Five Chemistry Students Win Awards at the ISESS at U of G
At the International Symposium on Electrochemistry and Surface Science (ISESS) in Honour of Jacek Lipkowski's 80th Birthday, held from August 14th to August 17th at the University of Guelph, six U of G CEPS students won notable awards.
Student Oral Presentation Winners:
Stephen Tatarchuk, graduate student in the Department of Chemistry, won 1st place in Section 1 for a presentation on Insight into Catalyst Activity for the Electrooxidation of Ammonia from Linear Scaling Relations and Microkinetic Modeling.
Two Chemistry Students Win Poster Awards at the ISE Meeting in Montreal
The 75th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) was held at the Palais des Congrès located in downtown Montréal, Canada from August 18th to August 23th this year. Two University of Guelph graduate students in the Department of Chemistry won poster awards.
Congratulations Alec! Alexander Morrison successfully defended his PhD Defence
Alexander Morrison successfully defended his thesis on "Cherenkov Spectroscopy."
Congratulations Carlos! Carlos Ramirez Erazo successfully defended his MSc Defence
Carlos Ramirez Erazo successfully defended his thesis on the "Development of Graphene Oxide-Based Electrochemical Sensors for the Detection of Pharmaceuticals."
Congratulations Nathan! Nathan Shami successfully defended his MSc Defence.
Nathan Shami successfully defended his thesis on the "Analysis and Mitigation of Carbon Deposition in the Steam Reforming of Ethanol for Hydrogen Production on an Unsupported Ni Catalyst."
Congratulations Breanna! Breanna Clarke successfully defended her MSc. Defence
Breanna Clarke successfully defended her thesis on "The Study of Zinc Oxide Nanostructure Growth Under Various Conditions Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy."
Congratulations Matthew! Matthew Smith successfully defended his MSc. Defence
Matthew Smith successfully defended his thesis on the "Computational and Experimental Probing of the Alkylation of Sulfenate Anions."
Congratulations Prof. William Tam on winning the CEPS Excellence in Undergraduate Supervision Award
Prof. William Tam was the recipient of the CEPS Excellence in Undergraduate Supervision Award at the CEPS Annual College Awards for 2024.
Congratulations Prof. Aicheng Chen for winning the CEPS Excellence in Graduate Supervision Award
Prof. Aicheng Chen was the recipient of the CEPS Excellence in Graduate Supervision Award at the CEPS Annual College Awards for 2024.