MSc Seminar: "Linking Historical Censuses to generate Longitudinal data using discrete methods" by Pavneet Kaur

Date and Time


J.D. MacLachlan Room 228


In Data Mining, Record Linkage is the process of identifying the same entities in one or more data sources in the absence of unique identifiers. Social Scientists and Historians have employed various linkage techniques to construct the longitudinal data by linking two or more historical censuses. Longitudinal data can provide us with valuable information about characteristics of population change over time. However, construction of such longitudinal data is challenged by the unavailability of personal identifiers.

In here, we will link census dataset 1871 and 1881 using different methods and conditions. The performance of all these different methods would be compared to investigate the upper bound achieved in linkage rate and the conditions which provided us with that rate would be inspected. The aim is to evaluate various methods and to analyze their impact on linkage rate of these two historical censuses.

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