Upcoming Events

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CBS Grad Chats Series: Career Mobility

Grad Chats: Career Mobility

Graduate students, join us to learn some strategies to increase your career mobility — your ability to move between different roles, positions, or career paths within or across organizations. Career mobility is critical for graduate students because it will give you flexibility to move vertically or laterally in the job place, adapt to changing job markets, develop a diverse skill-set, and pursue opportunities that align with your evolving interests and goals. Career mobility can lead to greater job satisfaction, professional growth, and resilience in the face of economic changes! Whether...
CBS 3MT College Heat

CBS Three Minute Thesis (3MT) College Heat

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a university-wide competition for graduate students with an exciting challenge: to explain your thesis in a clear and engaging way, using only one slide, and in only three minutes! Both the winner and runner up of the CBS heat will receive prizes ($250 and $150 gift cards, respectively) and move on to the University of Guelph final on April 24, 2025. The winner of the university-wide competition will receive a $1,000 prize towards their tuition and will go on to the provincial final held May 15 at the University of Toronto. ...
One Health Winter 2025 Seminar Series: How can evaluation contribute to One Health?

One Health Seminar: How can evaluation contribute to One Health?

The seminar will feature Ricardo Ramirez, Adjunct Professor and independent researcher & consultant, who will speak on “How can evaluation contribute to One Health?” This seminar will bring together two solitudes: multi-stakeholder platforms, and utilization-focused evaluation. In recent years, the field of program evaluation has shifted attention from the conventional and dominant focus on accountability (verifying outcomes) to striking a balance with learning-oriented evaluation. The more recent learning-focused approaches are collaborative, process-oriented, and in tune with...
CBS Graduate Student Symposium: May 2, 2025

Graduate Student Symposium 2025

Graduate Students: Registration is now open for the 20th annual CBS Graduate Student Symposium (GSS)! The GSS organizing committee has been hard at work planning an awesome event for Friday, May 2nd, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The day will include oral presentation sessions, a poster session, a catered lunch with special keynote speakers, and an extra fun student social event in the evening to celebrate the 20th anniversary of this event.  Please use the link below to both register for the event and submit an abstract if you would like to present your research. Registration is...

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