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College of Biological Science Strategic Plan 2024-29

The College of Biological Science (CBS) is known for its commitment to advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and preparing future leaders in the biological sciences.

We represent the largest College of dedicated biologists in Canada, which has translated to both being the 4th ranked life sciences program in Canada and offering the top-ranked undergraduate program not affiliated with a medical institution. As we look to the future and a global landscape that is evolving more rapidly than ever, we recognize the imperative to proactively shape our destiny, ensuring long-term success and strengthening our position as a preeminent centre of biology learning and research.

Strategic Operational Priorities

Increase Global Impact
through research excellence
World-Class Training
for diverse and impactful careers
Enhance Impactful Programs
to provide in-demand skills for the future
Outstanding Learning Experiences
for all students
Produce Sought-After Graduates
through professional and personal development
Strengthen Community
through a sense of unity and common purpose
Optimize Existing Space
for better utilization and efficiency


MCB student doing research

Advancing Biological Research: From DNA to Ecosystems

CBS has a long history of excellence in biological research, aiming to expand our understanding of life from DNA to complex ecosystems.

A woman wearing glasses looks up at the plants.

Collaborative Research Community

Approximately 100 faculty, 70 full-time staff, 400 graduate students and numerous undergraduates contribute to our research enterprise across three departments and two centres.

Coleman Olenick wears eye-tracking technology.

Leading Contributor to Research Funding and Global Rankings

CBS generates about 25% of the University of Guelph's Tri-Agency research funding and significantly contributes to U of G’s 2024 Times Higher Education ranking of 126-150th in Life Sciences.

Strategic Operational Priority #1: Increase our national and global impact through research excellence.


  • Maintain high level of faculty participation in TriAgency operating grant programs. 
  • Increase participation in partnership programs with high rates of success (e.g., NSERC Alliance, Mitacs). 
  • Increase participation in new funding opportunities that support interdisciplinary collaborations and approaches (e.g., New Frontiers in Research Fund, Discovery Horizons). 
  • Explore large, transformative funding opportunities that can be championed by CBS to increase research capacity and collaborative opportunities (Innovation Fund, CFREF, CREATE). 
  • Identify new strategies to enhance fundraising success.


  • Percentage of faculty holding a Tri-Agency grant. 
  • Amount of Tri-Agency funding and non-Tri-Agency funding awarded to CBS faculty. 
  • Number of distinct funding organizations providing support to CBS faculty.
  • Percentage of faculty with more than 1 external grant. 
  • Number and amount of philanthropic gifts held by CBS faculty and research centres.


  • Maintain or increase the amount of College funding directed to CBS research enterprise (e.g., Grad Growth Funds, small equipment fund, trainee support for ECRs), other general research supports (e.g., AAC, HHNS Small Animal Wing, Hagen Aqualab), and support for centres and institutes. 
  • Invest in new staff positions to provide technical and analytical support for statistics, computational methods, big data, and data management.


  • Amount of CBS funding directed to different aspects of research support within the College. 
  • Number of internal awards to CBS members (graduate students, post-docs, and faculty).


  • Establish cross-department informal research hubs based on different themes that support cross-disciplinary connections. 
  • Develop new research centres and institutes in areas of strategic importance. 
  • Provide seed funding to get new collaborations and pilot initiatives off the ground.
  •  Host interdepartmental symposia, seminars, open houses and/or workshops to increase connections between faculty in different departments with shared research interests and complementary expertise. 
  • Support internationalization efforts by fostering new and meaningful collaborative partnerships with institutions outside of Canada, particularly those that involve multiple CBS researchers. 
  • Develop strategic faculty hiring plans to build and/or maintain critical mass in target areas and enhance scientific leadership, and fill identified gaps in expertise (e.g., bioinformatics, AI, Indigenous-Western Science knowledge system engagement) that will support collaborative research endeavours.


  • Number of new research institutes and centres created. 
  • Number of novel collaborations between CBS faculty who have not previously worked together (as measured by funded projects and/or joint publications, cosupervised trainees). 
  • Percentage of CBS faculty collaborating with other CBS faculty. 
  • Number of new collaborations between CBS faculty and external collaborators. 
  • Deepen existing collaborations with external partners (e.g., meaningful engagements, site visits, participation in joint meetings, etc.).

Strategic Operational Priority #2: Provide world-class post-graduate training that supports diverse and impactful career paths.


  • Increase graduate and post-doctoral stipends to keep better pace with cost of living and to remain competitive with other institutions. 
  • Increase financial and other supports for international students to increase their participation in CBS graduate programs.
  • Increase the number of students from outside the U of Guelph recruited to CBS graduate programs. 
  • Increase the number and success of post-docs.


  • Increase in annual trainee stipends relative to cost-of-living increases. 
  • Total number of graduate students enrolling in CBS graduate programs (both domestic and international).
  • Number of graduate students from outside U of Guelph enrolling in CBS graduate programs. 
  • Number of initiatives led and/or other supported by CBS that support international student success by reducing barriers and/or strengthening a culture of inclusion. 
  • Time to completion for graduate students. 
  • Number of externally funded post-docs and employment outcomes.


  • Continue to develop new graduate degree programs and/or revise existing programs to build on CBS’s strengths and produce graduates to help meet existing and emerging market needs. 
  • Increase the number of successful applications to NSERC CREATE program and other similar opportunities to provide enhanced training opportunities in the field of biology. 
  • Explore partnerships with other colleges to fill gaps in skills training. 
  • Enhance professional skills development by increasing trainee uptake of skills training already offered by CBS and the University and external partners, and developing new training where gaps exist.


  • Number of training grants awarded. 
  • Number of CBS graduate students participating in professional skills workshops, courses, and other initiatives.
  • Create a matching travel grant fund (with co-funding from advisors) to support training, knowledge dissemination and networking opportunities for graduate trainees. 
  • Number of professional development opportunities coordinated by CBS.


Students working with bacterial samples in a laboratory setting.

High Rankings in Biological Sciences

U of G ranks 4th in Canada and 2nd in Ontario for the teaching of biological sciences, ahead of larger institutions, according to Maclean's. Times Higher Education also ranks the university 6th in Canada and 3rd in Ontario for life sciences.

pouring liquid into tube

Advancing Biology Education and Research

We aim to continue advancing biology education and research through academic and research excellence, as well as collaboration and community engagement.

A student participating in a field course aboard a boat in the open ocean.

Enhancing Programs, Learning Experiences, and Professional Success

Prioritize enhancing in-demand programs, delivering exceptional learning experiences, and producing fulfilled, high-demand professionals.

Strategic Operational Priority #3: Enhance impactful and in-demand academic programs.


  • Build our community of educators by increasing communications and interaction among educators through mechanisms, such as peer observation and reflection on teaching (PORT), or the peer consultation on teaching program (PEER). 
  • Provide support for developing, implementing and determining the effectiveness of assessment methods now and in the future. 
  • Increase access and incentivize use of resources and professional development opportunities related to best practices in instructional design, teaching strategies, curriculum design, and use of technologies (e.g., communications from COESP, OTL, and OpenEd; Teams channels; monthly drop-in sessions; video bank). 
  • Provide GTAs with regular training and support in teaching, grading, roles and responsibilities, academic policies, leadership, study strategies, wellness, among others, with a special focus on new TAs.


  • Mapping of the proportion of courses using best practices. 
  • Number of applications for funding for COESP travel and course improvement grants. 
  • Number of applications for central funds such as LEF and SoTL funds submitted each year. 
  • Satisfaction of faculty, staff, TAs with support and training opportunities (educator survey). 
  • Frequency of communications of educational activities and success stories in CBS via websites, newsletters, social media, award ceremonies, etc.


  • Complete and distribute an annual summary by curriculum committees of key feedback received, annual priorities for action, and progress in addressing their priorities (e.g., possibly involve student researchers to facilitate this process).
  • Regularize adoption of continuous improvement processes by departments (curriculum committees), including student feedback regarding their needs.
  • Hold regular curriculum retreats involving all programs that review past performance indicators and plan for future improvements.
  • Increase use of external partners via program advisory committees (PAC) at the program or department level.


  • Summary of kinds of curricular changes or actions taken or affecting programs on a regular basis. 
  • Diversity of partners receiving the curriculum committee summary.
  • Overall feedback and satisfaction of students, instructors, alumni, and employers* with program directions and recent changes. *Link with surveys from 5.1 and 5.2.
  • Working toward all programs consulting with program advisory committees on regular basis. 
  • Number of primary choice applications to CBS programs (via U o G data portal).


  • Review program/course investments and identify opportunities for efficiencies and new opportunities to continue offering an outstanding learning experience (e.g., allocation of TAs, # of courses in major, and # of course offerings).
  • Create mechanisms of support for instructors in covering ancillary course responsibilities associated with courses (e.g., academic consideration requests, alternate exam invigilation, and tech support). 
  • Recognize and reward creativity, experimentation, and leadership in teaching practice by valuing and celebrating teaching successes (T&P, CBS Mini Teaching Fellows with DOE relief). 


  • Types of revisions and innovations introduced in existing courses and programs and development of new courses and programs. 
  • Measures of teaching workload and satisfaction with program delivery and support from faculty, staff and GTAs.
  • Enrolment capacity of programs as number of courses offered in relation to instructor FTEs available for teaching and costs per incremental change in enrolments. 
  • Completion of strategic plans in departments regarding allocation of resources to teaching and priorities for investment and streamlining. 
  • Number of nominations for teaching recognition, inside and outside of CBS (e.g., CBS Teaching Awards, OCUFA, 3M, John Bell, University Teaching Fellows, TA Excellence Awards).

Strategic Operational Priority #4: Offer an outstanding inclusive and accessible learning experience.


  • Design and implement an I+EDI survey to evaluate integration of I+EDI pedagogies and content. 
  • Organize a regular (annual) engagement meeting between CBS and central support (e.g., SAS, Wellness) offices to increase resources, awareness, and confidence in supporting accessibility needs. 
  • Create a student communication team to provide information regarding curricular and co-curricular supports/resources/ opportunities to support all students, through a variety of media, particularly those identified through Science (In)Sight as at risk. 
  • Create departmental EDI-focused teaching officers to mentor individuals around UID/EDI principles and pedagogies through a variety of mechanisms, in consultation with college and departmental EDI committees. 
  • Promote integrity and inclusive behaviours within the classroom. 
  • Increase training opportunities and college-specific support (how, when, why) regarding accessibility-related technology and classroom support for all instructors (sessional, teaching staff, faculty) (or as it relates to accessibility and inclusion). 
  • Increase in the diversity of opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning, including skill development, within courses and across the curriculum.


  • Number of courses with a diversity of assessment types throughout each major, including an increase in authentic assessments. 
  • Direct support messaging to students through systems such as intelligent agents, newsletters, peer helpers etc., at the course, major and program level. 
  • Number of students engaged with co-curricular activities. 
  • Number and reach of communications organized by student communication team. 
  • Establish I+EDI curricular priorities based on analysis and discussion of our I+EDI survey. 
  • A widely understood definition of Critical Thinking (CT) for the College. 
  • Launching and running a scaffolded curriculum of CT development throughout our Programs. 
  • Number of “tip sheets” created to help instructors implement courses in the five modes of delivery and evaluate requests for accommodations. 
  • Number of college-specific resources (e.g., webinars, workshops, one-on-ones focused on classroom support mechanisms). 
  • Mapping of courses with UID/EDI principles integrated. 
  • Number of times that inclusive and accessible teaching-focused information is shared at departmental meetings. 
  • Number of connections and consultations with SAS, Learning Commons, Wellness, etc. as a collective or at the individual level. 
  • Number of times that integrity and inclusive behaviours in the classroom are taught, as per curriculum mapping and student perceptions.

Strategic Operational Priority #5: Produce sought-after and fulfilled graduates.


  • Develop common language around sought-after skills in biology. 
  • Incorporate student employment rates and employer satisfaction data into a continuous curriculum improvement strategy. 
  • Develop and implement program-wide strategies to emphasize CT as a learning outcome. 
  • Increase the number of experiential learning opportunities by ensuring every undergraduate major and graduate program has at least one required EL course and complementing these with co-curricular initiatives. 
  • Research, incorporate and track current and anticipated sought-after skills in biology into curricular and cocurricular activities across programs.


  • Generation of a sought-after skills report from employers every 3 years, program advisory committee input and information gathered from current job postings, among others. 
  • Generation of a report every 3 years that includes a common language tied to skills in the marketplace and mapping of those skills onto academic language to act as a translator. 
  • Number of new or emerging skills identified from market research that are relevant for the achievement of learning outcomes. 
  • Number of courses and co-curricular activities that incorporate and discuss transferable skills and career readiness.
  • Regular update of mapping changes in courses that incorporate authentic assessment, active learning, and simulated work environments. 
  • Number of students who engage in curricular and cocurricular experiential learning in CBS. 
  • Proportion of undergraduate programs that offer co-op. 
  • Percentage of students in co-op. 
  • Number of EL courses. 
  • Percent graduate employment 1 year out and 5 years out. 
  • Satisfaction rate of CBS graduates with workplace skills developed during undergraduate programs. 
  • Number of suggestions made from the marketplace and incorporated into curriculum improvement related to skills and knowledge in demand.


  • Determine the career fulfilment of graduates. *Link with surveying graduates as above.
  • Update, plan and promote new and existing career events (e.g., the Biological Science Career Skills initiative or CBS specific job fairs) that showcase a diversity of highly sought-after skills and career pathways within and beyond academia. 
  • Increase awareness of the roles and skills of research and researchers within and beyond academia by ensuring every major across CBS offers some form of research experience in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year leading to a 4th-year capstone research experience. 
  • Expand support for a semester abroad in our programs.


  • Number of sectors and workplaces represented in professional development events. 
  • Participation rate of students in co-curricular career exploration events and excursions. 
  • Engagement (views, reads) with modules/website posts created to showcase career paths. 
  • Participation rate of CBS students using career services on campus. 
  • Participation metrics in research projects; number of students applying vs. accepted and what prior experience they have. • Number of 1st -, 2nd -, and 3rd-year students participating in introductory research experiences. 
  • Number of 4th-year students mentoring 1st-year students in an introductory research experience. 
  • Satisfaction rate of CBS graduates with workplace skills developed during undergraduate programs (leveraging their knowledge and skills from their U of G education). 
  • Number of students participating in a semester abroad.


Six students walking together by the Summerlee Science Complex.

Diverse and Inclusive Community

CBS is home to diverse identities, interests, and goals, with over 10 ethnicities and 11 religions. Together, we foster a supportive and collaborative environment.


Students in class

Commitment to Well-Being

CBS members are dedicated to enhancing the well-being and sense of belonging within labs, departments, and programs.

IB student studying a plant

Strategic Priority for Community Building

The Community Working Group aims to strengthen community through development, shared activities, and improved communication among CBS members.

Strategic Operational Priority #6: Strengthen a sense of community working towards a common purpose.


  • Help manage workloads and find efficiencies. 
  • Promote professional development opportunities. 
  • Provide community building activities.


  • Number of opportunities when forms were standardized, and policies harmonized, reducing inefficiency. 
  • Completion of audit on service work to focus on CBS core missions. 
  • Number of professional development opportunities for staff. 
  • Number of new professional development opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows (e.g., teaching, industry). 
  • Number of community-building activities per year and number of people who engage in them. 
  • Number of Wellness@Work applications.


  • Develop community support programs, initiatives or forums struck to bring to light the voice of CBS members and address their needs. 
  • Create more integrated and intentional onboarding of new faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and grad students. 
  • Strengthen undergraduate Orientation and community building.


  • Offering of retreats/forums for specific groups (grad students, post-doctoral fellows, staff, faculty) to address their specific issues. 
  • Enhancing first-year Orientation to focus on community building within CBS and individual programs. 
  • Offering of onboarding events for new people to CBS (e.g., who they should meet, who might serve as their mentor, information).
  • Number of events organized. 
  • Attendees’ feedback on events. 
  • Changes to level of connection/sense of belonging within the CBS community (from survey every 5 years).


  • Develop a college-wide communication strategy to effectively disseminate college-specific information in an accessible way to all community members, 
    • including weekly information on the CBS website (e.g., seminars, defenses, workshops, research communications). 
  • Centrally locate resource information on CBS website (e.g., career readiness for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, mental health resources, financial information, awards, how to apply to the REB).


  • Creation of a college-wide communication strategy.
  • Creation and update of centralized calendar for major CBS events. 
  • Creation and update of centralized website pages with resource information.


  • Increase CBS-wide community events and number of members attending. 
  • Promote volunteering as a CBS group. 
  • Create pathways for inclusion for retirees and alumni.


  • Number of events offered to the CBS community (e.g., CBS seminar series, CBS grad student day, competitions between departments, CBS EDI college events, monthly coffee mornings). 
  • Number of volunteering events CBS is part of (e.g., convocation, charitable work on- and off-campus). 
  • Number of invitations issued to alumni and retirees to CBS events (e.g., research day). 
  • Number of attendees to all events promoted across CBS.
  • Changes to level of connection/sense of belonging within the CBS community (from survey every 5 years).


Students working together in the human anatomy lab.

Unique Research and Teaching Spaces

CBS offers specialized research, teaching, and outreach spaces, including seminar rooms, faculty labs, shared lounges, and unique facilities like the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics and the Human Nutraceutical Research Unit.


A person standing beside two aqua tanks in the Hagen Aqualab.

Strategic Space Optimization

CBS plans to establish a space audit committee to optimize space usage, foster cross-department initiatives, and maximize the use of offices, labs, and classrooms.

HHNS Performance Lab

Making Room for Growth

CBS’s research, teaching and outreach initiatives grow every year. In response, we must find efficiencies, look for opportunities to collaborate, and raise awareness of the spaces and resources available.

Strategic Operational Priority #7: Optimize existing space.


  • Establish a space audit committee to identify possible efficiencies for office, research laboratory, storage and teaching spaces before capital investment is pursued. 
  • Examine possibility of creating research clusters in adjacent labs and/or offices. 
  • Increase secure low-cost storage for field equipment and specimen collections.
  • Identify space that can be utilized to support cross-department initiatives to enhance collaborations.


  • Finalization/completion of CBS space audit by the end of 2024. 
  • Increasing desk/office space for graduate students.
  • Increasing the use of existing wet lab space. 
  • Identifying poor/inefficient use of teaching space. 
  • Increasing the booking of existing teaching space (e.g. SSC 1304 and 1306).
  • Identifying faculty with similar research interests and equipment needs currently physically separated. 
  • Optimizing existing storage space, including Departments, and possibly Colleges, “sharing” storage space.
  • Number of times HHNS seminars/faculty book rooms in SSC, and/or IB and MCB book meeting rooms in ANNU and Food Science.
Science Complex

Vision Beyond 2029: Building a Roadmap for Long-Term Success

A long-term strategic plan (5-15 years) involves assessing CBS’s resources and strengths to create a dynamic, adaptable roadmap. While maintaining excellence in teaching, research, and community, we have identified two strategic priority areas for the next 5-15 years.


  • Position CBS as an international leader in biological sciences. 


  • Establish MOUs with international universities to enable a semester abroad for our undergraduate and graduate students. 
  • Establish travel support to maintain a collaboration after completing a study research leave in an international research group.
  • Establish small pilot grants to establish an international collaboration.
  • Establish graduate student travel grants to participate in lab exchanges as part of PhD training.


  • Secure capital investment to transform teaching, learning and research spaces.


  • Update/build a new Anatomy facility. 
  • Establish modern telecommunication boardrooms that can be used for undergraduate teaching, graduate student examinations and collaborative research initiatives. 
  • Develop a new building for a human translational research centre for community engagement and health research. 
  • Build a new small lecture hall dedicated to CBS courses (150-200 students) and college-wide seminars/meetings.