of children to a smoke-free home, Mainstreet, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/CKDU, 2005.
- Interview on UWO's decision to grant honorary degree to Dr. Henry Morgentaler, CBC London, 2005.
- "The Truth About Lying," CBC Ideas, CBC Radio One, 2002; "For Your Own Good," CBC Ideas, CBC Radio One, 2001