Business Account Books
Bibliography of Research Using Business Account Books
Canadian material
Bittermann, Rusty. “Farm Households and Wage Labour in the Northeastern Maritimes in the Early 19th Century.” Labour/Le Travail 31 (Spring 1993): pp. 13-45.
The several merchants’ accounts used periodically in this article were analysed for their portrayal of rural labour traded for credit.
Craig, Beatrice, Rygiel, Judith, and Turcotte, Elizabeth. “The Homespun Paradox: Market-Orientated Production of Cloth in Eastern Canada in the Nineteenth Century.” Agricultural History 76(1) (2002): pp. 28-57.
The authors used three merchants’ accounts to examine textile consumption and the amounts of labour for cloth production credited by the merchants.
Craig, Beatrice. “Solder les comptes: les sources de credit dans le magazines generaux ruraux de l’est Canadian au milieu du XIXe siecle.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 13 (2002): pp. 23-47.
Three rural merchants’ accounts were used to understand the availability and function of specie and credit in the mid-nineteenth century countryside.
Craig, Béatrice. Backwoods Consumers and Homespun Capitalists: The Rise of a Market Culture in Eastern Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
A study of the rural economy and material life based on the accounts of 10 Upper Canadian country stores between 1808 and 1861.
Greer, Alan. Peasant, Lord, and Merchant: Rural Society in Three Quebec Parishes, 1740-1840. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985.
The account books of merchant Samuel Jacobs were used in Chapter 6 to reconstruct the commercial relationships in rural Quebec in the late eighteenth century. This chapter is an important example of what these sources reveal about Canadian rural history in this period.
Loewen, Royden. Family, Church, and Market: A Mennonite Community in the Old and the New Worlds, 1850-1930. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Loewen used the account books of two general merchants in Steinbach, Manitoba, to portray the businesses as agents of change in a rural Mennonite world (pp. 154, 208-9).
Mancke, Elizabeth. “At the Counter of the General Store: Women and the Economy in Eighteenth-Century Horton, Nova Scotia” in Intimate Relations: Family and Community in Planter Nova Scotia, 1759-1800. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1995.
This article examined two eighteenth century ledgers and one daybook to demonstrate the gendered division of goods produced and consumed.
McCalla, Douglas. Planting the Province: The Economic History of Upper Canada, 1784-1870. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Chapter 5 of this book examined the account books of thirteen stores and a dozen farms. It used these sources to determine how farmers paid for goods bought on credit and what that revealed about the traditional story of Upper Canadian wheat. However, it also examined rural accounts in other chapters and it offers a wider context for anyone who wishes to use account books for a study of Ontario’s rural history.
McCalla, Douglas. Consumers in the Bush: Shopping in Rural Upper Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
A study of the rural economy and material life based on the accounts of 10 Upper Canadian country stores between 1808 and 1861.
Michel, Louis. “Le livre de compte (1784-1792) de Gaspard Mausse, marchand à Varennes.” Histoire sociale – Social History 13(26) (1980): pp. 369-98.
Michel studied this rural merchant’s clientele base and commercial trends and concentrated on wheat-based transactions.
Ommer, Rosemary E. “The Truck System in Gaspé, 1822-77.” Acadiensis 19(1) (1989): pp. 91-114.
Based on the ledgers of “the largest fishing firm in the Gulf of St. Lawrence,” this article examined how the company operated credit and debt and how that affected the fishermen in the trade.
Parr, Joy. The Gender of Breadwinners: Women, Men, and Change in Two Industrial Towns, 1880-1950. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990.
This study’s resources were mostly in small towns, but depending on one’s focus the models used by Parr may be helpful for connecting to rural people through account books. She made excellent use of the ledgers and minute books from the Penmans factory in Paris, Ontario. Much of the material is from after the First World War.
Steeves, Helen. The Story of Moncton’s First Store and Storekeeper: Life Around “The Bend” A Century Ago. St. John: A. McMillan, Limited, 1924.
This early text studied late eighteenth and early nineteenth century ledgers belonging to a merchant in Moncton, New Brunswick. The book described his trade with rural customers along the Peticodiac River.
Sweeny, Robert C. H., with Bradley, David and Hong, Robert. “Movement, Options and Costs: Indexes as Historical Evidence, a Newfoundland Example.” Acadiensis 22(1) (Autumn 1992): pp. 111-121.
This article used the indexes to the general ledgers of two merchants in Bonavista, Newfoundland, in the late nineteenth century to analyse the types of fishing households and the nature and extent of their ties to the merchants.
Sweeny, Robert C. H. “Accounting For Change: Understanding Merchant Credit Strategies in Outport Newfoundland.” in Candow, James E. ed. How Deep is the Ocean?: Historical Essays on Canada’s Atlantic Fishery. Sydney: University College of Cape Breton Press, 1997.
This article used the same account books as Sweeny, Bradley, and Hong’s publication in Acadiensis 22, see citation above, but it focused specifically on accounts in the general ledgers. It reexamined the truck system and fishermen’s reliance on credit.
International material
Adams, William Hampton, and Smith, Steven D. “Historical Perspectives on Black Tenant Farmer Material Culture: The Henry C. Long General Store Ledger at Waverly Plantation, Mississippi.” in Singleton, Theresa ed. The Archaeology of Slavery and Plantation Life. Toronto: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 309-44.
This article examined two ledgers from the 1870s and 1880s. The analysis focused on consumption patterns and material culture.
Brewer, Priscilla J. From Fireplace to Cookstove: Technology and the Domestic Ideal in America. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2000.
One Greenfield, Massachusetts, merchant’s account books were used extensively to examine the purchases of a few cookstove consumers in particular and stove consumption in general (pp. 79, 83-5, 125-7).
Clemens, Paul G. E. The Atlantic Economy and Colonial Maryland’s Eastern Shore: From Tobacco to Grain. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980.
Plantation account books were used to make “Table 15. Clothing costs for a male slave field hand, 1722 and 1774” (p. 152). Another merchant ledger was cited as support for “the scale of business of an Eastern Shore merchant” (n. 45, p. 156).
Darnton, Robert. The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopedie, 1775-1800. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979.
Darnton used account books to trace the shipments of paper from millers and merchants to the book manufacturers (pp. 190-1) and the subscribers to the Encyclopedie (Appendix B).
Enman, John A. “Coal Company Store Prices Questioned: A Case Study of the Union Supply Company, 1905-1906.” Pennsylvania History 41(1) (1974): pp. 53-62.
Fix, Edward B. “A Long Island Carpenter at Work: A Quantitative Inquiry into the Account Book of Jedidiah Williamson.” Chronicle of the Early American Industries Association 32(4) (December 1979): pp. 61-63; and 33(1) (March 1980): pp. 4-8.
Hubscher, Ronald-Henri. “Le Livre de compte de la famille Flahaut,” Revue d’histoire economique et sociale, 47 (1969).
This article examined the account book of the mayor of a village in Pas-de-Calais. He was also a country notable and land owner, and his account books demonstrated how he needed to manipulate his estate workers by carefully controlling his money.
Innis, Ben. “Bottoms Up!: The Smith and Leighton Yellowstone Store Ledger of 1876.” North Dakota History 51(3) (1984): pp. 24-38.
A history of a frontier sutler and his customers based on a store ledger, this article focused on alcohol consumption but was hindered by the vagueness of items labeled “sundries.”
Lemay, Edna. “Thomas Hérier, A Country Surgeon Outside Angouleme at the End of the XVIIIth Century: A Contribution to Social History.” Journal of Social History 10(4) (1977): pp. 524-537.
This article used a surgeon’s account books to examine his trade and his business relationships with his rural clientele.
Rothenberg, Winnifred B. “The Market and Massachusetts Farmers, 1750-1855.” Journal of Economic History, 41(2) (June 1981): pp. 283-314.
This seminal work demonstrated early the possibilities of systematic account book analysis, and although it used farmers’ records it employed useful models for understanding rural participation in the commercial economy.
Wallace, Anthony F. C., Rockdale: The Growth of an American Village in the Early Industrial Revolution. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980.
Wallace used a cotton mill’s daybooks to trace everyday business, technological improvements, and households – the basic units of production (pp. 158-183).
Wettstaed, James. “A Look at Early Nineteenth Century Life in an Ozarks Mining Town: The View from the Company Store.” Plains Anthropologist 45(171) (2000): pp. 85-112.
Using company store accounts to examine “the diversity and quantity of goods available in a remote frontier community,” this article studied a sample of 8 consumers in the 1840s.
Material Addressing the Use of Business Account Books
Recent material
Armstrong, John. and Jones, Stephanie. Business Documents: Their Origins, Sources and Uses in Historical Research. New York: Mansell Publishing Limited, 1987.
This useful book is slightly general when describing account books but puts them in a much wider context of business documents.
Boyns, Rosemary E., Boyns, Trevor, and Edwards, John Richard. Historical Accounting Records: A Guide for Archivists and Researchers. London: Society of Archivists, 2000.
This is the most recent material on using account books for historical research, and although it offers helpful information about the form of accounts it is directed largely to archivists and accounting historians.
Lamoreaux, Naomi R. “Rethinking the Transition to Capitalism in the Early American Northeast.” Journal of American History 90(2) (2003): pp. 437-461.
Pages under the subtitle “Evidence From Account Books” offer an interesting commentary on using merchant account books for rural history.
Lee, G. A. “The Concept of Profit in British Accounting, 1760-1900.” Business History Review 49(1) (1975): pp. 6-36.
A study of the transformation of accounting techniques that enabled profit determination. It includes a useful description of double and single entry bookkeeping practices (pp. 7-10).
McCalla, Douglas. “Accounting Records and Everyday Economic Life in Upper Canada, 1790-1850.” Archivaria 21 (Winter 1985-86): pp. 149-157.
This article remains the most direct introduction to Canadian business account books and their contribution to historical research.
Contemporary material
Beatty, S. G., and Clare, S. Book-Keeping by Single and Double Entry: Designed for Use in the Public High Schools. 6th edition, Toronto: W. J. Gage and Co., 1881, 194 pp.
Dominion Business College, Book-Keeping by Double and Single Entry. Kingston, Dominion Business College, 188(?), 224 pp.
Mescall, John. BookKeeping by Double Entry. Toronto: Copp, Clark & Co., 188(?), 86 pp.
Recently Added Links:
Library of Congress, Guide to Business History Resources
This website is a helpful summary of standard tools used by business historians. The examples are primarily American, but should also be useful to Canadian researchers.