Faculty and Staff | Page 5 | College of Arts

Faculty and Staff

Our People

Assistant Professor/Graduate Program Coordinator, English and Theatre Studies

School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing

Phone: x 53255

Email: gregorc@uoguelph.ca

Office: MacKinnon 431

Administrative Assistant to the Director

School of Languages and Literatures

Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 53883

Email: candotti@uoguelph.ca

Office: MacKinnon 269

Photo of Catherine Carstairs

Professor, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada


Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 53185

Email: ccarstai@uoguelph.ca

Office: 1016 Mackinnon Extension

Keywords: catherine carstairs history

Photo of Keith Cassidy

Professor Emeritus


Email: kcassidy@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: keith cassidy history

Associate Professor

School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing

Phone: x 53258 (no voicemail)

Email: echang@uoguelph.ca

Office: MacKinnon 440