MSc Defense: Michael Roher

Date and Time


Online via Microsoft Teams (If you are interested in viewing the defense please contact Xiaodong at


Mixing ICI and CSI Models for More Efficient Probabilistic Inference

Chair: Dr. Xiaodong Lin

Advisor: Dr. Yang Xiang

Committee Member: Dr. Pascal Matsakis

Non-Advisory Member: Dr. Mark Wineberg


Bayesian Networks (BNs) concisely represent probabilistic knowledge of uncertain environments by exploiting conditional independencies between variables. BNs model variable dependencies with a directed acyclic graph structure and quantify the strength of the dependencies with a conditional probability table (CPT) for each variable. However, a CPT is still exponential on the number of parents that a variable has in the graph.

To address the exponential growth, various local models have been introduced for representational savings and further inference efficiency. Some exploit context-specific independence (CSI), which concisely encode duplicated probabilities. Others exploit independence of causal influence (ICI), which encode causal relationships between variables. Existing techniques apply only ICI or only CSI in a BN. Hence, methods exploiting one model sacrifice savings yielded by the other.

We develop an exact inference framework for BNs modelled with both: We apply non-impeding noisy-AND trees for ICI, and CPT-trees for CSI. The experimental evaluation demonstrates a significant inference efficiency gain beyond what is attainable by exploiting only one type of model.

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