One Health Seminar with Dr. Faisal Moola
Date and Time
OVC Pathobiology Animal Health Laboratory, Room 1812

The One Health seminar series showcases the depth and breadth of One Health research at the University of Guelph, and beyond! These 50-minute talks feature a 30-minute presentation by a One Health practitioner, followed by an audience Q&A. Everyone is welcome, particularly graduate students and faculty.
Dr. Faisal Moola is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. He will be speaking about Indigenous food sovereignty and the stewardship of “berried” landscapes. This presentation will review the importance of wild berries to the food sovereignty of Indigenous People in Canada and globally, the threats to their ecological and cultural integrity from climate change and extractivist capitalist resource development and how Indigenous Peoples are advancing their own forms of conservation governance for the stewardship of this important cultural keystone food species.
Registration is not required to attend the seminar, but is encouraged. Individuals can attend the seminar in person or online. In-person attendees will be entered in a giveaway for a chance to win a gift card.