Sylvester Boadi Aboagye

Education and Employment Background
Dr. Sylvester Boadi Aboagye received the Ph.D. and M.Eng. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada, in 2018 and 2022, respectively, and the B.Sc. (Honors) degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, in 2015. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at York University (Jan. 2023 to Dec. 2023). Dr. Aboagye joined the University of Guelph in 2024 as an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering.
Research Themes
My current research pertains to various wireless technologies for next generation communications and sensing networks as well as underwater communications. These technologies include RSMA, NOMA, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, physical layer security, machine learning and convex optimization, resource allocation, edge and cloud computing.
- Design and optimization of integrated sensing and communication networks for sustainable, intelligent, and connected 6G and beyond systems, with applications in industrial IoT, smart agriculture, and autonomous vehicles.
- Application of machine learning and optimization for resource management in multiband (RF/THz/VLC) wireless networks to enhance energy- and spectral-efficiency.
- Design and prototyping of optical reconfigurable intelligent surfaces to improve the reliability of VLC systems.
- Performance modeling, design, and optimization of integrated terrestrial and non-terrestrial wireless networks to bridge the digital divide.
- Investigate new physical layer security techniques and next generation multiple access schemes for visible light communication systems.
- Major funding, Awards, National or International Recognition, Prestigious affiliations, Memberships on editorial boards or societies
- Recipient of The Governor General’s Gold Medal, Memorial University
- Editor, IEEE Communications Letters, 2024 – Present
- Nominee for the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies-Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award 2023 in Engineering/Medical Sciences/Natural Sciences
- Exemplary Reviewer (Top 2 per cent of all reviewers) by the IEEE Communications Letters, 2023
Media Coverage
- Memorial University: A PhD and Governor General's Gold Medal for graduation
- York University: Announcing the 2022 Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowships for Black and Indigenous Scholars