Past Events

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Steven French MSc Defence

MSc Thesis Title: Temporal Fusion Transformers: A Novel Approach to Streamflow Prediction

Sonal Allana PhD Seminar 1

Seminar Title: Privacy Risks and Preservation Methods in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

Abbas Yazdinejad PhD Defence

PhD Thesis Title: Secure and Private ML-Based Cybersecurity Framework for Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)

Haleema Sheraz MSc Seminar

Seminar Title: Towards Stable Preferences for Stakeholder-Aligned Machine Learning

Jeremy Foxcroft Qualifying Exam

QE Research Proposal Title: Reconstructing Canadian Identities: Techniques and Strategies for Historical Record Linkage

CEPS Grad Preview Day

Interested in graduate school? The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS) invites undergraduate students and graduate students from campus and outside of the University of Guelph to participate in our CEPS Grad Preview Day. This event is a chance for students to explore our graduate programs through information booths in the SSC atrium and program sessions in SSC 1305. Light refreshments will be provided.

Wenjing Zhang PhD Defence

PhD Thesis Title: Machine Learning Approaches to Spatial-Temporal Density Release with Information-Theoretic Privacy

Events Archive