Cancelled: One Health Seminar Series: Common ground conservation: Can One Health approaches reverse the loss of biodiversity?
Date and Time
OVC PAHL 1812 or online
This event has been cancelled.
Dan Kraus, Director of National Conservation, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, will speak on "Common ground conservation: Can One Health approaches reverse the loss of biodiversity?" as part of the One Health Institute's Seminar Series. Canada is one of 196 countries committed to reversing the loss of nature through the Global Biodiversity Framework. Implementing the framework to solve complex challenges will require innovative solutions, new approaches, and unexpected alliances. Dan will share insights into the current state of nature conservation in Canada, including the country’s new 2030 Nature Strategy. He will also explore successful conservation collaborations, emphasize the critical role of listening and trust, and discuss how adopting One Health approaches can lead to better outcomes for both nature and people. All are welcome.
Registration encouraged but not required. Students who register and attend in-person have a chance to win a gift card!