Philosophy Department Service Roles 2021-22 | College of Arts

Philosophy Department Service Roles 2021-22

Previous years' assignments:

2015-16   2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  2019-20 2020-21


Department chair
Patricia Sheridan

Philosophy Department Council
All regular faculty
Graduate Students Rep: TBA
Undergraduate Students Rep: TBA

Tenure and Promotion Committee
Chair: Patricia Sheridan
Committee members: Karyn Freedman, Stefan Linquist, Monique Deveaux, John Russon

Sessional Instructor Hiring Committee
Chair: Patricia Sheridan
Committee members: Karyn Freedman, John Russon

Department representative on College Tenure and Promotion Committee
Karen Wendling

Speaker Series Coordinator
Maya Goldenberg

Graduate Coordinator and Awards Officer
Don Dedrick

Graduate Studies Committee
Chair: Don Dedrick 
Committee members: Peter Eardley (W22), Maya Goldenberg, Monique Deveaux
Graduate Student Rep: Gennady McCracken

Graduate Placement Officer
Gus Skorburg

Curriculum committee
Chair: Stefan Linquist
Committee members: Karyn Freedman (W22), Omid Payrow Shabani (F21), John Russon, Karen Wendling
Undergraduate Student Reps: Carson Johnston, Leah Collins

Undergraduate Advisors
Peter Eardley (W22), John Russon, Omid Payrow Shabani (F21)

Inclusion and Equity Committee
Chair: TBA