eCV tips, policies and links
The T&P Policy Document
The Department's T&P policy document contains the answers to many questions---please have a look at it.
Important: unless you're going for Promotion or Tenure, you need only concern yourself with items in the "window": September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2018. (All you'll submit is the Biennial Report, not the CV.)
How to enter the eCV system
Go to and log in using your U of Guelph credentials.
Note about text-box fields: pasting directly from a program with formatted text, e.g. Microsoft Word, can give odd results. Always paste text as plain text. To do this, click on this icon in the text box's toolbar:
Particular items
As in the past, the department encourages people to write brief prose summaries of their teaching, research and service during the window, in point form if possible. In addition, a statement of "teaching philosophy" is useful, and a brief overall summary. The "Narrative" boxes in eCV are the way to get these into your Biennial Report. At the top right, click on "Profile" then on the "Narratives" tab. Some of these narrative fields do not work and will never work. Use only the following fields.
- Narrative 1, Executive Summary: a brief summary of your lifetime activity. This prints only to the CV.
- Narrative 17, Executive Summary: a brief summary of your activity during the window, highlighting items for the committee. This prints only to the 1- and 2-year reports.
- Narrative 19, Research Contextual Statement: a brief summary of your research activity during the window. Perhaps include a one- or two-sentence description of the research program(s) of which they are parts.
- Narrative 5, Teaching Contextual Statement: should have, first, a brief (one or two paragraph) description of your "teaching philosophy" then a brief (one paragraph per course, max) summary of your teaching activity during the window.
- Narrative 10, Service Contextual Statement: a brief (one or two paragraph) summary of your overall service (i.e. not just departmental).
You'll notice that each item--research item, course, service item--has a "description" field. Please use these to elaborate as needed, particularly with research items (concerning e.g. their mode of refereeing).
Distribution of Effort
The College enters this, taking the 2013-14 values. If your 2012-13 values differ, highlight this in your "Executive Summary."
Study/Research leaves
Our department policy says to include, "Where applicable, a written report on a Study/Research Leave that concluded during the TPPA window." Such leaves will show up as items in the Teaching Schedule with names like "LEAVE9000." Please attach the report as a PDF to this course (or the second, concluding one, if it's a multi-semester leave).
"Scope" of conferences
What makes a conference local, regional, national, or international? This is determined by its location and the nationalities of its speakers, in that order. If it's outside Canada, it's International. If it's inside Canada then the attendees determine whether it is International (e.g. a conference in Canada with a good proportion of attendees from outside Canada--the CPA Congress does not fit this description), National (almost all attendees are Canadian, e.g. CPA Congress), Regional (etc.) or Local (almost all local worthies).
Conference presentations showing up in "Service"
This is due to miscategorizations by the data entry clerks. The solution, unfortunately, is to delete the item then re-enter its description as a new item under Research/Conference Presentation.
Service items
Many of these are pre-entered by "College Administrator." This is Sherry Kinsella, Contact her to ask for changes to be made. "Service letters" can be uploaded for each item, but if it's not one you created then you would need to email the PDF to Sherry and ask her to do this.
Research items
We want the T&P committee members to be able to click on the title of each item and see it. There are two ways this happens: either there is a URL for the item, or a PDF has been attached for this item. If there are both, the latter trumps the former. So to keep things simple let's try to do the latter always -- beside the item click on "Manage" then upload the PDF for the item.
Book manuscripts
The "Work in progress" screen seems designed for journal articles. But if you have a book MS in progress, then you can use this screen nonetheless. Just select "Journal Article" under "Outlet" and leave out the "targeted journal." Then write "Book manuscript in preparation" in the "Description" field.
For uniformity's sake, in eCV list something as "refereed" if it was judged publishable by someone with a PhD (in Philosophy if it is a Philosophy publication). In addition, in your description of the item ("edit" the item then scroll down to the "Description (impact)" window), supply details about the mode of refereeing (e.g. blind to author's identity or not; solicited or not).
Book reviews
The eCV system initially incorporated no distinction between two things one might call "book reviews": referee reports, written for publishers concerning book manuscripts submitted to them, and published reviews of already-published books. This is astonishing, but it explains why the data entry clerks put both types of items under Service. An email will come from the College about a strategy for dealing with this -- the idea is that the "Service" items will be copied en masse to "Research" items and you will delete as necessary.
Course outlines, course materials, and student course evaluations
Go to Teaching/Teaching Schedule. Select the semester; you'll see a list of courses. To the right of each is a "Manage" link in the "Files" column. Click on that to see a window for uploading that course's outline or other materials related to it (final exam, tests, assignments). You can separately upload items of different kinds as separate PDFs. Please use only PDFs.
Note: You are limited to two PDFs (in addition to the alread-uploaded student evaluations ("A1") and a course syllabus ("CS")). These will show up as "A2" and "A3" in the list.
Directed Reading courses
These have been (or will be, in the case of 2013-14 courses) uploaded by the College. But they're not in "Teaching Schedule"; they're in "Teaching Activities." I've tested the description fields for these items and stuff entered there does show up on the 2-year report. However, uploaded files don't show up on the report (i.e. there's no link). They do show up in "Library" (from your home page). So if (which is unlikely, but whatever) you would like the committee to view some PDF related to a reading course, mention this in the description field so that the committee members can go hunt it down in the Library. (I'm assuming here that the committee members can indeed do this. As this several-hundred-person-strong pilot project continues to unfold, we will discover whether this is true.)
Current graduate students
Your teaching assignments, including graduate supervisions, are populated automatically from the University's records. These records don't yet reflect Fall 2013 or Winter 2014. By mid-summer early August the records from those semesters should be in the system, and at that point you will be able to upload relevant files for those courses.