Petros Spachos

Education and Employment Background
Dr. Petros Spachos received his PhD from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto in 2014 under the supervision of Professor Dimitrios Hatzinakos. He went on to work as a postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, working with Professor Alberto Leon-Garcia. Spachos joined the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph in 2015 where he is currently an Associate Professor.
Research Themes
Spachos’s research interests span mobile systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). He works on the design, program, simulation, and evaluation of smart systems as well as testbed prototyping, with a current focus on novel smart cities applications through smartphones. Key areas of focus include:
- Wireless Sensor Networks and mobile computers. Advancements in wireless communications and electronics has enabled the development of low-cost, low-power, multifunctional sensor nodes that are small. WSNs have a wide range of applications in our everyday lives, including health care and biomedical research, assisted and enhanced-living scenarios, industrial and production monitoring, control networks, social networks, and many other fields. Spachos focuses on high performance protocol design, testbed prototyping, network measurements and performance evaluation, and network security and privacy.
- Modeling and performance analysis for wireless sensor mechanism. Spachos applies analytical techniques to solve problems in wireless computer networks. He applies ideas from optimization theory to develop models for the performance analysis of traditional routing systems.
- Sensor networks. Spachos seeks to study the security and efficiency of sensors through modelling. He is also interested in examining new applications of sensor networks, including their use in smart-grids and smart-cities.
- University of Guelph Faculty Association Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2020
- Associate Editor, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2020-present
- Associate Editor, IET Electronics Letters, 2019-present
- Creator of GryPHone Lab, the only open access smartphone testbed in Canada
- Best Paper Award, IEEE IEMCON, Power Management Scheme of a Photovoltaic System for Self-Powered Internet of Things, 2018
Media Coverage
Indoor Localization Systems
- CEPS News: Have You Seen My Keys?
Awards and Accolades
- CEPS News: Distinguished Professor Awards 2020
- CEPS News: Seeds of Change
COVID Alert App
- Globe and Mail: Ottawa launches ‘COVID Alert’ app that notifies users about contact with coronavirus cases
- MobileSyrup: University of Guelph’s contact tracing app uses machine learning to boost accuracy
- U of G News: U of G Contact Tracing App Could Help Improve Accuracy of the Technology
- Kitchener Today: Engineers at University of Guelph develop COVID-19 tracing app
- U of G Portico: U of G App Could Improve COVID-19 Contact Tracing
GryPHone Lab