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Week of March 23, 2025

CBS 3MT College Heat

CBS Three Minute Thesis (3MT) College Heat

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a university-wide competition for graduate students with an exciting challenge: to explain your thesis in a clear and engaging way, using only one slide, and in only three minutes! Both the winner and runner up of the CBS heat will receive prizes ($250 and $150 gift cards, respectively) and move on to the University of Guelph final on April 24, 2025. The winner of the university-wide competition will receive a $1,000 prize towards their tuition and will go on to the provincial final held May 15 at the University of Toronto.

HHNS Seminar: Using exercise and nutritional supplements to promote brain health across the lifespan

Dr. Jeremy Walsh is an assistant professor of kinesiology in the Faculty of Science at McMaster University. His research focuses on characterizing the physiological mechanisms underlying the cognitive enhancing effects of exercise and exogenous ketone supplementation in humans. His work explores the effects of these interventions on cerebral blood flow, BDNF, and cognition in cognitively normal adults and adults with elevated dementia risk.
One Health Winter 2025 Seminar Series: How can evaluation contribute to One Health?