Now Hiring: Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA) and Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) Positions
Gain valuable research experience while working full-time on campus this summer. Over 200 unique URA and USRA positions are seeking applications from qualified students.
To view available positions:
- Log into using your UofG ID
- Click “On Campus Employment” to access the campus job board.
- Click “Undergraduate Research Assistantships / Awards (URA & USRA)” under Quick Searches to see the full list. You can sort the list by title, department, and type.
The History Department is hiring URAs for the following projects:
- Unlocking the prisoner in Early Canada – Job ID 66038 with Dr. Kris Inwood
- Environmental Change and Manomin (Wild Rice) Loss in Treaty #3, 1890 to Present – Job ID 66023 with Dr. Brittany Luby
- On Holiday: Researching & Archiving the Hotel & Resort – Job ID 66026 with Dr. Kevin James
- Love in Families: A Cultural History of Love in the Middle Ages – Job ID 66033 with Dr. Jacqueline Murray
- The DIYversity Project: Investigating inclusion at local makerspaces – Job ID 66792 with Dr. Kim Martin
Searching for a specific position?
- Click “On Campus Employment” to access the campus job board.
- Enter the Job ID number in the “Search Postings” section.
- Must be currently registered in an undergraduate degree program.
- Must have a cumulative average of at least a 70%, however departments may have additional academic criteria above this minimum. This condition may be waived at the discretion of the hiring faculty member.
- Must have a complete and error free full-time OSAP (or applicable provincial/ territorial student assistance program) application on file at the time of application.
- Must have demonstrated financial need as determined by the submission of the URA Financial Need Assessment Form.
- Must return to study at the University of Guelph in a bachelor program in the fall semester immediately after the employment term (students cannot be registered in their last semester of their bachelor’s degree program at the time of application).
- Must be engaged in full-time research during the tenure of the position. However, a student may register as a part-time student (up to 1.0 credits) during the award period at the discretion of the Supervisor
New application closing date is February 22, 2019 at 11:59pm