Our People

Assistant Professor

Email: jakinyem@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 2220

Associate Professor

Phone: x54979

Email: lantonie@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 3325

Neil Bruce Profile Shot

Associate Professor, Associate Director Undergraduate Studies

Email: brucen@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 2222

Associate Professor

Phone: x53986

Email: chaturvr@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 2211

Rozita Dara Profile Image

Associate Professor, Assistant Director

Phone: x58762

Email: drozita@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 3311

Professor, Canada Research Chair in Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence (Tier 2), and MCTI Director

Email: adehghan@uoguelph.ca

Office: Suite 120, 150 Research Lane, Guelph, ON, N1G 4T2

David Flala

Associate Professor

Phone: x53872

Email: dflatla@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 2205

Dr. Daniel Gillis - a middle aged white man with dark rimmed glasses. He is lit from the right side, creating strong contrast with the dark background.


Email: dgillis@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 3323

Photo of Minglun Gong

Professor, Director

Phone: x54019

Email: minglun@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 1117

Photo of Gary Grewal

Associate Professor

Phone: x52630

Email: ggrewal@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 2208