Request for Academic Consideration

The University of Guelph provides a variety of resources and services to help students with their academics, as well as with their mental and physical well-being. This includes helping students who have missed exams or deadlines as a result of extenuating circumstances. Students can apply for Academic Consideration if they feel their academics were impacted by an extenuating circumstance. Read below for more information about applying for Academic Consideration, or click here to view the University's official policy on the subject.

Academic Consideration for Missed Tests, Midterms, Assignments, and Labs which has occurred in semester 

Academic Consideration for all matters of missed evaluations should be taken to the instructor of the course while the student is still in the course. It is at the instructor's discretion to grant Academic Consideration in cases of incomplete course work, so please contact them to check if they require documentation that substantiates your request. Please note that if you are required to submit supporting documentation, it should only contain information that you are comfortable sharing; if you do not wish for some personal details to be disclosed, then a note from a qualified authority (such as a doctor or health official) should be sufficient evidence. If you are unsure of how you want to proceed you can seek advice from the Program Counsellor.

Note: If you are aware of the need to miss a deadline/evaluation in advance, it is your responsibility to inform the instructor as early as is possible. The earlier you take these precautions, the more time you will have to work together to figure out if an accommodation is possible. Remember that it is at the instructor's discretion to grant Academic Consideration - each situation is different and the instructors ability to accommodate may be limited depending on the scenario. 

If Your Request Is Not Granted:

If your instructor does not grant your request for Academic Consideration and you would like to appeal the decision, then you can make an official appeal to an Academic Review Sub-Committee. To do this, you must write a letter explaining your situation and submit it along with a completed Request for Academic Consideration form to the BAS Program Counsellor, along with any supporting documentation. Click here for more information about this process.


Academic Consideration After the End of the Semester

When you require consideration for course work beyond the final day of class you must submit a Request for Academic Consideration. Request submission deadlines are included as part of the policy and may be specific to the action you are requesting. The deadline is normally expressed as a number of class days. Full details on Academic Consideration is outlined in the Academic Calendar. Below provides a brief overview of the process. 

  1. Request for Academic Consideration form (filled out with courses you would like considered) 

  2. Personal Letter outlining how the extenuating circumstance of your situation impacted your studies and these courses

  3. Any supporting documentation that can support your request (e.g. counsellor letter)

For more details and advice on applying for Academic Consideration the UAIC website has a page describing the above in more details. 


Grade Reassessments