Aicheng Chen

Education and Employment Background
- Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Electrochemistry and Nanoscience, University of Guelph (2018 - )
- Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Guelph (2017 – )
- Director of the Electrochemical Technology Centre (2017 - )
- Professor, Department of Chemistry, Lakehead University (2010 – 2017)
- Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Lakehead University (2006 – 2016)
- Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Lakehead University (2005 – 2010)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Lakehead University (2002 – 2005)
- Electrochemical Specialist, FINNCHEM Canada Inc. (2000 – 2002)
- Research Scientist, Huron Tech Canada Inc. (1998 – 2000)
- PhD in Chemistry, University of Guelph (1998)
Research Themes
Prof. Chen's research interests span the areas of Electrochemistry, Photoelectrochemistry, Green Chemistry, Materials Science and Nanoscience. Electrochemical technologies are extensively used in metal production, fuel cell development, energy storage, corrosion protection, water purification, wastewater treatment, and environmental analysis. Our research program not only addresses fundamental issues relating to the structures and reactivity of electrochemical interfaces, but is also dedicated to the development of nanomaterials based electrochemical technologies for advanced energy, environmental, food, and medical applications.
Chen research laboratory is well equipped with advanced instruments including atomic force microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electrochemical microscopy, total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer, TGA/DSC analyzer, BET surface area analyzer, several electrochemical workstations, pure water system, and facilities for the synthesis of nanomaterials. In addition, we have access to a wide range of analytical equipment located at the Electrochemical Technology Centre and the Advanced Analysis Centre.
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC)
- Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada (FCIC)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK
- Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (FISE)
- NSERC Discovery Grant Evaluation Group member for Chemistry (2017 - 2020)
- Canada Regional Representative of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2010–2012)
- Chair of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Canadian Section (2009–2010)
- U of G Faculty Honoured with Royal Society Fellowships
- U of G Gets $4.7 Million Via New, Renewed Canada Research Chairs
Research Opportunities
Highly qualified candidates for summer research, honours thesis, graduate studies and postdoctoral research are welcome to send your resume to Professor Chen by email.
The Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GWC2) is a joint graduate program offered by the Departments of Chemistry at the University of Guelph and the University of Waterloo. To apply for the MSc/PhD program, please visit GWC2.
There are a number of scholarships and awards available at the University of Guelph for Canadian and international graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. For details, please visit:
List of Awards/Scholarships for Graduate Students at the University of Guelph
Scholarships and Awards Administrative Guidelines.
We thank all applicants for your interests in advance; only candidates selected for interview will be contacted.
Chen Research Team
Chen Group News
-------------------------------- Congratulations -----------------------------------
- C. Ramirez has been awarded the Martin Henry Bosch Doctoral Scholarship for Chemistry (2024 -2026)
- J. van der Zalm and N. Sabouhania won student poster awrads at the 75th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Montreal, Canada, August 18–23, 2024.
- N. Sabouhania, J. van der Zalm and C. McGuire won student oral presentation awards at the International Symposium on Electrochemistry and Surface Science (ISESS) in Honour of Professor Jacek Lipkowski’s 80th Birthday, Guelph, August 14–17, 2024
- C. Ramirez and J. Quintal won student poster awards at the ISESS in Honour of Professor Jacek Lipkowski’s 80th Birthday, Guelph, August 14–17, 2024
- J. Quintal has been awarded the David Holden Memorial Scholarship of the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GWC2) (2024)
- B. Tavana has been awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2024)
- E. Hatami won the Best PhD Seminar Prize of the GWC2 - Guelph Campus (2024).
- S. Durairaj has been awarded a Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship (2023 - 2024).
- S. Abner won the J.P. Hobson Prize for the best oral presentation at the Surface Canada Forum (2023)
- J. Quintal has been awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (2023 - 2026)
- E. Boateng has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship (2023)
- C.-K. Hung won the Graduate Seminar Prize of the GWC2 - Guelph Campus (2023).
- J. van der Zalm has been awarded the Graduate Student Excellence Award of the GWC2 - Guelph Campus (2023)
- E. Boateng won the 2nd place of the poster presentation at the Spring Symposium of the Canadian Section of The Electrochemical Society (2023).
- A. MacKay received an NSERC Summer Research Award (2023).
- J. van der Zalm won a best oral presentation award at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (2022).
- S. Abner was awarded the David Holden Memorial Scholarship of the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GWC2) (2022).
- E. Boateng received the Graduate Student Excellence Award of the GWC2 (2022).
- J. Quintal was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2022).
- E. Boateng was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2022).
- J. van der Zalm has been awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral (2022 - 2025).
- A. R. Thiruppathi has been awarded a Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship (2022 - 2024).
- E. Boateng was awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2021).
- E. Boateng was awarded the David Holden Memorial Scholarship of the GWC2 (2021).
- J. van der Zalm received the Chemistry Laboratory Instructor Award (2021).
- D. Sridhar was awarded a Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship (2021).
- F. Pakravan received the Chemistry Laboratory Instructor Award (2020)
- J. van der Zalm was awarded the David Holden Memorial Scholarship of the GWC2 (2020).
- E. Boateng was awarded the Graduate Tuition Scholarship (2020-2023).
- J. van der Zalm was awarded the Graduate Tuition Scholarship (2020)
- S. Chen was awarded the NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (2020).
- A. R. Thiruppathi was awarded an Ontario Graduate Fellowship (2019).
- S. Durairaj won the 1st Place Poster Presentation Award at the 16th Guelph Food Safety Annual Symposium (2019).
- J. Cirone was awarded the David Holden Memorial Scholarship of the GWC2 (2019).
- J. Cirone won the Graduate Seminar Prize - Guelph Campus (2019).
- A. R. Thiruppathi was awarded the Graduate Student Excellence Award - Guelph Campus (2019).
- S. Chen was awarded the Richard J. Kokes Travel Award from the North American Catalysis Society (2019).
- M. Salverda received an NSERC Summer Research Award (2019).
- S. Chen was the winner of the 2018 Electrochemical Society Canadian Section Student Award.
- X. Chang was awarded the NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined Oxford University as a postdoctoral fellow.
- S. Chen was awarded the David Holden Memorial Scholarship of the GWC2 (2018).
- D. Siltamaki was awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2017).
- S. Chen was awarded an NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship Doctoral Program Award (2016 – 2019).
- V. S. Manikandan was awarded the Ontario Trillium Scholarship (2015 – 2019)
- M. Amiri was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2016 – 2017).
- B.-R. Adhikari won the Graduate Student Award in Honour of Douglas E. Ryan sponsored by the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada (2016).
- B.-R. Adhikari received the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship Doctoral Program Award (2015 – 2017).
------------------------------------------ Well Done ---------------------------------------------------------
Google Scholar Profile
Recent Research Highlights
Splitting Water Molecules for Clean Hydrogen Production (2024)
Catalysts' Edge: Powering Hydrogen From Water (2023)
Flighting Climate Change: Researchers Develop an Efficient Catalyst for CO2 Reduction (2023)
U of G Chemist Turns Greenhouse Gas into Potential Industrial Gold (2022)
Chemistry researchers provide new insights into molecular imaging (2022)
Celebrating Sustainability on Earth Day (2022)
U of G Chemists’ Research Holds Global Warming Benefits, Value-Added Products (2021)
Material of the Future (2021)
Chemistry researchers uncover novel technique to better understand how to harness solar energy (2020)
Green Science (2020)
Recent Publications
- J. Quintal, C. McGuire, T. Shi, W.-H. Huang, D. Chow, C.-K. Hung, D.-T. Jiang, B. J. Hwang, A. Chen. Substrate-Assisted Atomic Dispersion of Cobalt for Alkaline Water Electrolysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15 (36) (2024) 9208-9215
- E. Boateng, C. McGuire, R. Xu, D.-T. Jiang, A. Chen. Effects of Heteroatom Doping on the Electrochemical Hydrogen Uptake and Release of Pd-Decorated Reduced Graphene Oxide. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (36) (2024) 47703-47712.
- A. Chen, K. E. Preuss. Preface for the special issue dedicated to 150 years of chemistry at the University of Guelph. Can. J. Chem. 102 (2024) 653–654.
- S. Abner, A. Chen. Nanostructured Cobalt/Copper Catalysts for Efficient Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction. Nanoscale 16 (2024) 12967-12981
- Z.F. Su, A. Królikowska, R. Seenath, A. Kycia, J. Li, J. Bukowska, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski. Quantitative electrochemical and SEIRA characterization of mercaptosuccinic acid monolayer on gold surface. Electrochimica Acta 499 (2024) 144715
- R.E. Johnson, A. Pounder, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen, I.J. Bell, T.J. Van Raay, S.D. Wetmore, R.A. Manderville. Thieno[3,2-b]thiophene for the Construction of Far-Red Molecular Rotor Hemicyanines as High-Affinity DNA Aptamer Fluorogenic Reporters. Analytical Chemistry 96 (41) (2024) 16252-16259
- E. Pensini, P. Meszaros, N. Kashlan, A.G. Marangoni, T. Laredo, S. Gregori, S. M. Ghazani, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen. Ferroelectric hydrogels from amino acids and oleic acid. iScience 27 (2024) 110601 (1-20).
- Z.F. Su, R. Elmahdy, J. Biemat, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski. Electrocatalysis of CO2 reduction by immobilized formate dehydrogenase without metal redox center. Langmuir 40 (31) (2024) 16249–16257
- O. Ozoemena, E. Boateng, A. Chen. Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for the detection of C-reactive protein antigen. Analyst 49 (2024) 3773-3782
- B. Bohlen, N. Daems, Z.F. Su, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski, T. Breugelmans. In situ Spectroelectro-chemical study of acetate formation by CO2 reduction using Bi catalyst in amine-based capture solution. ChemSusChem 17 (2024) e202400437 (1-9)
- L. Qian, D. Sridhar, T. Shi, J. van der Zalm, A.R. Thiruppathi, M.C. Guerreiro, A. Chen. Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Methimazole Based on a Unique Copper and Exfoliated Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite. Chemosphere 365 (2024) 143343
- N. Sabouhanian, J. Lipkowski, A. Chen. Growth and electrochemical study of bismuth nanodendrites as an efficient catalyst for CO2 reduction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (17) (2024) 21895-21904.
- C. Ramirez, A.R. Thiruppathi, O. Ozoemena, A. Chen. Recent Advances in Graphene Oxide-Based Electrochemical Sensors. Can. J. Chem. 102 (11) (2024) 667-681 (Ricardo Aroca Award Lecture; Special Issuse 'Celebrating 150 Years of Chemistry at the University of Guelph')
- S. Thind, J. Wentzel, E. Hatami, C. Goodwin, A. Chen. Integration of Electrochemical Oxidation and Photocatalytic Degradation with Robust Synergistic Effect for Efficient Wastewater Treatment. ACS Sustainable Resource Management 1 (4) (2024) 634-643
- Z.F. Su, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski, Electrochemical and infrared studies of a model bilayer of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and its interaction with polymyxin – the last resort antibiotic. Langmuir 40 (15) (2024) 8248-8259
- S. Durairaj, D. Sridhar, G. Strohle, H. Li, A. Chen. Bactericidal Effect and Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide/Silver Nanocomposites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (15) (2024) 18300-18310
- Z.F. Su, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski. How valinomycin transports water across a floating lipid bilayer: Effect of the electrolyte cation. Can. J. Chem. 102 (11) (2024) 753-760 (Special Issue 'Celebrating 150 Years of Chemistry at the University of Guelph')
- C.-K. Hung, A.R. Thiruppathi, N. Burns, C. McGuire, J. Quintal, D.-T. Jiang, S. Kycia, A. Chen. Tailoring Hydrogen Evolution Performance: Size and Phase Engineering of Ruthenium Nanoclusters. ACS Catalysis 14 (2024) 5416-5428. (Featured by the CEPS News Release)
- E. Pensini, S. Gregori, A.G. Marangoni, S.M. Ghazani, Z.F. Su, A. Chen, N. Kashlan. Ethanolamine piezoelectric hydrogels structured by oleic acid lamellae. J. Molecular Liquids 397 (2024) 124185 (1-12)
- A. Pounder, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen, W. Tam. Cobalt-Catalyzed Hydrogenation and Deuteration Reactions of Bicyclic Alkenes in an Aqueous Environment. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 27 (7) (2024) e202301306 (1-6)
- N. Abdulwali, J. van der Zalm, A.R. Thiruppathi, A. Khaleel, A. Chen. Microwave-assisted green synthesis of monodispersed carbon micro-spheres and their antibacterial activity. Applied Surface Science 642 (2024) 158579 (1-10)
- Z.F. Su, J. Quintal, M. Al-Jeda, A.R. Thiruppathi, J. Lipkowski, A. Chen. Electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide on the gold surface: Localized electrochemical impedance and in situ polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic studies. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (2023) 21644-21655.
- E. Boateng, J van der Zalm, N. Burns, D. Chow, S. Kycia, A. Chen. Tunable Electrochemical Hydrogen Uptake and Release of Nitrogen-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Decorated with Pd Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (2023) 17311-17323
- D. Chow, N. Burns, E. Boateng, J. van der Zalm, S. Kycia, A. Chen. Mechanical Exfoliation of Expanded Graphite to Graphene-based Materials and Modification with Palladium Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Storage. Nanomaterials 13 (2023) 2588 (1-17)
- E. Mena-Morcillo, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen. Spatially Resolved Optical Spectroscopic Measurements with Simultaneous Photoelectrochemical Mapping Using Scanning Electrochemical Probe Microscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (2023) 4600-4606 (Featured as the journal front cover; Highlighted by the CEPS News Release)
- A.R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, C.K. Hung, A. Chen. Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies of 3D Reduced Graphene Oxide for Efficient Energy Storage. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 6 (2023) 5486–5497
- L. Qian, A. van Riesen, J. van der Zalm, R Manderville, A. Chen. Design and electrochemical study of merocyanine dyes: Influence of substituents on the redox behaviors and fouling propensity at ubiquitous electrode surfaces. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 937 (2023) 117415 (1-9)
- A. Salverda, S. Abner, E. Mena-Morcillo, A. Zimmer, A. Elsayed, A. Chen. Electrochemical, Scanning Electrochemical Microscopic, and In Situ Electrochemical Fourier Transform Infrared Studies of CO2 Reduction at Porous Copper Surfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (15) (2023), 7151-7161. (Featured by the CEPS News Release)
- S.R. Ahmed, A.G. Cardoso, H.V. Cobas, P. Das, A. Chen, S. Srinivasan, A.R. Rajabzadeh. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6 (2023) 10, 8434–8443.
- J. van der Zalm, L. Zeng, A. Chen. Experimental and Computational Studies of Photo-electrochemical Degradation of Atrazine by Modified Nanoporous Titanium Dioxide. Chemosphere 318 (2023) 137985 (1-9).
- S.-H. Chen, Y.-F. Yang, Z.-Y. Song, X.-Y. Xiao, C.-C. Huang, X. Cai, P.-H. Li, M. Yang, A. Chen, W.-Q. Liu, X.-J. Huang. Modulating paired Ir–O–Ir via electronic perturbations of correlated Ir single atoms to overcome catalytic selectivity. Chem. Sci., 14 (2023) 9678-9688 (Edge Article)
- F. Rahmati, N. Sabouhanian, J. Lipkowski, A Chen. Synthesis of 3D Porous Cu Nanostructures on Ag Thin Film Using Dynamic Hydrogen Bubble Template for Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Ethanol. Nanomaterials 13 (4) (2023) 778 (1-17).
- J. van der Zalm, J. Quintal, S.A. Hira, S. Chen, A. Chen. Recent Trends in Electrochemical Catalyst Design for Hydrogen Evolution, Oxygen Evolution, and Overall Water Splitting. Electrochim. Acta 439 (2023) 141715
- S.A. Hira, S. Nagappan, A. Chen, Y. Mohammad, K.H. Park. L-Cysteine Anchored Co-MOF derived Cobalt-Nitrogen-Carbon Hierarchical Architecture as an Efficient Sensor for the Electrochemical Detection of Catecholamine. Microchemical Journal 190 (2023)108748 (1-7)
- E. Boateng, A.R. Thiruppathi, C.-K. Hung, D. Chow, D. Sridhar, A. Chen. Functionalization of Graphene-based Nanomaterials for Energy and Hydrogen Storage. Electrochim. Acta 452 (2023) 142340 (1-25)
- Z. Niu, S. Fan, X. Li, J. Duan, A. Chen. Interfacial Engineering of CoMn2O4/NC Induced Electronic Delocalization Boosts Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Oxyanions Reduction to Ammonia. Appl. Catal. B Environ. 322 (2023) 122090.
- A. Chen, L. Zeng, A.R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, T. Shi. CoNiFe Oxide Nanostructured Catalysts and Uses Thereof. US Patent App. 18/210,798
- A. Chen, M. Salverda, A.R. Thiruppathi, B. Sidhureddy, F. Rahmati. Processes for the preparation of expanded graphite and exfoliated graphene oxide. US Patent App. 18/026,167
- S. Durairaj, Q. Guo, Q. Wang, A. Chen. Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Metabisulphite in Gastrointestinal Fluids. Analyst 147 (2022) 5508-5517
- M.N. Hossain, R.M. Choueiri, S. Abner, L.D. Chen, A. Chen. Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide at TiO2/Au Nanocomposites. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 (2022) 51889–51899.
- J.S. Dondapati, G. Maduraiveeran, A. Chen. Direct growth of three-dimensional nanoflower-like structures from flat metal surfaces. Chem. Commun. 58 (2022) 11127-11130
- M. Amiri, J. Dondapati, J. Quintal, A. Chen. Sodium Hexa-Titanate Nanowires Modified with Cobalt Hydroxide Quantum Dots as an Efficient and Cost-Effective Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline Media. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 (2022) 400021-40030
- R.E. Johnson, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen, I.J. Bell, T. J. Van Raay, M. S. Al-Abdul-Wahid, R.A. Manderville. Unraveling the Chemosensing Mechanism by the 7-(Diethylamino)coumarin-hemicyanine Hybrid: A Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for Hydrogen Peroxide, Anal. Chem. 94 (2022) 11047-11054 (Research Highlights in Nature Chemical Biology, Volume 18, 1037, October 2022)
- M. Al-Jeda, E.M. Morcillo, A. Chen. Micro-sized pH Sensors Based on Scanning Electrochemical Probe Microscopy. Micromachines 13 (2022) 2143 (1-23) (Special issue; Invited).
- J. van der Zalm, J. Quintal, S.A. Hira, S. Chen, A. Chen. Recent Trends in Electrochemical Catalyst Design for Hydrogen Evolution, Oxygen Evolution, and Overall Water Splitting. Electrochim. Acta (2022) in press (Special issue; Invited)
- M. Salverda, A.R. Thiruppathi, F. Pakravan, P.C. Wood, A. Chen. Electrochemical exfoliation of graphite to graphene-based nanomaterials. Molecules 27 (2022) 8643 (1-12). (Special issue; Invited)
- L. Zeng, A.R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen. Tailoring Trimetallic CoNiFe Oxide Nanostructured Catalysts for the Efficient Electrochemical Conversion of Methane to Methanol. J. Mater. Chem. A 10 (2022) 15012 – 15025 (Featured by the University of Guelph News Release)
- J.W. Salamun, A. Chen, M.G. Corradini, I.J. Joye. Probing prolamin-anthocyanin interactions for the rational design of plant-based encapsulation systems. Front. Food. Sci. Technol. 2 (2022) 889360
- V.S. Manikandan, E. Boateng, S. Durairaj, A. Chen. Electrochemical Sensing of Vanillin Based on Fluorine-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Decorated with Gold Nanoparticles. Foods 11 (2022) 1448 (Special Issue; Invited)
- B. Tavana, A. Chen. Determination of Drugs in Clinical Trials: Current Status and Outlook. Sensors 22 (2022) 1592 (Special Issue; Invited).
- S. Abner, A. Chen. Design and Mechanistic Study of Advanced Cobalt-Based Nanostructured Catalysts for Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction. Appl. Catal. B: Environmental 301 (2022) 120761 (1-12). (Featured by the University of Guelph News Release)
- J. Wang, S. Fan, X. Li, P. Wang, Z. Niu, J. Yang, Y. Tao, A. Chen. Tailoring the Mn–O Covalency and Surface Oxygen Defects of Ferrite Nanostructures for Peroxymonosulfate Activation and Norfloxacin Degradation. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 5 (2022) 8921-8929.
- L. Zeng, A.R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, X. Li, A. Chen. Biomass-derived amorphous carbon with localized active graphite defects for effective electrocatalytic N2 reduction. Appl. Surface Sci. 575 (2022) 151630 (1-9).
- N. Momenbeitollahi, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen, H. Li. Methods for Enhanced Fluorescence Detection of Proteins by using Entrapped Gold Nanoparticles in Membranes. Current Protocols 2 (2022) e404
- A.R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, L. Zeng, M. Salverda, P.C. Wood , A. Chen. Effective Microwave-Hydrothermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide for Efficient Energy Storage. J. Energy Storage 48 (2022)103962.
- T. Shi, D. Sridhar, L. Zeng, A. Chen. Recent Advances in Catalyst Design for the Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Conversionof Methane to Value-Added Products. Electrochem. Commun. 135 (2022) 107220. (Special issue; Invited)
- L. Earnden, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen, A.G. Marangoni, R. van Lier, E. Pensini. Comparative study of corrosion inhibition by three anionic surfactants in an acidic chloride environment. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents 25 (2022) 399-4111
- N. Momenbeitollahi, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen, H. Li. Entrapping gold nanoparticles in membranes for simple-to-use enhanced fluorescence detection of proteins. Anal. Chimica Acta 1195 (2022) 339443
- E. Boateng, S S Thind, S Chen, A Chen. Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies of WO3- Based Nanomaterials for Environmental, Energy and Gas Sensing Applications. Electrochemical Science Advances (2021) e2100146 (1-21). (Special Issue; Invited)
- L Qian, R Elmahdy, A R Thiruppathi, A Chen. An Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Sensor for the Detection of Acetaminophen via a Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Nanoporous Gold Wire Electrode. Analyst 146 (2021) 4525-4534.
- B Mao, L Qian, M Govindhan, Z Liu, A Chen. Simultaneouselectrochemical detection of guanine and adenine using reduced graphene oxide decorated with AuPt nanoclusters. Microchimica Acta 188 (2021) 276 (1-10).
- E. Boateng, J van der Zalm, A Chen. Design and Electrochemical Study of Three-Dimensional Expanded Graphite and Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites Decorated with Pd Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Storage. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125(42) (2021) 22970-22981.
- V S Manikandan, S Durairaj, E Boateng, B Sidhuredd, A Chen. Electrochemical Detection of Nitrite Based on Co3O4-Au Nanocomposites for Food Quality Control. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168(10) (2021) 107505 (1-7).
- M Qin, S Fan, X Li, Z Yin, L Wang, A Chen. Double Active Sites in Co–Nx–C@Co Electrocatalysts for Simultaneous Production of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 13(32) (2021) 38256-38265.
- J Cirone, JS Dondapati, A Chen. Design of Bimetallic Nickel-Iron Quantum Dots with Tunable Compositions for Enhanced Electrochemical Water Splitting (Special Issue; Invited). Electrochimica Acta 392 (2021) 139016 (1-9). (Special Issue; Invited)
- D Siltamaki, S Chen, F Pakravan, J Lipkowski, A Chen. Synthesis and electrochemical study of CuAu nanodentrites for CO2 reduction. Journal of Electrochemistry 27 (2021) 278-290. (Special Issue; Invited)
- L Qian, AR Thiruppathi, J van der Zalm, A Chen. Graphene Oxide-Based Nanomaterials for the Electrochemical Sensing of Isoniazid. ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (2021) 3696-3706.
- JS Dondapati, AR Thiruppathi, A Salverda, A Chen. Comparison of Pt and IrO2-Ta2O5/Ti as a counter electrode in acidic media. Electrochem. Commun. 124 (2021) 106946
- Z Liu, MN Hossain, J Wen, A Chen. Copper decorated nanoporous gold by galvanic displacement as an efficient electrocatalyst for the electrochemical reduction of CO2. Nanoscale 13 (2021) 1155-1163
- G Maduraiveeran, A Chen, Design of an enzyme-mimicking NiO@Au nanocomposite for the sensitive electrochemical detection of lactic acid in human serum and urine. Electrochimica Acta 368 (2021) 137612
- L Qian, S Durairaj, S Prins, A. Chen. Nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensors and biosensors for the detection of pharmaceutical compounds. Biosen. Bioelectron. 175 (2021) 112836 (1-22) (Invited)
- A Chen, B Sidhureddy, AR Thiruppathi. Interconnected reduced graphene oxide. US Patent 10,947,121
- S Durairaj, B Sidhureddy, A Chen. Sensitive electrochemical analysis of hydroxyproline in achilles tendon collagen and human urine. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (2020) 167511
- SR Ahmed, A Chen. In situ enzymatic generation of gold nanoparticles for nanozymatic label-free detection of acid phosphatase. ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (2020) 9462-9469.
- J van der Zalm, S Chen, W Huang, A Chen. Recent advances in the development of nanoporous Au for sensing applications. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (3) (2020) 037532 (Invited)
- E Boateng, JS Dondapati, AR Thiruppathi, A Chen. Significant enhancement of the electrochemical hydrogen uptake of reduced graphene oxide via boron-doping and decoration with Pd nanoparticles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (2020) 28951-28963
- T Ayabe, A Chen, T Sagara. Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical probing of the ionic channel in Nafion films using the redox of perfluoroalkyl viologen. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 873 (2020) 114442
- L Zeng, X Li, S Fan, Z Yin, J Mu, M Qin, A Chen. Solar-driven bio-electro-chemical system for synergistic hydrogen evolution and pollutant elimination simultaneously over defect-rich CoN-MoS2/biomass nanosheets. Journal of Power Sources 478 (2020) 228755 (11 pages)
- L Qian, AR Thiruppathi, R Elmahdy, J van der Zalm, A Chen. Graphene oxide based electrochemical sensors for the sensitive detection of pharmaceutical drug naproxen. Sensors 20 (5) (2020) 1252 (Invited)
- AR Thiruppathi, B Sidhureddy, E Boateng, DV Soldatov, A Chen. Synthesis and electrochemical study of three-dimensional graphene-based nanomaterials for energy applications. Nanomaterials 10 (7) (2020) 1295 (Invited)
- L Zeng, X Li, S Chen, J Wen, F Rahmati, J van der Zalm, A Chen. Highly boosted gas diffusion for enhanced electrocatalytic reduction of N2 to NH3 on 3D hollow Co–MoS2 nanostructures. Nanoscale 12 (10) (2020) 6029-6036
- B Mao, B Sidhureddy, AR Thiruppathi, PC Wood, A Chen. Efficient dye removal and separation based on graphene oxide nanomaterials. New Journal of Chemistry 44 (11) (2020) 4519-4528
- A Salverda, JS Dondapati, AR THiruppathi, A Chen. Effect of reduced graphene oxide on the Ta2O5-IrO2 electrocatalyst for water splitting. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (2020) 146506
- L Zeng, X Li, S Chen, J Wen, W Huang, A Chen. Unique hollow Ni–Fe@ MoS2 nanocubes with boosted electrocatalytic activity for N2 reduction to NH3. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (15) (2020) 7339-7349
- JS Dondapati, A Chen. Quantitative structure–property relationship of the photoelectrochemical oxidation of phenolic pollutants at modified nanoporous titanium oxide using supervised machine learning. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (16) (2020) 8878-8888
- AR Thiruppathi, B Sidhureddy, M Salverda, PC Wood, A Chen. Novel three-dimensional N-doped interconnected reduced graphene oxide with superb capacitance for energy storage. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 875 (2020) 113911
- X Chang, J van der Zalm, SS Thind, A Chen. Electrochemical oxidation of lignin at electrochemically reduced TiO2 nanotubes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 863 (2020) 114049 (Invited)
- S Chen, S Prins, A Chen. Patterning of BiVO4 surfaces and monitoring of localized catalytic activity using scanning photoelectrochemical microscopy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (15) (2020) 18065-18073. (Featured by the CEPS News Release)
- E Boateng, A Chen. Recent advances in nanomaterial-based solid-state hydrogen storage. Materials Today Advances 6 (2020) 100022 (Invited; one of the most cited articles published in this journal since 2018)
- A Chen, AR Thiruppathi,B Sidhureddy.Synthesis of fluorinated graphene oxide for electrochemical applications. US Patent#10,556,798; CA Patent#2,991,734.
- M.N. Hossain, S. Chen, A. Chen. Thermal-assisted synthesis of unique Cu nanodendrites for the efficient electrochemical reduction of CO2. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 259 (2019) 118096
- S. Chen, A. Chen. Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide on Au Nanoparticles: An In-Situ FTIR Study. J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 23898-23906
- L. Zeng, X. Li, Q. Zhao, S. Fan, M. Zhang, Z. Yin, A. Chen. Boosting interfacial charge transfer and electricity generation for levofloxacin elimination in a self-driven bio-driven photoelectrocatalytic system. Nanoscale 11 (2019) 22042-22053
- Z. Liu, V.S. Manikandan, A. Chen. Recent advances in nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensing of nitric oxide and nitrite for biomedical and food research. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 16 (2019) 127-133
- G Gan, X. Li, L. Wang, S. Fan, J. Li, F. Liang, A. Chen. Identification of Catalytic Active Sites in Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Electrocatalytic Dechlorination of 1,2-Dichloroethane. ACS Catalysis 9 (2019) 10931-10939
- L. Zeng, S. Chen, J. van der Zalm, X. Li, A. Chen. Sulfur vacancy-rich N-doped MoS2 nanoflowers for highly boosting electrocatalytic N2 fixation to NH3 under ambient conditions. Chem. Commun. 55 (2019) 7386-7389.
- B Sidhureddy, S Prins, J Wen, AR Thiruppathi, M Govindhan, A Chen. Synthesis and Electrochemical Study of Mesoporous Nickel-Cobalt Oxides for Efficient Oxygen Reduction. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019) 18295-18304.
- SR Ahmed, J Cirone, A Chen. Fluorescent Fe3O4 Quantum Dots for H2O2 Detection. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2 (2019) 2076-2085.
- J Cirone, SR Ahmed, PC Wood, A Chen. Green Synthesis and Electrochemical Study of Cobalt/Graphene Quantum Dots for Efficient Water Splitting. J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 9183-9191.
- V.S. Manikandan, B. Sidhureddy, A.R. Thiruppathi, A. Chen. Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Caffeic Acid in Wine Based on Fluorine-Doped Graphene Oxide. Sensors 19 (2019) 1604 (Special Issue of the State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Canada; Invited)
- B. Sidhureddy, J. Dondapati, A. Chen. Shape-controlled synthesis of Co3O4 for enhanced electrocatalysis of the oxygen evolution reaction. Chem. Commun. 55 (2019) 3626-3629.
- S. Fan, X. Li, M. Qin, J. Mu, L. Wang, G. Gan, X. Wang, A. Chen. Rational design of peroxymonosulfate activation & photo-induced catalysis tandem systems towards artificial conversion of solar light to chemical energy. ACS Omega 4 (2019) 4113-4128.
- TS Qureshi, DK Panesar, B Sidhureddy, A Chen, PC Wood. Nano-cement composite with graphene oxide produced from epigenetic graphite deposit. Composites Part B: Engineering159 (2019) 248-258
- Z Liu, E Puumala, A Chen. Sensitive electrochemical detection of Hg (II) via a FeOOH modified nanoporous gold microelectrode. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 287 (2019) 517-525.
- M. Govindhan, B. Sidhureddy, A. Chen. High Temperature Hydrogen Gas Sensor Based on Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Nanostructured Nickel-Cobalt Oxide. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 1 (2018) 6005-6014.
- VS Manikandan, BR Adhikari, A Chen. Nanomaterials based electrochemical sensors for the safety and quality control of foods and beverages. Analyst 143 (2018) 4537-4554
- S Fan, X Li, L Zeng, M Zhang, Z Yin, T Lian, A Chen. Relationships Between Crystal, Internal Microstructures and Physicochemical Properties of Copper-Zinc-Iron Multinary Spinel Hierarchical Nano-Microspheres. ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (2018) 35919-35931
- BR Adhikari, SS Thind, S Chen, H Schraft, A Chen. Efficient bacterial disinfection based on an integrated nanoporous titanium dioxide and ruthenium oxide bifunctional approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials 356 (2018) 73-81.
- S Durairaj, B Sidhureddy, J Cirone, A Chen. Nanomaterials-Based Electrochemical Sensors for In Vitro and In Vivo Analyses of Neurotransmitters. Appl. Sci. 8 (2018) 1504.
- M Tian, SS Thind, JS Dondapati, X Li, A Chen. Electrochemical oxidation of 4-chlorophenol for wastewater treatment using highly active UV treated TiO2 nanotubes. Chemosphere 209 (2018) 182-190.
- MN Hossain, Z Liu, J Wen, A Chen. Enhanced catalytic activity of nanoporous Au for the efficient electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 236 (2018) 483-489.
- X Wang, W Xiong, X Li, Q Zhao, S Fan, M Zhang, J Mu, A Chen. Fabrication of MoS2@g-C3N4 core-shell nanospheres for visible light photocatalytic degradation of toluene. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 20 (2018) 243
- M. N. Hossain, S. Chen, A. Chen. Fabrication and electrochemical study of ruthenium-ruthenium oxide/activated carbon nanocomposites for enhanced energy storage, J. Alloys Compd. 751 (2018) 138-147.
- M. Amiri, C. Boissy, C. Gottardo, A. Chen. Effect of room temperature ionic liquids on the electrochemical dissolution and deposition of nickel in the Watts solution J. Appl. Electrochem. 48 (8) (2018) 901-910.
- S. Chen, A. Chen. Formic Acid Oxidation on Bimetallic Nanostructured Electrode Surfaces. In: Wandelt, K., (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, 2018, vol. 5, pp 607–619.
- VS Manikandan, Z Liu, A Chen, Simultaneous detection of hydrazine, sulfite, and nitrite based on a nanoporous gold microelectrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 819 (2018) 524-532. (Special Issue in memory of Professor Roger Parsons)
- S. Chen, M.N. Hossain, A. Chen. Significant enhancement of the photoelectrochemical activity of CuWO4 by using a cobalt phosphate nanoscale thin film. ChemElectroChem 5 (3) (2018) 523-530.
- M. Amiri, S.K. Konda, W. Keeler, A. Chen. Superb pseudocapacitance based on three-dimensional porous nickel oxide modified with iridium oxide. J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017) 27274-27284.
- S.S. Thind, C.C. Mustapic, J. Wen, C.D. Goodwin, A. Chen. Facile synthesis of mesoporous carbon nitride and titanium dioxide nanocomposites with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity. New J. Chem. 41 (2017) 10542-10549. (Featured as the Journal Front Cover)
- Y Umasankar, BR Adhikari, A Chen. Effective immobilization of alcohol dehydrogenase on carbon nanoscaffolds for ethanol biofuel cell. Bioelectrochemistry 118 (2017) 83 - 90.
- Z Liu, A Nemec-Bakk, N Khaper, A Chen. Sensitive electrochemical detection of nitric oxide release from cardiac and cancer cells via a hierarchical nanoporous gold microelectrode. Analytical Chemistry 89 (2017) 8306 - 8043.
- MN Hossain, J Wen, SK Konda, M Govindhan, A Chen. Electrochemical and FTIR spectroscopic study of CO2 reduction at a nanostructured Cu/reduced graphene oxide thin film. Electrochemistry Communications 82 (2017) 16-20.
- B Sidhureddy, AR Thiruppathi, A Chen. From graphite to interconnected reduced graphene oxide: One-pot synthesis and supercapacitor application. Chemical Communications 53 (2017) 7828 - 7831.
- MN Hossain, J Wen, A Chen. Unique copper and reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite toward the efficient electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 3184.
- BR Adhikari, H Schraft, A Chen. High-performance enzyme entrapment platform facilitated by a cationic polymer for the efficient electrochemical sensing of ethanol. Analyst 142 (2017) 2595 - 2602.
- B Sidhureddy, AR Thiruppathi, A Chen. Au nanoparticle incorporated Co (OH) 2 hybrid thin film with high electrocatalytic activity and stability for overall water splitting. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 794 (2017) 28-35.
- M Amiri, SK Konda, A Chen. Facile synthesis of a carbon nitride/reduced graphene oxide/nickel hydroxide nanocomposite for oxygen reduction in alkaline media. ChemElectroChem 4 (2017) 997-1001.
- SK Konda, M Amiri, A Chen. Significant enhancement of electrosorption of hydrogen into palladium via a facile annealing process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 12375-12383.
- AR Thiruppathi, B Sidhureddy, W Keeler, A Chen. Facile one-pot synthesis of fluorinated graphene oxide for electrochemical sensing of heavy metal ions. Electrochemistry Communications 76 (2017) 42-46. (One of the most downloaded Electrochemistry Communications articles from April to June 2017)
- M Govindhan, B Mao, A Chen. Comparative studies of Fe, Ni, Co and their bimentallic nanoparticles for electrochemical water oxidation. Journal of Electrochemistry. 23 (2017) 159-169. (Special Issue in honour of Professor Zhao-Wu Tian)
- SS Thind, A Chen. Direct Growth of One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Nanostructured Materials at Electrode Surfaces. In “Nanopatterned and Nanoparticle-Modified Electrodes”, R.C. Alkire, P.N. Bartlett, J. Lipkowski (Eds.). Wiley-VCH, 2017, Chapter 3, pp 97-143.
- M. Govindhan, Z. Liu, A. Chen. Design and electrochemical study of platinum-based nanomaterials for sensitive detection of nitric oxide in biomedical applications. Nanomaterials 6 (2016) 211. (Special Issue; Invited)
- B.-R. Adhikari, M. Govindhan, H. Schraft, A. Chen. Simultaneous and sensitive detection of acetaminophen and valacyclovir based on two dimensional graphene nanosheets. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 780 (2016) 241-248
- M. Govindhan, A. Chen. Enhanced electrochemical sensing of nitric oxide using a nanocomposite consisting of platinum-tungsten nanoparticles, reduced graphene oxide and an ionic liquid. Microchimica Acta 183 (2016) 2879-2887
- F. Zhang, X. Li, Q. Zhao, A. Chen. Facile and controllable modification of 3D In2O3microflowers with In2S3 nanoflakes for efficient photocatalytic degradation of gaseous ortho-dichlorobenzene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016) 19113-19123.
- S.K. Konda, M. Amiri, A. Chen. Photo-assisted deposition of palladium nanoparticles on carbon nitride for efficient oxygen reduction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016) 14467-14473.
- Z.G. Liu, H. Forsyth, N.Khaper, A. Chen. Sensitive electrochemical detection of nitric oxide based on AuPt and reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites. Analyst 141 (2016) 4074-4083.
- B.J. Plowman, B. Sidhureddy, S.V. Sokolov, N.P. Young, A. Chen, R.G. Compton. Electrochemical behavior of Gold-Silver alloy nanoparticles. ChemElectroChem 3 (2016) 1039-1043. (Featured as Inside Back Cover)
- G. Xie, X. Chang, B.R. Adhikari, S. S. Thind, A. Chen. Photoelectrochemical degradation of acetaminophen and valacyclovir using nanoporous titanium dioxide. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 37 (2016) 1062 - 1069. (Special issue; invited)
- Z. Zhang, A. Chen. Simultaneous removal of nitrate and hardness ions using electrodeionization. Separation and Purification Technology 164 (2016) 107 - 113.
- S.S. Thind, X. Chang, J.S. Wentzell, A. Chen. High-performance supercapacitor based on tantalum iridium oxides supported on tungsten oxide nanoplatelets. Electrochemistry Communications 67 (2016) 1 - 5.
- S. Konda, A. Chen. Palladium based nanomaterials for enhanced hydrogen spillover and storage. Materials Today 19 (2016) 100 - 108.
- M. Govindhan, B. Mao, A. Chen. Novel cobalt quantum dot/graphene nanocomposites as highly efficient electrocatalysts for water splitting. Nanoscale 8 (2016) 1485 - 1492
- S. Chen, S.S. Thind, A. Chen. Nanostructured materials for water splitting - state of the art and future needs: A mini-review. Electrochemistry Communications 63 (2016) 10 -17. (One of the most downloaded Electrochemistry Communications articles in 2016)
- Z. Zhang, X. Chang, A. Chen. Determination of chemical oxygen demand based on photoelectrocatalysis of nanoporous TiO2 electrodes. Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical 223 (2016) 664 – 670.
- A. Chen, C.K. Ostrom. Palladium-based nanomaterials: synthesis and electrochemical applications. Chemical Reviews 115 (2015) 11999 – 12044.
- S. Konda, A. Chen. One-step synthesis of Pd and reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for enhanced hydrogen sorption and storage. Electrochemistry Communications 60 (2015) 148-152.
- B.-R. Adhikari, M. Govindhan, A. Chen. Carbon nanomaterials based electrochemical sensors/biosensors for the sensitive detection of pharmaceutical and biological compounds. Sensors 15 (2015) 22490 – 22508. (Feature Article; Invited)
- S. Konda, C.K. Ostrom, A. Chen. Synthesis and Electrochemical Study of Cd@Pd Core/Shell Nanomaterials for Hydrogen Sorption and Storage. Int. J. hydrogen energy. 40 (2015) 16365-16374.
- W. Alammari, M. Govindhan, A. Chen. Modification of TiO2 Nanotubes with PtRu/Graphene Nanocomposites for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction. ChemElectroChem 2 (2015) 2041-20147.
- X. Chang, S.S. Thind, M. Tian, M.M. Hossain, A. Chen. Significant enhancement of the photoelectrochemical activity of nanoporous TiO2 for environmental applications. Electrochimica Acta, 173 (2015) 728-735.
- S. S. Thind, K. Rozic, F. Amano, A. Chen. Fabrication and photoelectrochemical study of WO3-based bifunctional electrodes for environmental applications. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 176 (2015) 464-471.
- M. Govindhan, T. Lafleur, B.-R. Adhikari, A. Chen. Electrochemical sensor based on carbon nanotubes for the simultaneous detection of phenolic pollutants. Electroanalysis, 27 (2015) 902-909 (Special Issue; Invited)
- A. Chen. Foreword: interfacial electrochemistry at atomic, molecular, and nanoscale domains. Electrochimica Acta, 162 (2015) 1-3.
- B.-R. Adhikari, M. Govindhan, A. Chen. Sensitive detection of acetaminophen with graphene-based electrochemical sensor. Electrochimica Acta, 162 (2015) 198-204.
- M.G. Moula, G. Szymanski, B. Shobeir, H. Huang, I.J. Burgess, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski. Electrochemical dissolution behavior and the residue formation mechanism of laboratory made carbony nickel. Electrochimica Acta, 162 (2015) 108-118.
- M. Govindhan, A. Chen. Simultaneous synthesis of gold nanoparticle/graphene nanocomposite for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Power Sources, 274 (2015) 928-936.
- H. Liu, S.S. Thind, G. Wu, J. Wen, A. Chen. Synthesis and photoelectrochemical studies of N.Zr co-doped mesoporous titanium dioxide. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 736 (2015) 93-100.
- M. Govindhan, M. Amiri, A. Chen. Au Nanoparticle/graphene nanocomposite as a platform for the sensitive detection of NADH in human urine. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 66 (2015) 474-480.
Awards and Distinctions
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC) (2024)
CEPS Excellence in Graduate Supervision Award, University of Guelph (2024)
Ricardo Aroca Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry (2023)
R.C. Jacobsen Award of the Electrochemical Society Canada Section (2020)
Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Electrochemistry and Nanoscience, University of Guelph (2018)
Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada (FCIC) (2017)
W.A.E. McBryde Medal of the Canadian Society for Chemistry (2016)
RBC Innovation Award - Innovative Hero of the Year (2015)
Lakehead University Building Research Capacity Award (2015)
Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (FISE) (2014)
Canadian Catalysis Lectureship Award of the Catalysis Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada (2013)
Lakehead University Distinguished Researcher Award (2012)
Keith Laidler Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry (2012)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK (2011)
NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS) Award (2010)
Lakehead University Innovation Award (2010)
Lash Miller Award of the Electrochemical Society Canada Section (2009)
Fred Beamish Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry (2009)
Canadian National Committee – IUPAC Travel Award (2008)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitation Fellowship (2006)
Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Materials & Environmental Chemistry, Lakehead University (2006; Renewal 2011)
Young Chemist Program Award, the 40th IUPAC Congress (2005)
Ontario Premier’s Research Excellence Award (2003)