Amanda Boetzkes

Amanda Boetzkes specializes in contemporary art history, theory and criticism, with an emphasis on the intersection of artistic practices with the life sciences and global systems of energy use. She is the author of Plastic Capitalism: Contemporary Art and the Drive to Waste (MIT Press, 2019), The Ethics of Earth Art (University of Minnesota Press, 2010) and is co-editor of Heidegger and the Work of Art History (Ashgate, 2014). Her current project, Ecologicity, Vision and Art for a World to Come considers modes of visualizing environments with a special focus on Arctic landscapes. Other areas of research and publication include: currency, economic exchange and the concept of value; theories of consciousness and perception, specifically ecological perception and neuroplasticity; art and visual culture that problematizes the ontological and political status of animal species; phenomenology and art historiography; art of the American counterculture; landscape art and aesthetics from the 18th century to the present.