Seminar: Dr. Hye-Chung Kum

Date and Time




Join us May 10, 2017 at 1:00 pm for a special guest lecture by Dr. Hye-Chung Kum, Assocaite Professor, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University.

Dr. Hye-Chung Kim holds joint appointments in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Industrial Systems & Engineering. She received her Ph.D. (2004) in Computer Science and MSW (Masters of Social Work, 1998) in Policy and Management from University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill. She is the founder of the Population Informatics Research Group which applies informatics, data science, and computational methods to the increasingly large digital traces available about people to advance public health, social science, and population research by bringing together domain experts and computer science students. Her vision paper on population informatics and social genome was published in the IEEE Computer Special Outlook issue in January 2014. 

Title: Social Genome: Putting Big Data to Work for Population Informatics


Population Informatics is the burgeoning field at the intersection of social sciences, health sciences, computer science, and statistics that applies quantitative methods and computational tools to answer questions about human populations. It relies on using distributed, federated, person-level datasets, our social genome, in near real time to transform social, behavioural, economic, and health sciences. However, issues around privacy, confidentiality, access, and data integration have slowed progress in this area. The social genome represents a core set of data that information scientists can use to explore connections, build theories, and propel breakthroughs in managing a society. When technology is properly used to manage both privacy concerns and uncertainty, big data technology will help move the growing field of population informatics forward. This will enable big data to be used for social good in areas like population health, just as it has been used for intelligence and marketing. We will touch on topics of knowledge base platform required for the social genome data infrastructure, secure data access, privacy preserving data integration, and privacy-preserving data analysis. 

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