Charity Mensah

Charity Mensah is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph. Charity's research interests include gender, media, communication, and media literacy. Her current research focuses on the representation of black women and girls in media and literature. Using Black Feminist and Media theory, she explores how these texts open alternative paths for Black girls, both in their own imaginations and in broader social contexts.
Charity moved from Denmark to Newfoundland (Memorial University) to pursue a Master's in educational leadership and completed with a thesis on communication in educational leadership. Prior to that, she completed a Master's in education specializing in teaching English as a Second Language at the American College of Education in the United States with a project on the study of English in Danish Elementary Schools. She also completed MA coursework in communications and a BA in English and Political Science at the University of Ghana Legon.
Charity has also worked as a communication consultant and consulted on projects for Google, Dow Chemical, Western Union, and the Rockefeller Foundation.