If... Brown Bag Lunch Series: Still Getting the Dirt on Feminism (A Compost Tour)
Date and Time
Meet at The Cannon in Branion Plaza for 12pm, for a compost-collecting parade through campus to the Organic Farm.
We had to postpone this event due to weather, but the change in date has meant that it now takes place during Global Soil Week! The inimatible Karen Houle asks participants to meet her at The Cannon in Branion Plaza for 12pm, for a compost-collecting parade through campus to the Organic Farm. From there, we'll tour the farm together, talk about compost, death, healthy earth practices as well as life, and growth, and we'll connect these things to our working senses of "feminism".
There will be maps showing locations of compost bins on campus and you can learn about volunteer opportunities at the farm.
Come one, come all, and celebrate Mother Earth.
Register here: https://cal.lib.uoguelph.ca/event/3498168