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MCB Seminar Speaker: Genetic insights from the Keio collection: from interspecies interaction to synthetic lethality

Dr. Jean-Philippe Côté, assistant professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Sherbrooke, received his BSc in Biochemistry from the Universite de Sherbrooke in 2007. He then completed his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Michael Mourez at the Universite de Montreal in 2014, characterizing the structure-function relationship of a family of secreted virulence factors of Gram-negative bacteria. After his PhD, he joined the laboratory of Dr. Eric Brown at McMaster University to explore genetic interaction networks in E. coli and discover novel molecules with activity...
Collage of images of students in the wilderness and "CBS Community Seminar Series: Fieldwork, Fun(draising), and Friendship: How addressing barriers and decolonizing learning increases skills and community for BIPOC students"

CBS Community Seminar Series: Fieldwork, Fun(draising), and Friendship: How addressing barriers and decolonizing learning increases skills and community for BIPOC students

Aranya Iyer and Mariel Terebiznik, co-founders of Field Research in Ecology and Evolution Diversified (FREED), will be speakers at the next CBS Community Seminar Series. FREED is dedicated to increasing access to field work, research experiences and skills for students who are underrepresented in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology. The event, “Fieldwork, Fun(draising), and Friendship: How addressing barriers and decolonizing learning increases skills and community for BIPOC students,” will be held Jan. 20 at 11 a.m., both on campus in...
Kieran O'Doherty, professor of Applied Social Psychology in CSAHS, presents "Microbiome Stewardship and One Health"

One Health Seminar Series: Microbiome Stewardship and One Health

Kieran O'Doherty, professor of Applied Social Psychology in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, will present "Microbiome Stewardship and One Health" for the first lecture in the One Health Winter 2025 Seminar Series.  Microbiomes are essential for human, animal, plant, and ecosystem health. Despite widespread recognition of the importance of microbiomes, there is little attention to monitoring and safeguarding microbial ecologies on policy levels. Evidence is accumulating that microbiomes are deteriorating owing to practices at societal levels, such as pesticide use...

Business of Science Career Info Session

Explore careers that combine your interests in the sciences and business! Join alumna Lori Grossett (BSc, Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences, UofG, 2022), who will talk about her current role at Bioenterprise Canada, as well as her education and career pathway. Lori's presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer period moderated by Julia Leary, Career Advisor (jleary@uoguelph.ca).

HHNS Seminar Speaker Series: Dr. Andy Turko

Dr. Andy Turko, Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, will present "Physiology of the water-land transition in fishes" for the Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Seminar Speaker Series.  Dr. Turko's research program seeks to understand how animals integrate physiological and behavioural responses to changing environments. One major focus is the transition from water to land in amphibious fishes, one of the most dramatic environmental changes experienced by any animal. Dr. Turko will first discuss why/how amphibious fishes evolve, given the many...
Science Complex in the winter

CBS Town Hall

CBS Dean Mazyar Fallah will be hosting a CBS Town Hall on Feb. 26 at 12 p.m. to share updates on budget, revenue and programming within the college. The presentation will be held in late February because we will have more information about the budget and the parameters we must operate under by then. After the presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask any questions you might have. The event will be held both in-person and online via Teams and we will share the link and location closer to the date. 

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