Stefano Gregori

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Linux servers and workstations, computer-aided design tools and design environments, process design kits for CMOS and microsystems technologies, cleanroom class ISO 6, microprobe station, oscilloscopes, function and signal generators, spectrum and signal analysers, precision source meter, LCR meter, multimeters, power supplies, PCB plotter, materials printer, soldering station.
The computing facility enables modelling, simulating, and designing integrated circuits and microsystems. The measurement facility provides on-chip testing and full characterization capability of integrated circuits and microsystems, from direct current to multi-GHz frequencies. The affiliation with Canada’s National Design Network provides integrated-circuit fabrication capacity and access to specialized tools and laboratory facilities.
Education and Employment Background
Dr. Stefano Gregori received his Laurea and Doctorate degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Pavia, Italy. He worked as a research associate at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK, and at the École Polytechnique, Paris, France. He was a professor with the School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas, Dallas, TX, USA (2002-2004). He joined the University of Guelph in 2004, where he is a full professor. He is the founder and director of the Microelectronics Research Laboratory at the University of Guelph.
Research Themes
Gregori’s work focuses on integrated microsystems including low-voltage low-power circuits, integrated power converters, energy harvesters, microsensors, and integrated circuits for sensor networks and wearables. He combines theoretical and experimental aspects and explores real-world applications. His research areas include:
- Fully-integrated power converters. Today the low energy efficiency of on-chip power converters is a major limitation to the development of applications with ultra-low power dissipation and enhanced functionality. The objective of this research is to develop models and design techniques for converters based on capacitors and planar inductors integrated in deep submicron fabrication technologies that will enable innovative applications in the areas of internet-of-things and wearables.
- Integrated energy harvesters based on green materials. We currently face the challenge of reducing the energy consumption of ubiquitous electronic devices, while minimizing the impact of disposing and recycling the related waste, such as batteries. This research seeks to develop systems in foil that harvest ambient energy, therefore reducing the need for batteries, and that are built with nanocomposites based on renewable resources, therefore reducing the impact of electronic waste.
- Sensor networks and power management in microsystems. Wireless micro-sensor networks interconnected with existing communication infrastructures can monitor the environment on a far finer spatial and temporal scale than has been possible before. The main challenge of this research is to design self-powered integrated nodes that leverage cloud and edge resources while extending the efficiency and reliability of the application.
- NSERC Discovery Grant holder, 2004-present
- Best Paper Award, IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference, 2018
- Packaging and Technology Award, Italian Trade Commission, 2014
- Member representative of the University of Guelph at CMC Microsystems, 2010-present
- Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2007-present
Media Coverage
- MobileSyrup: University of Guelph’s contact tracing app uses machine learning to boost accuracy
- TEC News: University of Guelph’s Contact Tracing App Uses Machine Learning to Boost Accuracy
- Guelph Mercury: U of Guelph says they can improve accuracy and privacy of Ontario's COVID-19 contact tracing app
- Canadian Biomass: University of Guelph receives $6M for bio-composites research
- Biomass Magazine: Ontario government invests in bioplastics, AD research
- Guelph Today: $6 million for U of G innovations
- Education News Canada: Ontario Government Invests $6 Million in U of G Innovations