Gennady McCracken

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Guelph and a Research Assistant on the Journal of Value Inquiry. I hold an Ontario Graduate Scholarship. I received my MA from the University of Victoria in 2019 and my BA from the University of British Columbia Okanagan in 2017. My current research focuses on virtue ethics. I am interested in how we justify obligations to others, eudaimonist accounts of suffering and the relationship of non-ideal theory to eudaimonism.
I have published in Social Theory and Practice, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy and Ethical Theory and Moral Practice and have been a referee for American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly.
McCracken, Gennady. “Bootstrapping arguments for global justice.” Social Theory and Practice, forthcoming.
McCracken, Gennady. “Can a MacIntyrian care about severely disabled strangers?” The Journal of Medicine & Philosophy 47.6, 761-769 (2022).
McCracken, Gennady. "Is Aristotelian Naturalism Safe From the Moral Outsider?" Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24, 1123-1137 (2021).
2023, May. Paper Presentation On the Egoism Objection to Neo-Aristotelian Virtue Ethics. Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Conference. York University, Canada.
2022, December. Abstract Presentation. Love and the Manipulation Objection. UofG Philosophy Graduate Students Association Conference. Online/University of Guelph, Canada.
2022, June. Abstract Presentation. On the relationship between freedom and moral enhancement. International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting. Online/Montreal, Canada.
2022, June. Abstract Presentation. Where do MacIntyrian international political obligations come from? The 15th Annual Conference of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry. Online/University of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey.
2021, December. Abstract Presentation. Freedom and Moral Health. University of Guelph Philosophy Graduate Student Association Conference. Online/University of Guelph, Canada.
2021, July. Paper Presentation. On the membership objection to Aristotelian naturalism. 95th Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association: Open Session. Online/University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
2021, July. Abstract Presentation. MacIntyre vs. Aliens, Mutants and the Great Red Dragon. The 14th Annual Conference of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry. Online/University of Bergamo, Italy.
2021, April. Paper Presentation. When does suffering contribute to human flourishing? University of Guelph Philosophy Graduate Student Association Colloquium. Online/University of Guelph, Canada.
2020, December. Paper Presentation. Aristotelian Naturalism in Question: A MacIntyrian Response. University of Guelph Philosophy Graduate Student Association Symposium. Online/University of Guelph, Canada.
2020, June. Paper Presentation. Responsibilities to Severely Disabled Strangers in the MacIntyrian Community. Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Conference. Western University, Canada. Conference cancelled.
As Instructor:
W23 - POLS 2000: Political Theory
W22 - PHIL 2120: Ethics
As Teaching Assistant:
W23 - PHIL 2120: Ethics
F22 - PHIL 1010: Social and Political Issues
S22 - PHIL 2600 DE: Business and Professional Ethics
F21 - PHIL 2120: Ethics
F21 - PHIL 1030: Love, Sex and Friendship
W21 - PHIL 2120: Ethics
F20 - PHIL 2030: Philosophy of Medicine
W20 - PHIL 2100: Critical Thinking
F19 - PHIL 1030: Love, Sex and Friendship
S18 - (UVic) ENGR 297: Technology and Society
W18 - (UVic) PHIL 335: Contemporary Moral Philosophy; PHIL 100: Introduction to Philosophy
F17 - (UVic) PHIL 252: Metaphysics; PHIL 100: Introduction to Philosophy
Canadian Philosophical Association Graduate Merit Award 2023
Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2021/2022
Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2022/2023